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Re: Angela is ready to spend the night with you

PostPosted: Sat, 07Jan20 06:15
by grandgalop36
super game lache pas les 3 fin sont tres bonne continue ton travail tes jeux sont tout simplement écoeurant !!!!! j ai hate au prochain

Re: Angela is ready to spend the night with you

PostPosted: Sun, 07Jan21 01:52
by shark
merci man...

Re: Angela is ready to spend the night with you

PostPosted: Thu, 07Feb22 18:12
by sexygal69

lol all u blokes are RUBBISH [img]smile/!icon_wink.gif[/img]

If u need help, tlk 2 me....I'll help ya alrite!! And u shark lol lol xxx [img]smile/!icon_wink.gif[/img]

Re: Angela is ready to spend the night with you

PostPosted: Thu, 07Apr26 17:47
by funnygameplayer
No matter how high i get her pleaser meter up(max 50% on thighs) i still can't get her to take her bra off even with the feather (right arm, left arm, and stomich) :ouin:

shark wrote : .
08-15-2006, FUNNY said:
“Could you make a game similar to In bed with Alison (with the same lenght/difficulty) but instead in an office... just a suggestion..”.

I thought: it is a difficult work, but why not... if some people agree to help me…

Today, the game is finished, and during 2 months and half, you were with me, to help me, to find ideas or drawings which I missed…and especially, to give me courage to continue…

Then, this game is your ... and I wish him a long life and much of success..

The first diffusion of a game, it’s like for a movie: it’s an event to which we come with an invitation, like v.i.p. It's why this thread is reserved for friends which were with me from the beginning to the end…

Play the game, even if you know all the parts. Test it, and soon, I will put it on the website to offer it at all guys which appreciate (because it's the objective, isn't it?)

Gentlemen, I introduce you Angela in "a late night at the office":
