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Re: Angela is ready to spend the night with you

PostPosted: Fri, 06Oct27 01:46
by shark
08-15-2006, FUNNY said:
“Could you make a game similar to In bed with Alison (with the same lenght/difficulty) but instead in an office... just a suggestion..”.

I thought: it is a difficult work, but why not... if some people agree to help me…

Today, the game is finished, and during 2 months and half, you were with me, to help me, to find ideas or drawings which I missed…and especially, to give me courage to continue…

Then, this game is your ... and I wish him a long life and much of success..

The first diffusion of a game, it’s like for a movie: it’s an event to which we come with an invitation, like v.i.p. It's why this thread is reserved for friends which were with me from the beginning to the end…

Play the game, even if you know all the parts. Test it, and soon, I will put it on the website to offer it at all guys which appreciate (because it's the objective, isn't it?)

Gentlemen, I introduce you Angela in "a late night at the office":


Re: Angela is ready to spend the night with you

PostPosted: Sun, 06Oct29 11:59
by jf d

j adore le tableau de fin avec angela débraillé la petite culotte et le stg sur le bureau et la plume qui va fauté avec la marguerite NICKEL DU GRAND ART .

Comme tu nous demandes nos avis voilà le mien je trouve que les textes au début passent trop vite et après il n y a pas assez de contraste entre le fond et les inscrïptions , mais cela vient peut être du réglage de mon écran .


Re: Angela is ready to spend the night with you

PostPosted: Sun, 06Oct29 12:02
by shark
merci pour tes premiers commentaires. Ils sont justes et je vais rectifier....

Re: Angela is ready to spend the night with you

PostPosted: Sun, 06Oct29 12:16
by jf d
re salut

j ai remarqué qu Angela ne gémit pas au début quand on lui caresse les ciusses alors que la gauge monte ??

see you later

Re: Angela is ready to spend the night with you

PostPosted: Sun, 06Oct29 13:06
by shark
c'est un choix pour donner une différence d'intensité entre les caresses (je pense qu'une caresse sur les seins fait plus d'effet qu'une caresse sur les cuisses)

Re: Angela is ready to spend the night with you

PostPosted: Sun, 06Oct29 13:11
by shark
jf d wrote :il n y a pas assez de contraste entre le fond et les inscrïptions
(There n is not enough contrast between the bottom and the inscrïptions)

Here a version with black texts . Give your preference.

Re: Angela is ready to spend the night with you

PostPosted: Sun, 06Oct29 15:05
by jf d



Re: Angela is ready to spend the night with you

PostPosted: Sun, 06Oct29 20:23
by rich13
I just fininished playing the compleated game with all the endings.. I have to say you did another Great job here.. Keep up the great work and Thank you..

Re: Angela is ready to spend the night with you

PostPosted: Sun, 06Oct29 22:40
by kiptser
Thank you for putting this complete game on this site so everyone can enjoy playing the whole game instead of playing it in parts.

Re: Angela is ready to spend the night with you

PostPosted: Mon, 06Oct30 02:35
by dag
Wow. You did a great job again. Thanks to you and all the other guys who were involved in the realization of this game.

Re: Angela is ready to spend the night with you

PostPosted: Mon, 06Oct30 03:36
by Dave Angel
Hi all, Cant seem to remove skirt after doing all i was supposed to? anyone else with this prob.
Have bra off, done the feather (very clever) 1/2 way to orgasm etc, cant get skirt off!.

Great game sharky le artiste.

Re: Angela is ready to spend the night with you

PostPosted: Mon, 06Oct30 10:56
by Jean
Dave Angel,
try breast and nipples (with your finger) ;)
Shark, i'm sorry but, personnaly, i still think that the part with the feather is pretty hard because if you miss the first time, it's impossible (to me !) to succeed to take the bra off after. But if i'm alone in that case, i bow down :jap:
Stiil, it's really a great. Bravos to you and all the dudes that help you !

Re: Angela is ready to spend the night with you

PostPosted: Mon, 06Oct30 21:13
by rich13
Jean... with the feather wait till the meter is about 1/2 war then grab the feather you only have to rub her right arm a few seconds then ckick and that side will be done .Than go to the other side a few more sec, and click again that that will move.,Then just rub her tummy abd you will know when you are at the right spot because she laughs.. after a few sec there click again and away goes the bra... Hope that halps you and works for you..

Re: Angela is ready to spend the night with you

PostPosted: Mon, 06Oct30 21:26
by Ironside
.. You guyz did it.. another great game.. :)

Re: Angela is ready to spend the night with you

PostPosted: Mon, 06Oct30 21:30
by Malachai
Very nicely done! I think the only thing I would like to see in future releases with multiple endings is the chance to go and do a different ending after doing one of them instead of starting over again to see another ending. Just my opinion though, you are doing a great job! Keep it up!!
