Rubbing Allison

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Re: Rubbing Allison

Postby PornRat » Tue, 08Dec09 10:07

For me it is completely impossible to finish these games.

I think I have tried all manner of methods now (Rubbing one breast, shifting between breasts, rubbing slow, rubbing fast) but no matter what, I cannot make that bitchin' right bar rise fast enough compared to the left. It ALWAYS stalls, when it's almost at the top.

First of all, I think it sucks, that it isn't just pretty easy, once you do the right thing, since I doubt most of us are really playing this game for the challenge of it, secondly are there any cheats or something, so that those of us without the milimeter/microsecond correct right touch can see the end of it too?
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Re: Rubbing Allison

Postby Arnulf » Tue, 08Dec09 11:27

PornRat, first: Welcome here in the forum. Second: What Alison are you up to rubbing? Shark gave us two Alison-games. ("Sweet Alison" and "In Bed With Alison"). To ask like you did is the reason, why nobody finds the right topic for his problems. Your Title doesn't show the game.

If you would be so kind and take a more closer look in the messages here in the forum, you easily can see, that your problem was not only boring you alone. The Alison games are older games and there is no chance to do something on the programming side.

The right methood to overcome the well-known difficulties is only to get the right feeling for the needed intensity of rubbing (Timing and speed.) I assume, that also is influenced by the technical parameters of your machine (mainly the speed-prameters of your graphic card).

But as a little tip: You can it make more easy in the Sweet Alison game, when you overjump the first orgasm. According to the help-textes you can bring her to orgasm after the first undessing round (Alison in underwear). If you rise her arousal too high there, she would overtake rubbing her crotch and you'll get the problem to cannot caress her breasts as successful as required. But there is a little unfair way out: rise her arousal at this point not too high, instead continue to undress her. Then you'll reach the point for the second orgasm, which is a little easier to manage.
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Re: Rubbing Allison

Postby wendyfan » Tue, 08Dec09 23:14

There are answers to alison problems in the forum site near the bottom of one of the pages giving you all that is required.
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