by Orijheo » Mon, 24Apr29 07:52
So, I played the Bonus of "CODE CHRISTINA" and unfortunately, I have to say that I didn't like it. I know that you put in a lot of effort and it is amazing that you have been creating games for over a decade by now but this one didn't hit the mark in my opinion. For me, it boils down to there being too much story development and not enough sex/sex scenes and to be honest: I personally don't care too much about the plot. I just didn't see too much uncontrollable lust, power dynamics (except in the very beginning) or just characters having a lot of fun during sex - and it is these things for me that make or break your games.
I know that this sounds harsh but don't worry: I still really enjoy your creations and this is just me trying to give you constructive criticism. I just hope that you focus more on "traditional stuff" (not necessarily a sequel to any particular game, just plots that are somewhat relatable or fullfill the fantasy of the players) and don't try to be too experimental because these things usually don't work out too well. But hey, you are the creator of these games and you decide what the next game will be about.