Suggestions for the Privat Box

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Re: Suggestions for the Privat Box

Postby Bonhomie » Thu, 12Mar22 18:41

I had seen that spitzertyp but it is not quite as well worded, - or maybe promotional would be a better description - as it could be.

You have the current new game - there are also 5 bonus scenes, the 'gameplay' is not very much, there are a lot of motion scenes but they are good, and there is the Flowers of the NIght game too - so it is a reasonable bargain.

10e is not much - how much do you spend when you go the cinema for a couple of hours entertainment [img]images/icones/icon4.gif[/img]
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Re: Suggestions for the Privat Box

Postby spitzertyp » Thu, 12Mar22 19:01

Your question was:

Bonhomie wrote:Ok I have subscribed - next question - does the subscription automatically renew each month, or do I have to reregister again?

i answered it.

So am i wrong that i gave you the answer?
Maybe i am wrong and misunderstood something.
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Re: Suggestions for the Privat Box

Postby Bonhomie » Fri, 12Mar23 10:54

Sorry if I am confusing you.

I had missed the 'no automatic rebill' bit until you pointed it out.

My observation was that I felt the 'description' you linked was underselling the value of the Privbox.

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Re: Suggestions for the Privat Box

Postby Squeeky » Fri, 12Mar23 10:57

Bonhomie wrote:Sorry if I am confusing you.

I had missed the 'no automatic rebill' bit until you pointed it out.

My observation was that I felt the 'description' you linked was underselling the value of the Privbox.


Hmmm! A horse was sent out to Malfort for the need of Martin! :lol: :lol:
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Re: Suggestions for the Privat Box

Postby petuchi13 » Sat, 12Mar24 11:54

I seem to think in the opposite direction of most others here. To me, a month is TOO LONG for the new content available in the priv-box. When a new game comes in and I subscribe to the priv-box, I become like a kid with a new toy. I play the hell out of it for the first 6-12 hours (which is about what it takes me to figure out the hardest games), then I never touch it after I've mastered it. If I get the unyielding urge to play one of Shark's games to ease my frustration of no new games, I tend to play an older free game and that satisfies me. Is $12-15 US worth that? We so often pay more for less reward.

I would say that the payment process could be improved. It is rather tedious to reenter all my information everytime I subscribe. Perhaps rather than an autobill process, we could have a stored data-based process.
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Re: Suggestions for the Privat Box

Postby petuchi13 » Sat, 12Mar24 11:57

(continued from last post) i.e. you go to the priv-box, enter in your username and password, which is linked to your bank information, hit rebill, and you're done!
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Re: Suggestions for the Privat Box

Postby Greebo » Sat, 12Mar24 12:27

I for one would not want even shark to have retained access to my financial details -- an established secure and trustworthy middleman like PayPal, yes, but that sort of level of security is the lowest I would contemplate. It's just unfortunate that the likes of PayPal overreach themselves by seeking to censor the sort of services we want to pay for. Puso has shown that it is possible to get around PayPal's moralising, but it shouldn't be necessary to set up a separate site to ease the ability of people to contribute to anything that isn't illegal.
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Re: Suggestions for the Privat Box

Postby petuchi13 » Sat, 12Mar24 13:07

Yes, now that you mention it, I agree that a mirror site for entering financial data would be the best way to handle it. Finding a good one besides Paypal will be the challenge.
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Re: Suggestions for the Privat Box

Postby seyfi » Sun, 12May20 19:56

Squeeky wrote:
Bonhomie wrote:Sorry if I am confusing you.

I had missed the 'no automatic rebill' bit until you pointed it out.

My observation was that I felt the 'description' you linked was underselling the value of the Privbox.


Hmmm! A horse was sent out to Malfort for the need of Martin! :lol: :lol:

Hi there ! can You help me please

Is the a way to donat for the priv-box with paypal ?
I'm from German and have only a 'Sparkasse'-Card no Visa and no american express

If i wish to donate ,what can i do ?

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Re: Suggestions for the Privat Box

Postby Gaara59 » Fri, 12Dec14 11:53


Je ne sais pas si l'idée a été suggérée dans les posts précédents car ma maîtrise de l'anglais reste rudimentaire mais pourquoi ne pas proposer dans la Priv Box un teasing sur le futur jeu à venir. Sans mettre de date de sortie car je comprends bien les raisons déjà énumérées maintes fois sur le forum mais cela pourrait aller de quelques images du jeu à venir (il me semble que cela avait été fait sur Secret Fantasy Dream 1 mais il suiffirait de les présenter avec un petit texte comme la présentation qui est faite à tous du jeu disponible dans la Priv Box) à, soyons fous, une sorte de démo jouable qui reprendrait le principe des scènes bonus mais qui sortirait donc avant le jeu en tant que tel (à l'inverse de quelque temps après pour les scènes bonus en ce moment)? On pourrait aussi imaginer juste la première scène du jeu, celle qui plante le décor, sans avoir de partie jouable. Cela ne demanderait pas trop (dans le cas des images) de travail supplémentaire et meublerait l'attente fébrile qui anime les fans inscrits à la Priv Box...
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Re: Suggestions for the Privat Box

Postby jfrancois323 » Sat, 12Dec15 04:29

seyfi wrote:
Squeeky wrote:
Bonhomie wrote:Sorry if I am confusing you.

I had missed the 'no automatic rebill' bit until you pointed it out.

My observation was that I felt the 'description' you linked was underselling the value of the Privbox.


Hmmm! A horse was sent out to Malfort for the need of Martin! :lol: :lol:

Hi there ! can You help me please

Is the a way to donat for the priv-box with paypal ?
I'm from German and have only a 'Sparkasse'-Card no Visa and no american express

If i wish to donate ,what can i do ?


Impossible !! Paypal refuse to have something to do with adult content !!
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Re: Suggestions for the Privat Box

Postby Greebo » Sat, 12Dec15 12:40

Puso manages to use PayPal by separating his payment site from his 'naughty' site
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Re: Suggestions for the Privat Box

Postby kessie8yl » Tue, 13Jan01 22:26

No matter how long (or short) the membership period lasts there will always be the capacity for a membership to expire the day before a new game is released, etc.

The other thing is that the contents of Priv Box are not consistent, but the price is. I signed up a while ago and played Rivalries and also Amanda's Therapy. Now Shark has replaced only one of those games but I'd have to pay exactly the same as before if I don't want to wait for it to be released to the free area.

It's even worse with Pusooy as all you get for your second and subsequent subscriptions is access to one more game. In Pusooy's case I feel the cost of renewal should be greatly reduced from the original subscription fee to reflect the significant drop in the amount of "new" material you are getting for your money. If you don't renew for a pre-determined number of new games have been released then it goes back to the original price - but the cost should reflect the amount of new material you're getting.

As far as Shark's site goes, I feel it would be better if Shark simply sold the games but I guess he's concerned that he'd find them popping up on torrent sites, etc. A possible alternative would be to keep a PrivBox concept but have a "pay booth" where you'd sell different "tickets" for each game, a little bit like a mulitplex cinema.

A game could still be released into the free site but not until the pay booth selling those tickets has been closed for one month. Anyone who bought a ticket on the last day would then be guaranteed a minimum of 1 month to play that game "early" and we'd all know exactly what we're paying for. The new game could be released into PrivBox anytime before the pay booth for the old one closes, so there could be a crossover period where buyers have a choice as to which game they want to pay for - or pay for both.

There would be no "membership" - Each ticket would be valid for a specific game and access would last for as long that game remains in PrivBox (with the guarantee that will be at least 28 days).

Maybe during a crossover period anyone buying a ticket for the "older" game could also be given a discount voucher to the new one?

The way I see it, assuming Shark maintains the principle that the previous game goes into the free area when a new one arrives in PrivBox, there would only need to be a maximum of two games "on sale" at any one time (and then only for a few days). The cost could remain about 10 Euros a game and at the rate at which Shark currently produces games this would generally be in line with a 4 month membership period that most people who have expressed an opinion seem to find agreeable.

If game production slows simply because of the complexity and length of the games then I think most people would agree to pay a little extra to reflect the additional work that's gone into production. I'm sure Shark would also continue to drop in teasers for new games or "bonus" games from time to time, as and when stuff becomes available (Amanda's Therapy seems to be an example), so the cost/content ratio isn't all one-sided.

Some people may say that 10 Euros a game sounds a lot - but it's basically what Shark is charging now. It would be my guess memberships rise suddenly with the release of a new game then gradually dwindle away to almost nothing well before another game is due for release - Given it takes 3 or 4 months to produce a new game, hardly anyone is going to be lucky enough to have the new game drop into PrivBox slap in the middle of their one month membership. Right?

Finally. Paypal is totally the way to go. Pusooy isn't the only one using a "clean" site to achieve this now. The downside is that it seems a certain amount of manual intervention is required by the site owner - and this maybe where Shark's having a problem. I'm sure Shark could find enough trusted people who would be willing to help him out - Start by looking for volunteers among the moderators in the Lagoon perhaps? They won't have to handle any money - just respond to emails from Paypal that drop into a shared mailbox, confirming that a payment has been received from X, then set up the user and email X to confirm they can now log in.
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Re: Suggestions for the Privat Box

Postby kessie8dn » Thu, 21Jan14 22:33

Lockdown has brought me back to this subject again..

A quick recap - For example -Why would anyone pay month after month, when "Jealousy" was still the latest game? Also if a new game comes out it's €10 to play that one, but if you leave it a few months (weeks) you can still pay €10 and have 2 new games to play (3 if you time it right), and so on..

So my latest suggestion is to create some kind of "lagoon associate" arrangement where, for a reduced but recurring fee of, perhaps, €2 per month you get deeply discounted access to PrivBox? Better still, after a qualifying period of, say, 6 uninterrupted months paying the €2, associates get PrivBox access for as long as they remain a paid-up associate?

The overall cost to associates for each new game maybe a little higher in the long run but presumably so would Shark's overheads in processing the number of payments. On the plus side, Shark's cashflow would be more evenly spread out and associates will be the first to get their hands on any new stuff.

Of course associiates would be trusting Shark to produce games at the usual intervals. Anyone not willing to do that can continue paying the one-off €10.

At the risk of upsetting some lagooners, the above method would also justify Shark keeping games behind the paywall for a little longer. He'd still be the best value for money by far, compared to the likes of Pusooy, LOP, etc, who never give free access to their full games these days, even though they're less entertaining in my opinion.
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Unable To Subscribe

Postby Kyubi » Mon, 23Nov06 12:16

I cannot sub to the priv box since my cuntry being a block country of ccbill pay. I would like to know if there are other alternatives to sub the priv box. I also want to know if there are other users facing the same issue. [img]images/icones/icon11.gif[/img] :sarcastic: :)
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