by kessie8dn » Thu, 21Jan14 22:33
Lockdown has brought me back to this subject again..
A quick recap - For example -Why would anyone pay month after month, when "Jealousy" was still the latest game? Also if a new game comes out it's €10 to play that one, but if you leave it a few months (weeks) you can still pay €10 and have 2 new games to play (3 if you time it right), and so on..
So my latest suggestion is to create some kind of "lagoon associate" arrangement where, for a reduced but recurring fee of, perhaps, €2 per month you get deeply discounted access to PrivBox? Better still, after a qualifying period of, say, 6 uninterrupted months paying the €2, associates get PrivBox access for as long as they remain a paid-up associate?
The overall cost to associates for each new game maybe a little higher in the long run but presumably so would Shark's overheads in processing the number of payments. On the plus side, Shark's cashflow would be more evenly spread out and associates will be the first to get their hands on any new stuff.
Of course associiates would be trusting Shark to produce games at the usual intervals. Anyone not willing to do that can continue paying the one-off €10.
At the risk of upsetting some lagooners, the above method would also justify Shark keeping games behind the paywall for a little longer. He'd still be the best value for money by far, compared to the likes of Pusooy, LOP, etc, who never give free access to their full games these days, even though they're less entertaining in my opinion.