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Talking technically

PostPosted: Wed, 11Nov02 00:49
by Newdood
Various threads have evolved into fairly technical discussions of software questions. It seems to me that there may be some other technical questions that lagooners might be looking for answers to. There are probably also some lagooners that just have comments on various technical issues but aren't quite sure where to put them.

If there's enough interest and activity on this topic, it might be expanded to a sub-heading, so that different discussions can each have their own topics.

Re: Talking technically

PostPosted: Wed, 11Nov02 23:37
by DiTo
Right Dood,
so I can concentrate on that's what really important here. Yummie!!

Re: Talking technically

PostPosted: Sat, 11Nov05 03:38
by sandman688
This does make things a little bit easier.

Update on my earlier post in the Introduction string.

I found that Linux of any flavor does not have the dl problem with the spyware programs.

I am wondering if a checker on the Download site might be part of the problem. Ah well, hacker prevention can sometimes be a pain.

On another note for all who upgrade to the 64bit systems, I have as of yet been unable to find a work around that will allow you
to play some of Sharks games from the .exe files as they are created. I am kind of a purest in that I love his original files.
I mean the downloaded .exe versions of the games not the swf versions as these are not a problem.

I be werkin' on it :)