What Spell Checker Do You Use? Recommendations?

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Re: What Spell Checker Do You Use? Recommendations?

Postby LRM » Wed, 09Jul08 11:01

Because so many of us rely on Translators spelling becomes very important. What do you use? How many have you tried? Which one is your favorite and if I may ask Why?
I like ieSpell, it's easy for me because I use Internet Explorer a left click gets it done.
http://www.iespell.com/ - The authors site - links to a mirror to download.
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Re: What Spell Checker Do You Use? Recommendations?

Postby co90921 » Wed, 09Jul08 17:04

So far the only "spell-checker" that I use is the hardbound edition of Webster's. I try to write as clearly as I can due to the fact that Web based Translators are not very reliable. The Translator that I currently use is Google Text and Web. [img]images/icones/icon13.gif[/img]
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Re: What Spell Checker Do You Use? Recommendations?

Postby coder » Wed, 09Jul08 17:54

Google's translator is good. They updated it some time ago and it's quite intelligent now. It can recognise names and sentences, as long as they start with a capital and end with a dot.

For spelling I normally use the firefox English dictionary. If I'm not sure I check the free dictionary. For German canoo.net is great.

Since there are so many French people here, can someone advice me a good French dictionary? (French-French ; no translator)
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Re: What Spell Checker Do You Use? Recommendations?

Postby gamebp » Fri, 09Sep25 05:28

For french Antidote Rx is the best imo but it costs 120€
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Re: What Spell Checker Do You Use? Recommendations?

Postby Kellythomas » Tue, 09Dec08 13:01

Many programs do not come with spell check or grammar check. The programs that do come with spell check or grammar check, sometimes fail due to bugs-- their spell checking and grammar checking stop working.

If a program does come with spell check and grammar check, and these two features are working, then often they are not very good spell check and grammar check features. Or they do not support the spell checking language you want to use.

Additionally, not all text-editable areas support spell check and grammar check in these programs, such as subject line of documents, notes sections, descrïption sections. Usually only the main document has spell checking and grammar checking.

For this, we have created Spell Check Anywhere which adds accurate, professional, and superb spell checking and thesaurus and dictionary to all programs, and to all text-editable areas. And we created Grammar Check Anywhere, which adds accurate, professional and superb spell check, grammar check and thesaurus to all programs, and to all text-editable areas.

We offer 7-day free trial downloads of our software for you to try out and test their complete usefulness to you without risking a dime.

Spell Check Anywhere allows you to avoid embarrassing spelling mistakes anywhere you type in Windows. Make a good impression writing without spelling mistakes and typos.
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Re: What Spell Checker Do You Use? Recommendations?

Postby sharkfan » Tue, 09Dec08 22:25

Nice ad. Too bad seven days is a terrible trial period. Even Micro$haft offers 30 day trials on their products. And no matter how good your spell/grammar checker is, it won't catch things like pint instead of print. Best thing is to read what you've written. Or have someone else do it. These mistakes fall under "attenion to detail" which most jobs require you to have.
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Re: What Spell Checker Do You Use? Recommendations?

Postby Greebo » Wed, 10Feb03 02:50

sharkfan wrote : These mistakes fall under "attenion to detail" which most jobs require you to have.

...or even "attention to detail" [img]images/icones/icon10.gif[/img] (Sorry, couldn't resist it!)
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Re: What Spell Checker Do You Use? Recommendations?

Postby Greebo » Wed, 10Feb03 05:04

I normally use OpenOffice.org Writer in conjunction with the standard, soffice and Ubuntu dictionaries that come as standard with OOo Writer and Ubuntu linux.

Spotting this topic made me look at grammar checkers, and I know that AbiWord has an associated grammar checker of reasonable repute, although I haven't been able to get it working under Ubuntu yet. AbiWord could well be of interest to multilingual writers because it has many useful tools including access to online translators like the Google one from within AbiWord itself.

I was also inspired to add the LanguageTool open source language checker, from http://www.languagetool.org/ , to OOo Writer. It seems to provide primitive grammar checking in a variety of languages and actually spotted a common mistake many native English writers make - the replacement of 'lose' with 'loose', so it can pick up words that have a legitimate spelling but are out of context,

Unfortunately it doesn't pick up all common grammatical errors

Both OOoWriter and AbiWord are multiplatform and are available for Linux and Windows
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Re: What Spell Checker Do You Use? Recommendations?

Postby Rikwar » Thu, 10Feb11 03:31

Google's spell checker does a pretty decent job as you can alternate between many languages [img]images/icones/icon10.gif[/img]
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Re: What Spell Checker Do You Use? Recommendations?

Postby David » Thu, 10Feb11 17:10

I can't remember what spell checker I use within Firefox, maybe it's the default.

I do know that in Thunderbird I have an Australian related language add-on installed. (British English in case anyone thought we had a language all to ourselves down here.)

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Re: What Spell Checker Do You Use? Recommendations?

Postby Felix » Fri, 10Feb12 00:27

Firefox has indeed a build-in spellingchecker. I also use the freeware version of WordWeb.
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Re: What Spell Checker Do You Use? Recommendations?

Postby Newdood » Sun, 10Apr04 02:25

If anyone knows of one that can distinguish between they're, there, and their, I may be dragged into the 21st century and start using one. Until then, I'll choose to rely on the one that sister Assumpta installed in my noggin some 35 years ago.
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Re: What Spell Checker Do You Use? Recommendations?

Postby Sexychild68 » Sun, 10Apr04 07:35

Newdood wrote:Until then, I'll choose to rely on the one that sister Assumpta installed in my noggin some 35 years ago.
now that is a spellchecker that you can rely on...[img]smile/!icon_smile.gif[/img]
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Re: What Spell Checker Do You Use? Recommendations?

Postby Mimailia » Mon, 10Apr05 15:00

Newdood wrote : . . . sister Assumpta installed in my noggin some 35 years ago.

(45 years ago) Lest we face the tugging of the ear lobe, the pinch and shake of the fleshy skin under the chin, or the ruler slap to the knuckles. lol

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Re: What Spell Checker Do You Use? Recommendations?

Postby Rastifan » Mon, 10Jun07 22:21

I use this one. It spell checks while you write in forums as well as every were else.

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