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Re: How I got my screenname...

PostPosted: Tue, 08Dec16 22:52
by Voluptus

Mine is coming from th fact that I'm really wedded to life's (sensual) delights. Image

The " us " ending is to give it a little mythological first name touch. Image

Re: How I got my screenname...

PostPosted: Tue, 09Mar10 22:47
by blacksmoke
L'origine de mon pseudo :
La série Lost avec la mystérieuse fumée noire.

Comme tout le monde sur les forum de Lost prenaient des pseudo de persos j'ai décider de prendre celui la :"blacksmoke", et j'ai pu m'inscrire sur pas mal de site et forum sans avoir le droit a un truc du genre jack1225 ou

Ce pseudo est depuis le seul que j'utilise peux importe le type de site (cela va de travian à des forums de dépannage informatique, et j'en passe)

Voila pour la petite histoire

Re: How I got my screenname...

PostPosted: Thu, 09Mar19 05:16
by rle68
rle68 my initials and year i was born

Re: How I got my screenname...

PostPosted: Mon, 09Mar23 00:17
by Loup Garou
Gee... Loup Garou is French for... werewolf. I am a lycanthrophile. I am not multilingual (English is my one and only language), but in all the time I have spent studying the mythology of werewolves, I found the French term more appropriate.

Besides, the term Werewolf was turned into a running gag by Mel Brooks' Young Frankenstein.

Howling in the distance.
Frankenstein: (deep breath) Werewolf!
Igor: There.
Frankenstein: what?
Igor; (pointing to his right) There, wolf.
(pointing to his left) There, castle.
Frankenstein: Why are you talking like that?
Igor: I thought you wanted to.
Frankenstein: No, I don't want to.
Igor: (shrug) Suit yourself. I'm easy.

Re: How I got my screenname...

PostPosted: Mon, 09Mar23 07:06
by sharkfan
One of the funniest movies ever. :roi: :roi: :roi: I love the scene where they are digging up the grave and Igor says it could be worse, it could be raining and then it starts pouring on them. There are hundreds of great lines in that movie. :top: :fume:

Hey Loup Garou: I just read your intro. I lived most of my life in PA also. Which side of the state do you live on, steelers or EAGLES? And please don't tell me you're a stinking cowboys fan. Image [img]kator/smiley30.gif[/img] [img]kator/smiley79.gif[/img] [img]kator/smyley2.gif[/img]

Re: How I got my screenname...

PostPosted: Mon, 09Mar23 11:51
by Loup Garou
I am steelers side of the state and... I hate to tell you. I was born in Mesquite, Texas... a suburb of Dallas... so... I have to be a Cowboys fan... [img]images/icones/icon13.gif[/img]

Re: How I got my screenname...

PostPosted: Fri, 09Apr03 08:52
by papa-bear
I am a bear, and a daddy... lol
Actually the bear is my totem spirit and I do have a bunch of kids that claim me as their dad. It was better than poppy-bear too.

Re: How I got my screenname...

PostPosted: Tue, 09Apr21 08:47
by wolfblade
if you have to know i adopted it from my first male lover...we both liked wolves and knew how to use blades when he got evicted when we were around 18 the cops waited outside with guns drawn aparently they heard about our talent...and the tree claymores he owned

Re: How I got my screenname...

PostPosted: Thu, 09Apr23 16:40
by vol555
C'est un surnom que j'utilise depuis que j'ai ma licence de pilote privé. 55 est mon année de naissance, et puis trois 5 c'est plus visuel que deux, non?

Re: How I got my screenname...

PostPosted: Wed, 09May06 14:23
by LRM
I frequent many sites and use many names. Here I thought a little mystery might be a good idea and opted for my initials.

Re: How I got my screenname...

PostPosted: Mon, 09May18 21:15
by Biquettino
tu peux nous emmener avec toi au dessus du lagon pour repérer les sirènes et les requins chasseurs[img]smile/twixy.gif[/img]

Re: How I got my screenname...

PostPosted: Tue, 09May26 00:36
by Dyonisis
I choose Dyonisis as my screenname because
Dyonisis (or Dyonisos) is the God [img]kator/smiley57.gif[/img] of WINE and HAPPINESS!! [img]images/icones/icon14.gif[/img]

I think it's an appropriate name for a site like SHARK's

Re: How I got my screenname...

PostPosted: Tue, 09May26 01:47
by Tjommi
my screen name is just the last of a long line of nicknames that my buddies call me. I kinda like this one. I have no idea why, as my real name is just as short, I guess I am just a nicknamable kinda guy.

Re: How I got my screenname...

PostPosted: Tue, 09May26 03:21
by Craban
Out of curiosity: How do you pronounce Tjommi?

From what I see it's a Norwegian name so my guess is something like t-yoommy with oo like in school (it looks like there is no 'o' in Norwegian as we know it).

Re: How I got my screenname...

PostPosted: Wed, 09May27 17:18
by Tjommi
I can't write stuff phoneticly, but you are right. It's not only the " o " that's prononuced differently The " i " as well. The o is like you said pronounced like in school, and the i is pronounced like it is in the word dish. the dobble m's is the pressure point in the word and make it snap. Like a bouncing ball that hit the floor and the dobble m is where it snap up again, making the word short and fast.

Hehe did any of this make any sence ?