Children should know ....

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Re: Children should know ....

Postby Squeeky » Sat, 13Sep14 09:11

Loup Garou wrote:Squeeky,

Looking through old posts, I noticed this discussion and thought I would ask how things are going with your Gd. I hope things are going as well as can be expected. And I hope she is keeping you in the loop about what is going on in her life.


I've been absent for nigh on 6 weeks so have have been unable to respond.

Um? The situation is delicate, a split family, and a half-sister which brings other complications.
Amid all of that, Gd and her direct sibling seem to be coping well (under the circumstances - like, the mother's circle is basically single mothers or those with other partners).
Gd is beginning to ask about the Bs & the Bs. I think that Gd and her sister have a good survival outlook but we take it upon ourselves to expose the girls a lifestyle higher than the station in which they currently live. I mean, they need to understand that "there are greener pastures", that they can rise from such environs.

Hey. In about a week they are with us again. Thoroughly looking forward to that.
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Re: Children should know ....

Postby Loup Garou » Fri, 13Sep20 05:00

First... there is no limitation or measuring of response time. Don't worry about it.

I am glad you are going to get to spend some time with the girls. I hope the time you get to spend with them will be as positive as humanly possible. I know you will do your damnedest to make it so.
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Re: Children should know ....

Postby ExtraStiffy » Sat, 13Sep21 00:47

Loup Garou wrote:
It would be so much a better world if children could remain children as long as possible.

How does one define that? I'm 47, but I distinctly remember playing "Truth or Dare", "Trust Me", "Spin the Bottle", and other games with the opposite sex when I was 11 or 12, and I was by no means 'advanced' for my age at the time. I was curious about the opposite sex. I was also taught to be leery of "creepy" people, and to watch for certain 'come-ons' or 'pick-up' attempts, but again... how do we define that?

On the flip side of the coin, we've got grown-up children, who refuse to leave the house and make their own way in the world, because current societal norms say that they are STILL children. I've been on my own since I was several weeks shy of my 17th birthday, and I have friends today who don't bat an eye at the realization that their 23-year-old daughter is STILL living at home, working jobs more aptly suited to a 16-year-old, while living the lifestyle of an adult.

There HAS to be a trade-off. It seems to me that governmentally proscribed definitions of "age of majority", are, at best, random and arbitrary. If the "powers that be" suddenly came out and said that the "age of majority" was 25, then all the porn on the internet utilizing girls who were 18 years, + 1 day old, would a) suddenly, magically, become the hot commodity, b) show the frivolity of involving the government in such decisions, and c) instantly be deemed inappropriate content, and illegal.... just like the girls they photograph now, who were "hands-off" and "verboten", just a scant 48 hours earlier.

So, I guess it goes back to the community.
At what age does an individual cease to be a child, and become an adult? Yes, there are considerations of maturity, and yes, there are - and will always be - cretins who will seek to exploit their naivete, but DOES the government, DOES society in general have the final say in what constitutes "an adult"?
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Re: Children should know ....

Postby Loup Garou » Sat, 13Sep21 06:37

I was not talking about children remaining children till their mid 30's. I meant children remaining children till THEY mature into adolescence.. and then adulthood. There are way too many individuals in this world who had their innocence and their childhoods ripped away from them -- some by sexual abuse, some by physical abuse, some by emotional abuse, some by all of the above, and some just by environmental experiences that forces them from their childhood. My hope for childhood to last as long as possible is my hope that we can eliminate (I know, impossible, but minimize?) these kind of experiences. Just as I hope we can advance our knowledge of medicine to deal with the diseases in this world that takes away children's lives altogether. These are the children who are not forced to grow up too fast, but are taken away before they can mature on their own. I had a nephew who never reached puberty because he had cystic fibrosis.

I guess, in the end, I feel like Holden Caulfield. Catcher in the Rye.

"Anyway, I keep picturing all these little kids playing some game in this big field of rye and all. Thousands of little kids, and nobody's around - nobody big, I mean - except me. And I'm standing on the edge of some crazy cliff. What I have to do, I have to catch everybody if they start to go over the cliff - I mean if they're running and they don't look where they're going I have to come out from somewhere and catch them. That's all I do all day. I'd just be the catcher in the rye and all. I know it's crazy, but that's the only thing I'd really like to be."
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Re: Children should know ....

Postby Squeeky » Sat, 13Sep21 12:17


What wrongs would you correct should you be granted "Deity for a Day"? [img]images/icones/icon13.gif[/img]
Financials are disallowed, they're too complicated. Deal with the social (then the taxes might just fix themselves). :( :( :(
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Re: Children should know ....

Postby ExtraStiffy » Sat, 13Sep21 14:44

Squeeky wrote:Yes.

What wrongs would you correct should you be granted "Deity for a Day"? [img]images/icones/icon13.gif[/img]
Financials are disallowed, they're too complicated. Deal with the social (then the taxes might just fix themselves). :( :( :(

A whole day? I don't know that I'd want that responsibility for a whole day. Would 'righted wrongs' remain in effect after your 24 hours were up? They'd have to, otherwise you'd have kids who were healthy for a day and back to being sick again the next.
Whirled peas would be out.... In all of recorded history, there has only ever been 300 years of world peace, so having world peace for 24 hours would be statistically insignificant. Having world peace last beyond your 24 hours would ultimately end in stagnation - all of the greatest innovations and inventions by man came about as a result of strife and conflict.
Quite honestly, I don't know that I'd want that responsibility/gift at all. Ever.
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Re: Children should know ....

Postby Loup Garou » Sat, 13Sep21 20:02

God for a day..... well... Does that day have to be 24 hours? Or can it be a day by God's terms? They SAY he created the Earth in 6 days, but who was timing that? Reminds me of an old joke...

Man: God... you are so all powerful and I am just a man. I think our viewpoints are very different. For instance, what is a billion dollars to you?
God: A penny.
Man: And what is a million years to you?
God: Not but a second.
Man: (with a wry smile) So... could you give me a penny, God?
God: Sure... gimme a second.

However... if it is only 24 hours, I think I know what I would do. I would give knowledge. Vast knowledge. But not everyone getting all knowledge, people would go nuts. I would give each individual the knowledge they need to greatly advance their goal (good goals, not evil goals like con-artists and serial killers). As an example, I would give scientists working on medications and procedures to cure diseases like cancer, parkinson's, altzheimer's, c.f., autism, etc. etc. etc, the answer they are searching for.
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Re: Children should know ....

Postby Squeeky » Mon, 13Sep30 10:27

Just got a "pat on the back". God knows I often need one.

"Pa, I love you." -- echoed once more, monotonous but always lovely to hear.
"Why? Because I'm a grump and growl at you?" (It does happen!)
"No. Because of the stuff that you ........ " I can't recall the words exactly, but it amounted to sharing and engagement in a range of experiences. :roi:

[Sister just how I wanted my serviette folded, not that we regularly dine in such a style but - well, why not encourage her? She's happy, even if it is none too simple! ]
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Re: Children should know ....

Postby PinkVendetta » Sun, 14Oct26 21:32

It was easier when my parents were young kids to protect them, your circle of friendships and circle of life back then was small, everyone knew everyone else and most parents even back then knew who was a danger to kids both male and female.

This is the thing we forgot, we label it all onto men when there is a high % of female sexual predators out there also who do much worse to young kids than male predators do, sadly the male predators claim to love the children they abuse, the female predators never claim to love the kids they abuse, which makes a female predator much much worse than a male one, don't get me wrong, both are bad.

When I was young the world was changing and heading towards multimedia big time, the internet available everywhere, you went from no internet, to 360 million people having entry into an unlocked and open door into your house with full access to your kids, in the past when asked, your parents would say, sure I trust my kids, now they were being asked good, but do you trust the other 360 million people online who you kids will come into contact with on a daily/hourly basis?.

Pedophilia was controllable prior to the full explosion of the internet, cheap computers, 1 for every home, or 2 or 3 per home, cams on computer, file sharing on a 1 to 1 basis, online grooming of kids, cam sites for young teens where they exposed everything on cam, the list is endless.

When I said Pedophilia was controllable prior to the full explosion of the internet, it was, everyone is every small town or small village in every county in every state in each country in the world, knew who was a danger to kids back then and kids were kept safe, with sadly some falling prey and losing their lives, then in some other countries even in todays world, their cultures permit a 40yo or 50yo man to marry a 10yo girl or a 23yo man marrying a 14yo girl and it is accepted as normal.

It is a really sad stat of most cultures in the world, the kids are a target from birth and the sex of a child was one protector of 1 sex once, now both male and females kids are targets of both male and females sexual predators.

My Dad and Mom told me when I was young, there are no secrets in our home, no secrets kept from Mommy and Daddy, Mom will always be giving you your baths as Daddy is crap at washing him self never mind you lol, Dad would sit in at bath times and talk but always leave embarrassed, some parents shower with their kids and it is normal, some dont, some like my Dad leave and leave bathing to Mom, the birds & the bees chat happened when I was 10 as most of my friends were talking about it and my parents explained it all to me, my 1st period happened and in panic I rang my Dad, and as embarrassed as he was, he got everything I needed, explained it all to me and then left it to Mom while he went to inhale into a bag having some panic attack lol.

When I was young, we were less safer than my parents were as kids, but A LOT safer than kids are now today, there was talk of putting a chip into babies, so they could be located to the nearest foot or inches even if kidnapped, but the usual civil rights groups went on another bra burning march to stop it, citing it and saying well, it could be abused to program our kids, which I guess a chip could be used to do, sad really that A Hole in the world in some shady Government lab would be programming kids chips to control them.

Anyway, the world is a lot less safer place these days for your kids, and will be even less safer for mine when I have them one day, teaching kids to be street smart early is a must, teaching them when he or she walks down a pathway on a street, be aware of everything and everyone, and be on the defensive constantly, as the attack will come one day, when they get older, they are still no safer, they may have moved out of the age range of a pedophile, and into the age range of a sexual predator, and it just never ends as you move into an age range of something else and something else.

Love and cherish your kids, teach them to be street smart, if your son or daughter or both wants to do boxing, martial arts as a child, encourage it, give them both the verbal and physical skills to defend them selves in the world of today or tomorrow, make sure their self esteem is high, their personality is strong, make sure you are always positive, you always encourage their hopes and dreams, you always without fail build up their spirit, and make sure that they have a happy home to come home to each day, each night, and that they know they are loved by you both always.

Do the above, and you will have armed them for the world of today, that sadly we all Old and Young alike had a hand in creating.

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Re: Children should know ....

Postby Squeeky » Sun, 14Nov16 09:24

Let me go back to my original post.
There I showed a little girl who needed information, at her age it was something that she should have known, just one of many survival skills she should have known.

Yes, I did lead that into other areas, and thank you to all for those contributions.
Part way through that I offered a diversion of focus.

Now I'd like to broaden that.
My Grandchildren, by the nature of their background/environment, need more than those basic socially accepted survival skills.
At our place they are given opportunities in basic cuisine; one cannot live out of the local "take-away" or the prepackaged frozen forever.

It's sausage rolls, homemade pasta, Pa's pizza's [each gets to 'decorate' their own according to taste - prawns are a must], and let's not leave out Nanna - sure, there are packet cakes but there are some things made from original ingredients. Yes, we do that, sleeves up and messy! :(

Then there is another sphere.

What is beyond your own back yard?
Oops. I overlooked going there, most important. We have begun a 'program' of our own garden patches.
They enjoy planting. We will go to the nursery, select appropriate plants, come home and plant.
Between times it is up to Pa to maintain. Aah! In phone conversations I am held accountable.

Another diversion:
In my childhood my family would never have seen me taking an overseas trip, achieving what I have.
We have been fortunate to be able to give those children travel experiences that we could not have provided for our own children.
Initially that may also have seemed to be off-topic but .... anything that you can provide for a child to survive in this "big bad world" is always going to be appropriate.
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