Help to find a web

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Re: Help to find a web

Postby username20 » Wed, 10Sep29 12:13

A few months ago, I found a page with sex game, they have photos of real girls, and I was trying to find it again, but I can't.

The web, have to be paied for some games, the games I remember were:

-One was to teach a girl how to use the computer

-There was an storie, 3 game I think, that you contract a girl for a job

-An other you found a girl in a beach

I don't remember nothing else, and I know this can not be enough, but I hope it is.

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Re: Help to find a web

Postby Squeeky » Wed, 10Sep29 12:47

Sorry, for me there is not enough information. That the site had real photos only indicates to me that they were advertising.

I realise that your first language is not English but please don't take offence if I am incorrect but even so are you really at the age which your profile suggests?
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Re: Help to find a web

Postby Freddy » Wed, 10Sep29 20:53

its or send a pm with link. have fun...

btw... ... -games.htm

here you can find some links for this games
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Re: Help to find a web

Postby username20 » Fri, 10Oct01 21:34

Squeeky wrote : I realise that your first language is not English but please don't take offence if I am incorrect but even so are you really at the age which your profile suggests?

Yes, I'm Spanish and not really good at English, and yes I'm 18+ if you are asking it...

and thanks Freddy, that was the side.
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Re: Help to find a web

Postby Squeeky » Sat, 10Oct02 02:11

Thanks, but it that I had had ask, I've seen some posts by juniors here.

I realise it can sometimes be exacting when trying to pass a message across a language barrier; things don't always seem as they should be.
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Re: Help to find a web

Postby username20 » Sat, 10Oct02 10:58

I understand

Well, now you can close this thread.
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Re: Help to find a web

Postby Squeeky » Sat, 10Oct02 12:46

username20 wrote : I understand

Well, now you can close this thread.

but with your thread title might be of assistance in that a similar thread is not recreated (we can only hope...)
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Re: Help to find a web

Postby bobohobo » Wed, 14Sep03 12:46

Hey lagoon’ers,

I didn’t know where to put my question and I can’t post my own thread so I posted here. Hope its okay =/. I’m new on this forum but I have been here for years as anonymous but now I finally just made an account. I love your forum because you guys always keep me updated with good games ;).

But to get to the point, I have had a game in my mind for the past few years now and I still can’t get it out. It’s starting to get me really annoyed and now I just need to know its name.

The things I remember about the game are that it’s a simple drawn game. I think it didn’t have any colors but only contours of the characters. I remember few awesome details about the game, it had a timer function and if you took too long time answer the questions the characters reacted differently, it was a click game with non-linear story.
The game starts in bed with your wife and you can have sex with her or ignore her, then you travel to your office there you meet your new secretary. I remember also that you can go to jail if you break into something and you can cheat on your wife etc..

Really hope that you guys can help me on this one, I have been going nuts on this game. Trying to remember the name of the game and searching for it.
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Re: Help to find a web

Postby tlaero » Thu, 14Sep04 06:21

I'm almost sure you mean Masq.

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Re: Help to find a web

Postby bobohobo » Thu, 14Sep04 10:45

Oh my god!! Yes, it's the game I have been thinking about! This have been in my mind over couple of years now! Thanks !! :D
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