Tech talk - religious wars on editors - and other old time s

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Re: Tech talk - religious wars on editors - and other old time s

Postby coder » Thu, 09Jul02 22:48

Anyone remembering dos edit? In edit you could cut by pressing shift+delete, paste with shift+insert and copy by pressing ctrl+insert.

In every windows version at least till xp, these keys still work. And today I accidently found out they work under linux too. Amazing.

By the way: it's Only for text and graphics etc. Don't try shift+delete on a file. It will delete it, not cut.
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Re: Tech talk - religious wars on editors - and other old time s

Postby LRM » Thu, 09Jul02 23:19

coder wrote :
Anyone remembering dos edit? In edit you could cut by pressing shift+delete, paste with shift+insert and copy by pressing ctrl+insert.
In every windows version at least till xp, these keys still work. And today I accidently found out they work under linux too. Amazing.
By the way: it's Only for text and graphics etc. Don't try shift+delete on a file. It will delete it, not cut.

Xtree pro contained a DOS editor. You could execute and edit within reason. You could apply various masks it was a very useful tool and for quite a while the first program I activated. If you wanted to get serious about editing there was always Norton. I screwed up a few programs with Norton. memories, memories
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Re: Tech talk - religious wars on editors - and other old time s

Postby Trucla » Tue, 09Jul14 04:58

Hi again!

For those nostalgic of Commodore 64 (and some "horny" games), just check this site:

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Re: Tech talk - religious wars on editors - and other old time s

Postby Squeeky » Tue, 09Jul14 05:50

Trucla wrote :

For those nostalgic of Commodore 64

In the early days of Fortran our teacher gave us a few punch cards. We'd have to submit them to be mailed to our only state university. the cost to process a batch of just 10 cards was an impost on a young teen's pocket!

Along came the Microbee (Australia & ? ) but I got caught up with the Vic-20, taught myself Basic on one. Bought an Atari, plug in cassette for OS but had cassettes for games and other applications. Graduated to C-64! Even got into assembly and machine code!

Now I'm well outstripped. My HTML looks fine, still things I never used, have a smattering of CSS and Javascrïpt. Yeah even dabble in Excel macros and created some MS Access applications.

**** Where would I have been without the existence of "Commodore"? ****

Trucla, thanks for that.

[Still have the old C-64, hasn't been fired for a long time, HDD may need realignment, I've got the 'tools' still if the software hasn't deteriorated and some of those very xxx games of the era!]
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Re: Tech talk - religious wars on editors - and other old time s

Postby Trucla » Tue, 09Jul14 17:30

Squeeky wrote : [Still have the old C-64, hasn't been fired for a long time, HDD may need realignment, I've got the 'tools' still if the software hasn't deteriorated and some of those very xxx games of the era!]
If not just google for some emulator and you'll be able to (to a certain extent, of course) re-create the C64 environment.

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Re: Tech talk - religious wars on editors - and other old time s

Postby Trucla » Wed, 09Jul15 18:16

Here goes another link for C64 lovers:

This one is rather big, as it's for Commodore 64 in general and not specific for 3X.

By the way I've never had a Commodore... ;)

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Re: Tech talk - religious wars on editors - and other old time s

Postby Trucla » Thu, 09Jul23 17:14

Hey! Great news!

Window$ is now open source! :clap: Just have a look at this (marketing.exe):

#include /* Microsoft Network Connectivity library */
#include /* For the court of law */
#define say(x) lie(x)
#define computeruser ALL_WANT_TO_BUY_OUR_BUGWARE
#define next_year soon
#define the_product_is_ready_to_ship another_beta_version
void main()
if (latest_window_version>one_month_old)
if (there_are_still_bugs)
if (sales_drop_below_certain_point)
make_false_promise(it_will_be_multitasking); /* Standard Call, in lie.h */
if (rumours_grow_wilder)
if (rumours_grow_even_wilder)
say("It will be ready in one month");
order(programmers, stop_fixing_bugs_in_old_version);
order(programmers, start_brainstorm_about_new_version);
order(marketingstaff, permission_to_spread_nonsense);
switch (nasty_questions_of_the_worldpress)
say("It will be ready in", today+30_days," we're just testing");
say("Yes it will work");
ask(programmers, why_does_it_not_work);
say("It will run on a 8086 with lightning speed due to"
" the 32 bits architecture");
inform(INTEL, "Pentium sales will rise skyhigh");
inform(SAMSUNG, "Start a new memorychip plant"
"'cos all those customers will need at least 32 megs");
inform(QUANTUM, "Thanks to our fatware your sales will triple");
get_big_bonus(INTEL, SAMSUNG, QUANTUM);
say("Oh no, we are just here to make a better world for everyone");
register(journalist, Big_Bill_Book);
order(journalist, "write a nice objective article");
release (journalist);
while (vapourware)
introduction_date++; /* Delay */
if (no_one_believes_anymore_there_will_be_a_release)
say("It will be ready in",today+ONE_MONTH);
release(beta_version) while (everyone_is_dumb_enough_to_buy_our_bugware)
bills_bank_account += 150*megabucks;
if (customers_report_installation_problems)
say("that is a hardware problem, not a software problem");
if (smart_customer_says_but_you_promised_plug_and_play)
order(microsoft_intelligence_agency, "Keep an eye on this bastard");
if ( bills_bank_account>skyhigh && marriage>two_years )
wave(dollars, at_lusty_chicks);
if (boobies_start_to_hang)
if (there_is_another_company)
accuse(compagny, stealing_our_ideas);
hire(a_lot_of_lawyers); /* in process.h */
/* Now everyone realizes that we sell bugware and they are all angry at us */
order(plastic_surgeon, make_bill_look_like_poor_bastard);
buy(nice_little_island); hire(harem);
laugh_at(everyone, for_having_the_patience_year_after_year_for_another_unfinished_version);
void bugfix(void)
charge (a_lot_of_money);
if (customer_says_he_does_not_want_to_pay_for_bugfix)
say("It is not a bugfix but a new version");
if (still_complaints)
ignore(customer); register(customer, big_Bill_book);
/* We'll get him when everyone uses Billware!!*/

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Re: Tech talk - religious wars on editors - and other old time s

Postby Arnulf » Thu, 09Jul23 18:40

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