Himeros Haven - Completed (March 2019)

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Re: Himeros Trilogy - Part 2 - Chapter 3

Postby Seztworks » Sun, 17Nov26 16:37

Hiya Guys

You number looks to be in the right range. See spoiler.
The only thing missing might be research or decode tasks. Do you have anything listed in your display "check display" or "cd".

You should have a bunch of options, but there is one that jumps to mind at your stage. See spoiler
Have you completed the the research of the tome? Do you have anything listed in your display "check display" or "cd".

Thanks for your interest and time.
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Re: Himeros Trilogy - Part 2 - Chapter 3

Postby dane21 » Sun, 17Nov26 16:45

Seztworks wrote:Hiya Guys

You number looks to be in the right range. See spoiler.
The only thing missing might be research or decode tasks. Do you have anything listed in your display "check display" or "cd".

You should have a bunch of options, but there is one that jumps to mind at your stage. See spoiler
Have you completed the the research of the tome? Do you have anything listed in your display "check display" or "cd".

Thanks for your interest and time.

I have, I finished the research. No visible tasks on "cd"
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Re: Himeros Trilogy - Part 2 - Chapter 3

Postby Seztworks » Sun, 17Nov26 16:53

Alright Dane21

Next try :)
You should have an event in the lab in the morning, if you haven't had any other events that morning.
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Re: Himeros Trilogy - Part 2 - Chapter 3

Postby Seztworks » Fri, 17Dec01 19:55

Hello all

There has been some changes to the release schedule of upcoming chapters. The major change is that supporters get another month of early access on top of access to half chapter releases. The just released Chapter 3.5 is supporter only and the next full Chapter release in January will not be released to the public until 1. March. This is mainly to reward even the lowest supporter tier with en extended early access period and allow me to skip a half chapter release and still reward my supporters (if that is needed at some point).

I hope this makes sense. I am still looking forward to any feedback from Chapter 3 and am here to support if anyone needs it.

Have a lovely weekend
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Re: Himeros Trilogy - Part 2 - Chapter 3

Postby ptmg30 » Sat, 17Dec02 11:51

So will the public get Ch: 4 or 5 in March?
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Re: Himeros Trilogy - Part 2 - Chapter 3

Postby Seztworks » Sat, 17Dec02 17:34

Hiya Ptmg30

The public will get access to Chapter 4 in March, since the initial supporter release is in January. Every full chapter 2 months after the initial release.
The lowest tier supporters will get it 1 month after initial release. The change was to reward them a bit more, before the change they got it 1 week before the public.

I am still very grateful to every public player that decides to use their time to play my games. I just felt I needed to do more for the ones that pay.

I hope that makes sense
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Re: Himeros Trilogy - Part 2 - Chapter 3

Postby thinman873 » Sun, 17Dec10 15:19

Seztworks wrote:Hiya Guys

You number looks to be in the right range. See spoiler.
The only thing missing might be research or decode tasks. Do you have anything listed in your display "check display" or "cd".

You should have a bunch of options, but there is one that jumps to mind at your stage. See spoiler
Have you completed the the research of the tome? Do you have anything listed in your display "check display" or "cd".

Thanks for your interest and time.

Thanks for the reply. There are still some files to decode.
What is creating problems though is that cd says that I still need to explore south path. Yet when I give that command i get a message "Sorry, I didn't understand that command". So what should I do? L: 7714898859101186
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Re: Himeros Trilogy - Part 2 - Chapter 3

Postby Seztworks » Mon, 17Dec11 05:09

Hiya Thinman873

Sounds interesting.
You should only get that error message if you type something the game doesn't understand.
What happens if you type "explore" while standing on the south path?

If you still get the that message I would very much like to get my hands on your safe file, so I can fix the bug or find out what is wrong.
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Re: Himeros Trilogy - Part 2 - Chapter 3

Postby thinman873 » Mon, 17Dec11 05:26

Seztworks wrote:Hiya Thinman873

Sounds interesting.
You should only get that error message if you type something the game doesn't understand.
What happens if you type "explore" while standing on the south path?

If you still get the that message I would very much like to get my hands on your safe file, so I can fix the bug or find out what is wrong.

If I type 'explore' while standing at the south path, and it is afternoon, I get a message "you can't explore here at this time"
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Re: Himeros Trilogy - Part 2 - Chapter 3

Postby Seztworks » Mon, 17Dec11 06:05

Heheh. It seems I forgot the basics of support.
The south and west paths are not implemented in Chapter 3. It should note that in the task list. Shown, but not implemented.

I am sorry that I didn't remember this sooner.
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Re: Himeros Trilogy - Part 2 - Chapter 3

Postby Seztworks » Thu, 17Dec28 12:48

Hello all and a Happy New Year to you as well.

End of year status:
Chapter 3.5 was just released to the 1$+ supporters and Chapter 4 will release early next week for 10$+ supporters.
There has been an influx of bug corrections from supporter feedback that also affects the current public release.
Known issues in public release:
Character invites can be repeated and cause game issues. Can be avoided by never inviting the same character more then once :)

The game is moving forward very well and Chapter 4 will really mix things up. It has the first big cliffhanger. Game 2 has also overtaken Himeros Hotel in amount of images. There are a lot more erotic scenes pr. release since there are more characters and optional content as well.

I have started work on Chapter 4.5 and this marks the 50% completion point. I look forward to releasing the remaining chapters during 2018.
I hope you had a lovely 2017.
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Re: Himeros Trilogy - Part 2 - Chapter 3

Postby Kydenn » Tue, 18Jan30 03:28

Yeah, I think I am stuck unfortunately.

I can't get any further events to trigger despite going everywhere on the island at all times during the day. I only was able to have one conversation with Gina about the construction project and still haven't been able to buy any materials. I must be missing something obvious but I can't seem to figure out what it is.

Here is my L number: 810178999910111397

Thank you! I have really been enjoying the game so far! [img]images/icones/icon10.gif[/img]
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Re: Himeros Trilogy - Part 2 - Chapter 3

Postby Seztworks » Tue, 18Jan30 22:15

Hiya Kydenn

We better find a solution for that issue.
Just going through what should have happened so far.
You have had the "staff meeting" event.
After this you should have an event with Gina at the boardwalk in the morning where she talks about the bar build project. I take it that you have got this.
If you do not have 3 new items listed in the "check shop" after that event with Gina, then something is wrong.

The next step would be for me to take a look at your save file as I will have to see what is and isn't triggering. If possible please upload your latest save and send me a link here or on private message on Patreon.
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Re: Himeros Trilogy - Part 2 - Chapter 3

Postby kessie8dn » Sat, 18Feb10 16:55

Looks like we can forget this one...

Last update on Patreon page (the italics are mine):

"Public Release of Chapter 3: Past
Nov 21, 2017 at 7:34pm
Hello all

Time for the bi-monthly public release of the newest chapter"

Oh well... :(
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Re: Himeros Trilogy - Part 2 - Chapter 3

Postby Seztworks » Sun, 18Feb11 10:31

Hiya kessie8dn

I made a post in December about a change to release times for supporter and public releases. I wanted to give my supporters a longer release window and that sadly moved back the next public release to March to fit with the new schedule.
Chapter 4 is done and out for supporters and will have a public release in the beginning of next month. Every full chapter will follow every two months after that. I have an updated release list on my support page if you want to keep up to date http://sezt.works

I am sorry this was not made more clear on this forum and I hope you will still give the game a chance once the next chapter comes around.
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