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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/7: 100+ ILLUSTRATED SCENES

PostPosted: Fri, 23Sep01 23:13
by Sierra Lee
New TLS update for patrons! This one covers a couple harem quests, but it is more like a plot update with a strong focus:

You will be going deep to deal with a major loose end of the game:

It's an overall serious update, but I realized that I haven't done too many out-of-context lines in a while, so here you go:

And the time between releases means we have plenty of new illustrated scenes:

Roadmap, more info, and links at the blog: ... eased.html

Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 9/15: 100+ ILLUSTRATED SCENE

PostPosted: Sat, 23Sep16 01:27
by Sierra Lee
Newest update is public! Links and info here: ... lease.html

Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 9/15: 100+ ILLUSTRATED SCENE

PostPosted: Fri, 23Oct13 23:23
by Sierra Lee
New TLS update for patrons! I am pretty tired and have no screenshots for you, sorry. But here is a sample of the new illustrated scenes:

Roadmap, more info, and links at the blog: ... eased.html

Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 10/20: 100+ ILLUSTRATED SCEN

PostPosted: Fri, 23Oct20 23:28
by Sierra Lee
Newest update is public! Links and info here: ... lease.html

Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 10/20: 100+ ILLUSTRATED SCEN

PostPosted: Sat, 23Nov11 00:52
by Sierra Lee
Brand new mini-update is public! Links and info here: ... lease.html

Not essential or a content update, but definitely use this one if planning to start a new game or play much.

Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 10/20: 100+ ILLUSTRATED SCEN

PostPosted: Sat, 23Dec02 00:17
by Sierra Lee
New TLS update for patrons! This update is loaded with personal quests, starting with Robin's:

It isn't all new areas and dungeons, though, as Megail is returning to Ari-Yhilina to take care of some personal business:

And it's finally time for Orcent's quest, which I hope everyone will enjoy:

Three new illustrated scenes, too, moving us fully into Chapter 4:
(I had lovely sex art here, only for Imgur to eat it instantly. -_-)

Roadmap, more info, and links at the blog: ... eased.html

Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 10/20: 100+ ILLUSTRATED SCEN

PostPosted: Sat, 23Dec16 00:45
by Sierra Lee
Newest update is public! Links and info here: ... lease.html

Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 2/23: 150+ ILLUSTRATED SCENE

PostPosted: Sat, 24Feb24 00:18
by Sierra Lee
New TLS update for patrons! I was too busy to do a bunch of screenshots this time, so you'll have to make do with this one:

Roadmap, more info, and links at the blog: ... eased.html

Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 2/23: 150+ ILLUSTRATED SCENE

PostPosted: Sat, 24Mar09 00:15
by Sierra Lee
This update is still in beta; see the blog post for more information: ... treon.html

Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 3/15: 150+ ILLUSTRATED SCENE

PostPosted: Fri, 24Mar15 23:12
by Sierra Lee
Newest update is public! Links and info here: ... lease.html

Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 3/15: 150+ ILLUSTRATED SCENE

PostPosted: Sun, 24Apr28 19:10
by Sierra Lee
I'm always updating supporters on Patreon, but I didn't want to leave everyone else following the game in the dark for so long, so I have made a Patreon post public:

More information (and fanart!) at the link, but basically I think it would be fastest and best for the game overall if I did one bigger update instead of two smaller ones. Please look forward to it!

Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 5/31: 175+ ILLUSTRATED SCENE

PostPosted: Fri, 24May31 19:25
by Sierra Lee
The final battle update is now available for patrons!

More info at the blog: ... attle.html

Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/5: 200+ ILLUSTRATED SCENES

PostPosted: Fri, 24Jul05 23:25
by Sierra Lee
Final battle update is public! Links and info here: ... lease.html