[Unity] Noemi's Toscana Rebirth (NTR)

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[Unity] Noemi's Toscana Rebirth (NTR)

Postby CobraPL » Fri, 18May11 22:10

Guys, we have interesting NTR game here:
Official Discord Channel - https://discord.gg/ed88jJ
Link to free demo there: https://mega.nz/#!MWoz1TCb!lirVNwHGw4Y2 ... GP2GbFXqtg
Some Nice Renders (click manually):

Quite high quality. Good English, good renders. Story seems OK.

So, right off the bat, let’s talk about what to expect from this project. As the name suggests, NTR will involve the ntr fetish (from now on this <REDACTED> will refer to the Project using all caps, NTR, and the fetish in all lowercase, ntr). It will include instances of ntr type A and type B, but more so it will involve Cuckoldry and Hotwifing. It will also encompass the build up, the corruption (we like to think of 'Nerve' as the positive version of corruption) and the taboo that goes with these fetishes.

Our heroine Noemi (call her Noe, everyone else does) is the only child of an Italian (Florentine) immigrant to the USA, who is also a self made entrepreneur and chef. She runs her own restaurant in a small neighbourhood in suburban Philadelphia with her fiancé Brad and her long-term waitresses, who are like sisters to her. Life has been good to her… too good. It all comes crashing down around her when her father is sent to an early grave and his secret debts come to light. As his only heir, they become Noe's and just like that she is under a burden of a 6-figure payment. That's not her only problem however as the biggest chain restaurant in town opens its dozenth location just across the street. She learns first hand how cut throat the food business can be at the hands of Mr. Baines and his chain “Salvatore's Deli”. Noe shows us just how hard it is to fight off crushing debt and a lecherous, treacherous rival restaurateur all while trying to keep her dream shop open. She's by no means alone however as her eternally optimistic fiancé, a trio of trainee waitresses (Kriem, Frankie and Kelsey), and her last remaining regular, the grizzled ex-cop 'Old Roy' all back her up in the head-to-head with the world. Will she make it to her long awaited wedding day? And will she be the same person as she was when all this began? That's up to you now, isn't it!? C'mon by 'Little Toscana' and see what we're serving up!

Full description from <REDACTED> site ;)
And we're back! Hello again guys and girls, today is a very exciting day. If any of you out there are like Spook, who is a long time Philly fan, you’re probably full up on good news already this week… but we’ve got more! Today we are ready to announce to you the first original instalment in the BeWilderverse: Noemi's Toscana Rebirth! (NTR). Ready to hear the overview? Of course you are!

“Our heroine Noemi (call her Noe, everyone else does) is the only child of an Italian (Florentine) immigrant to the USA, who is also a self made entrepreneur and chef. She runs her own restaurant in a small neighbourhood in suburban Philadelphia with her fiancé Brad and her long-term waitresses, who are like sisters to her. Life has been good to her… too good. It all comes crashing down around her when her father is sent to an early grave and his secret debts come to light. As his only heir, they become Noe's and just like that she is under a burden of a 6-figure payment. That's not her only problem however as the biggest chain restaurant in town opens its dozenth location just across the street. She learns first hand how cut throat the food business can be at the hands of Mr. Baines and his chain “Salvatore's Deli”.

Noe shows us just how hard it is to fight off crushing debt and a lecherous, treacherous rival restaurateur all while trying to keep her dream shop open. She's by no means alone however as her eternally optimistic fiancé, a trio of trainee waitresses (Kriem, Frankie and Kelsey), and her last remaining regular, the grizzled ex-cop 'Old Roy' all back her up in the head-to-head with the world. Will she make it to her long awaited wedding day? And will she be the same person as she was when all this began? That's up to you now, isn't it!? C'mon by 'Little Toscana' and see what we're serving up!”

As we said, this game takes place in the same universe as AoH, but where AoH has high octane action, a web of intrigue and many clandestine affairs, NTR will showcase more down to Earth, realistic and relatable scenarios... but by no means will it be boring! NTR is chalked full of sex, conflict, passion and sex... oh, and did we say sex? We mean it. Where AoH is Action, NTR is Drama. We think the contrast makes a nice change of pace for all, don't you agree?

So, right off the bat, let’s talk about what to expect from this project. As the name suggests, NTR will involve the ntr fetish (from now on this <REDACTED> will refer to the Project using all caps, NTR, and the fetish in all lowercase, ntr). It will include instances of ntr type A and type B, but more so it will involve Cuckoldry and Hotwifing. It will also encompass the build up, the corruption (we like to think of 'Nerve' as the positive version of corruption) and the taboo that goes with these fetishes.

For those who are not into this type of thing, no need to worry. The game will also have a full fleshed out True Love Path (no ntr) with Brad, the husband to be, that will allow you to bypass that content if you chose and still get plenty of Kink. You can also sit back and watch (or even play an active part) as the other girls go wild around you... and believe me they will do just that. Other fetishes to expect as we go are Corruption, Age, Lesbian, Milfing, Voyeurism and many other things. As with the above fetishes, all are optional, but all are fun too! It all comes down to what you seek out. The list here is not complete and will be updated over time... and of course we want to know what you want to see on there!

On the non-sexy side of the project, for what is good sex if not grounded in a world you care about, there is plenty to talk about too. The game will play out as a number of Visual Novel scenes, following along various storyline arcs, centred on the various characters and activities. The arcs can all run concurrently as long as you have the prerequisites, so you'll rarely find yourself branched out of content and can follow up on the arc you enjoy most when you want to. These scenes play out in the morning or evening, before or after the day's operations of the restaurant 'Little Toscana', as well as on Noemi's days off. On work days you have the opportunity to rebuild your restaurant's reputation, take in money to clear off your debt and to build up tip money for your employees and advance their stories. You do this by taking part in serving customers and keeping them happy... don't fret, you'll only need one free hand to do it, we made sure of it! On days off, expect to be able to choose activities for the day, not unlike AoH's system and guide Noe through life outside her business... something she has neglected for a while now. Keep your eye on that debt however as if you can't clear it in time, you'll find yourself in a very Bad End!

We will talk more about the gameplay and work in feedback closer to release and after as well. We're ready and waiting for your feedback and thoughts... we're almost starving for it even, so do tell!

While AoH’s development is led by Unshi with Spook as a secondary, NTR will primarily be run by Spook with a large input from Unshi. Spook will be writing the scenes as well as directing the story and narrative. He’s also going to oversee running the code and all the engine work. Unshi will be taking the role of Artistic lead and handing all the visual elements, just as we know you want him to be! This set up works best for us as while the lead of the currently in work project handles the production and guides us towards release, the other is able to plot and plan out the next steps in their project so it’s ready to spring into development immediately after.

Well that's it for now but expect much more to come as we push ahead with development. Next on the agenda, while we work getting the earliest version on Noe available to you all, we will be looking closely at the <REDACTED> changes so everyone can see what we have planned to take effect in March. We are putting the finishing touches on them this week and the should be ready for discussion in the days that follow, so stay tuned! We hope Noe and co. will find a place in your heart as they have for us. “Little Toscana” will be open for business as soon as possible, so please take a seat, service will be right with you!
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Re: [Unity] Noemi's Toscana Rebirth (NTR)

Postby CobraPL » Sat, 18May12 09:59

So, there is some clarification I received on official Disord channel:
NTR (game name, not genre) consist of:
1. "NTR (The game)"
Main game, with gameplay, choices etc. There is only one (female) protagonist here - Noe.
2. "The NTR Origin Stories"
Kinetic novels (no choices) introducing main characters (these characters are/will be protagonist there).

So (free) game link we have is to one of few NTR Origin Stories and do not represent main game's gameplay.
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great white shark
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