Image link in a post

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Image link in a post

Postby Awake » Sun, 22Apr03 07:57

Hello everyone !

I have a technical question about the forum.

I keep having the message "Impossible de déterminer les dimensions de l’image" (Unable to determine the dimensions of the image ) when trying to post a picture in a new post.
I've try a lot of different combinaison but any of them seems to work.
just to let you know, I've tried all those link ( and cannot display the image in a forum post

Any idea why ?
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Re: Image link in a post

Postby shark » Sun, 22Apr03 11:10

Il semble que ça vienne du site ou tu récupères l'image. Tu peux la télécharger, mais pas la transférer directement.
J'ai copié l'image sur le serveur du forum, voici le lien:
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