Pussylight Saga - The sex moon by leonizer

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Re: Pussylight Saga - The sex moon by leonizer

Postby leonizer » Sat, 09Oct31 20:29


For halloween 2009 I've prepared a new game.


http://lessonofpassion.com/lop_games.ph ... Pussylight

OK, so here`s the story. There is that popular series of books written by that lady. You know, one that was recently filmed. The problem with that `saga` is simple - it`s addressed for sad emo kids, not for horny adults who like to spice up sex with gothic mood.

Moreover, the girl from that saga is just sooo not - hot. But here we are, with our outtake on that topic. So - the chick is fuck`in rock` in hot. She just transferred into your high school. Ad you`re horny, 18yo nerd. Even though, she approached you one day and invite to date.

Ok, she invite you on date on cemetery - but hey, she`s goth-emo-kinda-slut so... Looks like natural environment for her.

It?s cold. It`s foggy. Moon is full. And you`re waiting in front of cemetery gate.
And yes, you have a boner.

Accompanied by distant sound of howling wolfs, she appears.

Development of this game took me a while - it's the most complex of all my adventure games.

Please let me know what do you think about it and contact me by a contact form on my www.lessonofpassion.com if you find any bugs that need to be fixed.

Happy Halloween
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Re: Pussylight Saga - The sex moon by leonizer

Postby cheese101 » Sat, 09Oct31 21:21

good game,not sure bout the bloodlust tmeter tho...
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Re: Pussylight Saga - The sex moon by leonizer

Postby Slipstone » Sat, 09Oct31 22:44

WOW... 7 endings?? that means 6 to go...

Bloodlust meter seems to have a mind of its own.
have you tried
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Re: Pussylight Saga - The sex moon by leonizer

Postby Arnulf » Sat, 09Oct31 22:53

If you do or say something wrong, the bloodlust-meter would rise. And if is in the danger zone, the vampire girl could kill you?!
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Re: Pussylight Saga - The sex moon by leonizer

Postby TheBrain » Sun, 09Nov01 00:18

Nice game, always good to see some relatively unexplored themes popping up.

Now, don't get fooled by the 7 endings. Two of them are the 'bad' endings. There is one for getting all the secrets. The other 4, the 'good' endings, are not directly linked to a specific scene, but rather to the achievements (which MIGHT need you to play a specific scene).

Let's move on to the criticism! (may contain some SPOILERS, and I'm gonna skip right past the bugs and spelling errors)
First of all, the graphics are so-so. The model in particular is quite badly shaped, in my opinion. The shoulders are too broad, the arms look weird, her waist is way too slim, and her breasts look plain fake. Add to that some weird spotty textures...

Secondly, the 'endings'. Now this may not be entirely the fault of the game, but still, when reading 7 endings I expected 7 different sex scenes or at least 7 variations of a scene. But there are only 2 such ending scenes, really.
Linking the endings to the achievements makes them particularly hard to find. I gave up trying to achieve the 3rd ending, even after decompiling the swf and searching through the code I still can't do it (if I remember correctly, it would trigger if you have the 6th (?) and 8th ('hot mouth') achievements, but not the 5th ('romantic') and 7th ('table something')). Even so, I know it won't give me any extra scene (and I got the ending link from the source anyway).
Might as well note that I think it's weird not to include the endings in the flash itself (even if you wanted to advertise or track gameplays you could do it in flash).

Thirdly, the secrets (!! spoilers ahead !!). Oh boy, secrets! My hope that these would simply be rare deviations in gameplay (say having bloodlust almost full at some key point) was shortlived. So was my hope that at least we'd get a mouseover hint. And finally, after going back to the source, the hope that they would at least all be kept in the vampire/graveyard theme ended as well. I mean 'a cupboard full of oatmeal', REALLY?! The second secret that doesn't make sense is on the map screen (even knowing that there is one there doesn't make it trivial...). The other 3 require some searching/random clicking but are at least in the right theme. Catch them all and you'll get a special ending! Not a bad premise, but at least keep the secrets somewhat logical.

Finally, to come to the gameplay a bit. It's 'ok', nothing new, nothing really bad, mainly just very linear. A point of annoyance though is that since it is required to replay the game many times is that I can't skip or accelerate certain stuff (the driving, sex scenes..).
But all in all I'll just keep it at that it's an 'ok' game (but short).

One more thing, I have to question Leonizers taste if he calls Kristen Stewart "just sooo not - hot" (that's right, not just 'not hot', should we believe she's a cave troll, perhaps?). I'll leave this here to judge for yourself: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxBxqkMmzfI
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Re: Pussylight Saga - The sex moon by leonizer

Postby MDK » Sun, 09Nov01 03:00

got ending 6 of 7
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Re: Pussylight Saga - The sex moon by leonizer

Postby astringues » Sun, 09Nov01 04:07

Well, I didn't find the secrets, and I don't understand The Brain's spoilers...
So I think I'll remain stupid ;-)
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Re: Pussylight Saga - The sex moon by leonizer

Postby TheBrain » Sun, 09Nov01 08:33

Well, I only really spoiled the first secret (to clarify, a 'secret' is just a special area you have to click), and you know on which screen the 2nd one is. But not finding these secrets has nothing to do with stupidity... :p

But to give some more hints/SPOILERS(!!):
2nd secret: As I said, on the map screen and not a logical place. Look for something that stands out, even just a little bit.
3rd secret: Is outside, and badly visible (cranking up your brightness settings may help).
4th and 5th: Are inside the mansion. They are comparably easy (but that may just have been because I knew where to look...).

But still, while trying to find secrets like this may challenge someone, the reward (special 'ending') is pretty dull in comparison. I don't wanna straight out tell you where to click though ;).
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Re: Pussylight Saga - The sex moon by leonizer

Postby Sniff3005 » Sun, 09Nov01 09:40

thanks leonizer ur games always impress me!
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Re: Pussylight Saga - The sex moon by leonizer

Postby ludwig » Sun, 09Nov01 14:06

i like the game!
Image well done! Image
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Re: Pussylight Saga - The sex moon by leonizer

Postby Luckel » Sun, 09Nov01 18:57

There is a major bug.
You have to purge your flash-folder every time before playing again.
Otherwise the game will act unpredictable.
E.g. :
-The door opens without getting the crowbar first
-It doesn´t matter wich choice you take for the anal-scene, it will finish the first directly and jump to the second
-You can´t get all of the achievements

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Re: Pussylight Saga - The sex moon by leonizer

Postby cheese101 » Sun, 09Nov01 21:54

got all endings now:D

wud have liked more sex scenes tho(titfuck,anal working,different positions etc)
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Re: Pussylight Saga - The sex moon by leonizer

Postby LRM » Mon, 09Nov02 00:26

wud lyk 2 c u spel √. http://www.iespell.com/
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Re: Pussylight Saga - The sex moon by leonizer

Postby erana » Mon, 09Nov02 00:48

You'll understand if I get a bit... wary... of games with vampiresses in them, right? :)
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Re: Pussylight Saga - The sex moon by leonizer

Postby erana » Mon, 09Nov02 02:43

TheBrain, you are doing it wrong. If you cry "Spoilers", go and tell the secrets already. Hints are not spoilers. Spoilers would be saying that the first secret is [color=c2dcf5]clicking in the cupboard knob, right above the kitchen[/color], the second xecret is [color=c2dcf5]clicking in the football field, roughly beneath the "camera", in the road map[/color], the third secret is [color=c2dcf5]clicking the crow perching on the right arm of the cross on the tombstone with the Lovecraftian inscrïption[/color], the fourth is [color=c2dcf5]clicking in the skeleton portrait right beside the "camera" in the mansion first room[/color], and the fifth is [color=c2dcf5]clicling the clock in the room past the closed door where you ask to kiss her under the clock[/color] (highlight the text with the cursor selection to read the spoilers. Do not highlight the text to not read the spoilers).
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