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Re: Saving Chloe (en, es)

PostPosted: Sun, 18Feb04 21:06
by L1nk1980
BloodyMares wrote:
moskys wrote:
tlaero wrote:The Elsaverse isn't in this world. The city is called "Sangrive" (you have no reason to know that yet) and is neither European nor American.

It IS a place with Ambulance Chasers though. (-:


But in that world there's a place called Massachusetts (DwE), a place called Tokyo (RfJ), a place called Scandinavia (RfJ), a place called Europe (Dream Master), a place called Brighton (SC)... :??: ;)

Are you not familiar with Comic books? DC and Marvel have fictional locations in addition to real-world places. Gotham, Metropolis, Central City, Star City, Genosha, Wakanda, Latveria etc.

just look at it with the series the flash if you familiar with it. different worlds. each world had a gently different of another world or a big one'

Re: Saving Chloe (en, es)

PostPosted: Mon, 18Feb05 01:07
by EscapeEvade
Mortze wrote:About the ambulance chasers, that's something very American indeed, but it doesn't mean that such lawyers don't exist in Europe either. In my country it's illegal for a lawyer to do that but there are many countries in Europe, in the world. In Sangrive maybe Ambulance Chasers are allowed by the Lawyer's regional Bar. Or maybe it doesn't. If I recall, it's a non-lawyer character that mentioned that term "Ambulance Chaser" to Paul, Chloe if I'm not mistaken. She's not a lawyer and nothing indicates that she knows about the ethics of that profession. Maybe she has just seen many American tv shows and movies and made a wrong portray of what's a lawyer in Sangrive.

Yes, Chloe says it.

Thanks for the info. I'm not a Personal Injury attorney myself, but I always got the impression since law school that "ambulance chasers" were an American concept in large part because of how Europe takes such a different approach to legal representation than we do in the states.

Just caught me a little off-guard, and led to that very random comment.

Re: Saving Chloe (en, es, fr)

PostPosted: Mon, 18Feb05 04:25
by tlaero
I've uploaded a new version of Saving Chloe with a French translation by Marco6661. Same link as before.

Thanks Marco!


Re: Saving Chloe (En, Sp, Fr)

PostPosted: Mon, 18Feb05 05:47
by Marco6661
My pleasure, Lady Tlaero.

Merci à Mortze et Serge pour leur aide dans la tâche laborieuse de relecture. [img]images/icones/icon9.gif[/img] [img]images/icones/icon17.gif[/img]

En espérant voir un peu plus de commentaires des amis Lagooner Francophones. :??:


Re: Saving Chloe (En, Sp, Fr)

PostPosted: Wed, 18Feb07 12:47
by PinkVendeta
Just wanted to say, Great Game, loved it.

Re: Saving Chloe (En, Sp, Fr)

PostPosted: Thu, 18Feb08 05:04
by ShadyGroves
Question for Mortze

In rendering the art work for Saving Chloe did you guys alter Chloe's body appearance compared to previous games.

The reason I ask Chloe has so many different appearances in this game. It is very hard to believe you guys simply altered hair style.

Were there any other changes you did such as body tweaking?

Re: Saving Chloe (En, Sp, Fr)

PostPosted: Thu, 18Feb08 14:18
by Mortze
ShadyGroves wrote:Question for Mortze

In rendering the art work for Saving Chloe did you guys alter Chloe's body appearance compared to previous games.

The reason I ask Chloe has so many different appearances in this game. It is very hard to believe you guys simply altered hair style.

Were there any other changes you did such as body tweaking?

There are differences between Chloe in SC and Chloe in the previous games because I used Genesis 3 as a base model for all the characters in SC. Before that they were all Victoria 4 based. Because the tools to merge a V4 character to a G3 character are sub optimal the models aren't as good as I wanted them.
In SC Chloe only changes hairstyle and accessories such as hoodie and cap. There are at least 5 different Chloe appearances.

Re: Saving Chloe (En, Sp, Fr)

PostPosted: Mon, 18Feb19 11:59
by ShadyGroves
You know what would be a cool patron short story. If you guys are not offended by the suggestion.

Xara left the Elsa-verse and Elsa hanging when she left at the end of Saving Chloe. Elsa's question as to why Paul saw a glow around her was never fully answered

A cool short story would be Chloe calling all of Xara's angels and their significant others together in the Portal room and Chloe breaking the news to all of them. Of what they really up against who was Morland, Crow, Xara, herself and Charles in actuality. Chloe explaining to them where all their 'super powers' originated from.

They're reaction would be something very interesting to behold. Being Elsa-verse and their reality is basically our own.

Maybe end it with a teasing cliff hanger just as they're all leaving.. The Portal begins to activate. :)

Re: Saving Chloe (En, Sp, Fr)

PostPosted: Thu, 18Feb22 00:16
by Tao Dude
ShadyGroves wrote:You know what would be a cool patron short story. If you guys are not offended by the suggestion.

Xara left the Elsa-verse and Elsa hanging when she left at the end of Saving Chloe. Elsa's question as to why Paul saw a glow around her was never fully answered

A cool short story would be Chloe calling all of Xara's angels and their significant others together in the Portal room and Chloe breaking the news to all of them. Of what they really up against who was Morland, Crow, Xara, herself and Charles in actuality. Chloe explaining to them where all their 'super powers' originated from.

They're reaction would be something very interesting to behold. Being Elsa-verse and their reality is basically our own.

Maybe end it with a teasing cliff hanger just as they're all leaving.. The Portal begins to activate. :)

...and Darkness Falls?

Re: Saving Chloe (En, Sp, Fr)

PostPosted: Thu, 18Feb22 04:52
by ShadyGroves
Yea why not. The Ultimate Darkness.

Could you imagine those things out of 'Dream Master' which Xara was fighting.

Running amok down the canal walk right outside of Elsa's store. Picking off the people. :)

Tao Dude wrote:
ShadyGroves wrote:You know what would be a cool patron short story. If you guys are not offended by the suggestion.

Xara left the Elsa-verse and Elsa hanging when she left at the end of Saving Chloe. Elsa's question as to why Paul saw a glow around her was never fully answered

A cool short story would be Chloe calling all of Xara's angels and their significant others together in the Portal room and Chloe breaking the news to all of them. Of what they really up against who was Morland, Crow, Xara, herself and Charles in actuality. Chloe explaining to them where all their 'super powers' originated from.

They're reaction would be something very interesting to behold. Being Elsa-verse and their reality is basically our own.

Maybe end it with a teasing cliff hanger just as they're all leaving.. The Portal begins to activate. :)

...and Darkness Falls?

Re: Saving Chloe (En, Sp, Fr)

PostPosted: Thu, 18Feb22 05:05
by tlaero
Okay, Darkness Falls is going to be, well, darker than the Elsa-verse games. But it's not going to go that far... (-:


Re: Saving Chloe (En, Sp, Fr)

PostPosted: Sat, 18Feb24 04:07
by ShadyGroves
Please no overt gore or violence. That tends to destroy any good story.

If there is to be violence and such. Come at it from psychological aspect.

Such as Morland's demon women holding the needle. Imagination tells you what's coming next without seeing it.

Or another example from that all time classic and masterpiece of Hitchcock's Psycho. You never saw poor Janet Lee get stabbed in the tub. It was only implied and left to the imagination thus a lot more shocking!.

Re: Saving Chloe (En, Sp, Fr)

PostPosted: Wed, 18Feb28 22:58
by ArianeB
Got my own fan fic idea: Paula (from Something's In The Air) is in her lab when a portal opens and in walks Xara wearing pajamas, dragging an unconscious and bloody Morland and Crow with her.

Re: Saving Chloe (En, Sp, Fr)

PostPosted: Thu, 18Mar01 00:38
by Tao Dude
ArianeB wrote:Got my own fan fic idea: Paula (from Something's In The Air) is in her lab when a portal opens and in walks Xara wearing pajamas, dragging an unconscious and bloody Morland and Crow with her.

Sounds good to me. Shame Tlaero and Mortze are already rolling with their two game interwoven episodes thing, a collaboration between you guys would be interesting.

Re: Saving Chloe (En, Sp, Fr)

PostPosted: Thu, 18Mar01 01:37
by ArianeB
Tao Dude wrote:
ArianeB wrote:Got my own fan fic idea: Paula (from Something's In The Air) is in her lab when a portal opens and in walks Xara wearing pajamas, dragging an unconscious and bloody Morland and Crow with her.

Sounds good to me. Shame Tlaero and Mortze are already rolling with their two game interwoven episodes thing, a collaboration between you guys would be interesting.

Stay tuned!