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Re: Pandora

Postby Falconer » Tue, 17May16 00:04

While I do love pretty much all games you guys put out, I cant say how happy I am that we are moving avay from Kean. I would have to look long and hard for a less likable character. Now I have no problem with the nerdy type but geez. Fat, unkempt hair, disgusting stubble and glasses. Way to enforce every nerdy stereotype ever Kean, now get lost.

I abolutley love the Mythological story, cant wait to see more of that and of our mysterious "olympians" in Paris.
Keep up the great work and Im looking forward to seeing what the rest of the characters get up to.
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Re: Pandora

Postby artorawley » Tue, 17May16 00:57

Played through the second part last night. Conflicted, I would say. The renders in part 2 look fantastic. Going back to freshen up in part 1 was jarring because of how much better everything looked in part 2. I'm not sure what your schedule is, but I would hope that you'll come back to part 1 someday to replace the old renders so the full playthrough is more cohesive (and I imagine fidelity divide will only grow larger with the release of part 3). Speaking of part 3,
I'm really looking forward to the Rashomon effect-like spin the series is taking. Or maybe it's more inspired by Pulp Fiction, but I digress. Farik could be a cool PC so here's hoping he's likeable and relatable.
Speaking of likeability and relatable, holy lord was Kean an awful character. Sweet guy, I know, but
he was a complete turbo nerd. I'm no Don Juan myself and I don't care for playing as super macho characters, but Kean was a complete weiner. The jewfro was pretty bad, but him being a chubby virgin and being a premature ejaculator was too much. I could get by the stereotypical Star Wars fan stuff but he was a total loser, man. he was basically Larry Laugher without the charm, really, or the sex drive.
Anyways, really interesting story so I'm looking forward to how it will be expanded upon in part 3. I'll also echo the sentiments of others how Maggie was a bit lacking compared to the myriad of other lovely ladies on board, I'm also a huge fan of Rita's character and her story arc, so I was pretty disappointed that this entry basically closed off any chance of Kean and Rita falling for each other. Honestly, Rita should have her own game. I guess that could potentially be saved for part 4 but waiting 2+ years for that is going to be painful. :(
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Re: Pandora

Postby JFR » Tue, 17May16 01:29

artorawley wrote:... I'm also a huge fan of Rita's character and her story arc, so I was pretty disappointed that this entry basically closed off any chance of Kean and Rita falling for each other. Honestly, Rita should have her own game. I guess that could potentially be saved for part 4 but waiting 2+ years for that is going to be painful. :(

I really think Rita would be wasted on Kean. Unless you could riff on the idea of the experienced hot lady helping pull the nerd out of his stereo-typical shell.

I am quite intrigued by a.) Rita and Farik's past history and obvious caring for each other, b.) the potentially developing relationship with Talia and c.) the "pregnant pause moment" when Rita and the "geologist everybody hates" discover some strong common interests and history. That single pane of the two of them looking speculatively at each other has future story written all over it, despite the fact that she punched his lights out. [img]images/icones/icon13.gif[/img]
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Re: Pandora

Postby Mortze » Tue, 17May16 01:41

Thanks all for your input!

I reckon Maggie isn't for all tastes. But I'm surprised on the criticism about Kean's nerdiness. I mean, it's not like he was supposed to loose his nerdiness, have a new haircut, build up strong confidence and solve his premature ejaculation from Part I into Part II. If you played Part I you knew what you could expect from Kean.
I understand that those who have played Pandora for the first time now don't like Kean for N reasons. But for those who have already played Part I...

I also understand the disappointment about Rita. But keeping the consistency of Kean's character what options could there have been in Part II for a possible (real) sexual encounter between Rita and him? There's Farik, Noah, Michael, Nate on board, all men that would be more of interest for Rita, sexually considering. I'm not saying someone like Kean can't find love, or sex, with a hot and beautiful girl. Sure he can. But he and Rita, personality wise, that wouldn't be consistent. Pandora was the story about Kean and Maggie. Future episodes will explore other perspectives. Hopefully for Rita there are far better options aboard for her to have fun with. :)
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Re: Pandora

Postby tlaero » Tue, 17May16 03:08

ltpika wrote:However, if I can be critical for a moment, I will be disappointed if this is the end of Kean's story. I pursued Rita in my original playthrough, the promise of the initial release was that she'd have a route. I worked pretty hard to get all the Rita points possible and all I get is a dream sequence?

I really don't think there was anything in CH1 that promised a sexual relationship with Rita. I guess you can say, "All I got was a dream sequence," but I thought that Mortze killed it in that sequence. It was extremely hot and exciting. Okay, it didn't really happen, but then again, nothing in the game really happened. They're just pictures and words.

Someone I'm close to gets frustrated with tv shows and movies where they imply and ending but don't actually SHOW it. For example, The Truman Show. In the end you see the girl he loves running up the stairs so you KNOW they're going to get together. But the show didn't actually SHOW them get together so we don't really KNOW that they did. This frustrates my friend. When that happens, I say, "So, pretend that they did. It's fiction, you can pretend anything you want about it."

The same is true here. If you want to, in your head, take out the text where Rita wakes you up from your daydream and put in text that says, "Okay, that just happened, but you're never going to tell anyone about it. Got it?" In your version, it was a real fling that they're going to keep to themselves. That's cool. Really all that would change is about 3 sentences.

ltpika wrote:Seems like a lot of potential was lost in releasing it now. I know you had to appease backers, so I get it if you guys felt under pressure.

We do not feel under pressure to release things early to appease our Patrons. We are constrained by a number of different things, but the release date isn't one of them. Never in any of our discussions about any of our games have either of us said, "If we added more, it would push out the date and we'd lose patrons." Not only have we never said that, but it wouldn't be true if we did. Our patrons frequently say things like, "I can't wait to see it, but take your time and don't release it until it's done." This is the story that Mortze wanted to tell (plus a few scenes I made him add to make it longer :-).

ltpika wrote: The original had Maggie and Kean share an interest in voyeurism and Maggie seemed to like watching other girls but it didn't really get explored very much.

There are two different sex scene branches in CH2 where they get hot and bothered and busy because they're being voyeuristic. And there's another scene where they get it on in part because they're listening to other people having sex. I'm pretty sure there are more voyeurism pictures and text pages in CH2 of this game than in most games that are specifically about voyeurism...

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Re: Pandora

Postby ltpika » Tue, 17May16 04:06

I really don't think there was anything in CH1 that promised a sexual relationship with Rita

Points...why were they there is that is true? What game has relationship points that go nowhere? Kind of odd that Kean bemoans George Lucas, saying there was never any intent for Rita is like George saying Han never shot first. :(

This is the story that Mortze wanted to tell (plus a few scenes I made him add to make it longer :-)

I'm not asking for a "gotta fuck'em all" game (I usually like games focused on one or two girls because out get more scenes with them.) But the point system of the last game gave every indication Rita was worth putting points into. There was even a specialized walkthrough for Rita done on aif sans mystery to max out her points. In the finished game, it does not matter how many points you have, you get the fantasy scene.

Okay, it didn't really happen, but then again, nothing in the game really happened. They're just pictures and words.

By that logic you should just have made the game about a demon who rapes everyone on the ship to death. Because it's just "pictures and words." Sad fact is that probably would have quadrupled your patrons. But you put effort into them, so obviously they mean more to you and in turn the characters mean something to the audience too.
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Re: Pandora

Postby artorawley » Tue, 17May16 09:22

JFR wrote:
artorawley wrote:... I'm also a huge fan of Rita's character and her story arc, so I was pretty disappointed that this entry basically closed off any chance of Kean and Rita falling for each other. Honestly, Rita should have her own game. I guess that could potentially be saved for part 4 but waiting 2+ years for that is going to be painful. :(

I really think Rita would be wasted on Kean. Unless you could riff on the idea of the experienced hot lady helping pull the nerd out of his stereo-typical shell.

I am quite intrigued by a.) Rita and Farik's past history and obvious caring for each other, b.) the potentially developing relationship with Talia and c.) the "pregnant pause moment" when Rita and the "geologist everybody hates" discover some strong common interests and history. That single pane of the two of them looking speculatively at each other has future story written all over it, despite the fact that she punched his lights out. [img]images/icones/icon13.gif[/img]

Man, I really hope that this doesn't lead to a Rita-Nate thing. "Girl falling for the misunderstood asshole that treated her like shit because of a defense mechanism flaw" is so goddamned clichéd.

Mortze wrote:
I also understand the disappointment about Rita. But keeping the consistency of Kean's character what options could there have been in Part II for a possible (real) sexual encounter between Rita and him? There's Farik, Noah, Michael, Nate on board, all men that would be more of interest for Rita, sexually considering. I'm not saying someone like Kean can't find love, or sex, with a hot and beautiful girl. Sure he can. But he and Rita, personality wise, that wouldn't be consistent. Pandora was the story about Kean and Maggie. Future episodes will explore other perspectives. Hopefully for Rita there are far better options aboard for her to have fun with. :)

I dunno, it seemed like all the work we did in part 1 to show Rita that Kean cared and wasn't the person she thought he was was leading towards her kind of having an epiphany that that despite the fact that Kean isn't the chiseled, rock-hard slab of man meat she usually hooks up with that maybe she was looking for the sweet, caring guy after all...
and then she friend-zones Kean and appears to be hooking up with the bisexual pilot instead now with some poisonous seeds being planted for a horrid romantic arc with Nate.
The daydream sequence was nice, but it felt like an unnecessary gut-punch after doing so much for Rita through both games. I was hoping at least if the story just had to run its course through Kean & Maggie hooking up that we would get Kean winning over Rita so she could get Kean out of her system after seeing what hooking up with a loser would be like and if it's something that she liked (probably not, but Tlaero's games had a knack for the lovable loser winning over the atypical dream girl so I was kind of hoping we would get that here, too).

Anyways though, I enjoyed the game overall, despite my criticisms, and look forward to the next part.
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Re: Pandora

Postby xCooLer2 » Tue, 17May16 11:25

Wonderfull game (as usual)

I'm too in the band of the Rita disappointed ... but, as T&M stated, there was no realistic and consistent option for Kean and Rita.
All much the Kean can realistically expect is a daydream (very hot scene by the way)

It also does not help that you rendered Rita very much better in CH2 ... I also see a touch of Miranda in her.
So, everything I can say is: "allez Farik, allez!"

Now, speaking about serious thing: .... that Cassandra ... I'm suspicious
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Re: Pandora

Postby yahoo » Tue, 17May16 11:41

Looking at the previous comments, it seems there's a lot of criticism for the game and it seems a lot of people are disappointed.
I've read all the arguments and I absolutely fail to understand it.
I mean, fair enough, Mortze is an awesome artist and I guess some would prefer him to work on a different game instead of Pandora because Pandora did not appeal to them.
I don't get that. Pandora Part I was clear on all the characters and it was totally obvious where (if not exactly how) the story would develop. If you didn't like what it was, don't play the game!
I mean, there are like a dozen AAA game titles released every year. I bought and played four over the last ten years, totally ignoring all other. There are hundreds if not thousands video games released every year (including published and indie titles). I hardly play any of them, which means I ignore over 99% of games that are released.
Even limiting this to erotica, there are dozens of titles released annually and countless more being worked on. I play less than 5% of them. The overwhelming majority is completely unappealing to me, and I don't waste time on them.

Yeah, sure, it would be so awesome if you could pursue any of the girls, and if they would simply fawn over you. Even better, you should be able to get a harem of all women on board so that all guys would be jealous of you.
You know what else? All the guys on board should simply go hang themselves because they're so useless. You should be running everything, from steering the ship, to showing Talia how to fly the helicopter. And you should totally be the guy to discover Atlantis all on your own.
They could call it Kim Jong-Un life simulator.

On Kean:
I loved how Kean never did things out of character. Even the scene with Captain Ross is great, with Chean ;-) cowering behind others (it doesn't bother me in the slightest that it happens to be a girl, Rita wasn't in any immediate danger, the Captain was angry, but not deranged).
He stays true to himself and he's totally comfortable with who he is. To be honest, there's a terrible shortage of characters like him. And he's not fat. He's not fit, he's overweight, but not enough to call him fat.
You know what would be a buzzkill for me?
This: ... sesGottaGo
And this: ... ulAllAlong
Seriously, these two tropes are so overdone that I'd puke myself if I saw that happen to Kean.

On discussing stuff openly:
They're on a ship. You don't have many options on a ship if you want to talk to anyone. You have a couple of people that you can either trust (you already trust some of them with your life, anyway), or that you can't. Kean trusted Rita enough at one point to open up to her. Maggie trusted Laura the same.
And besides, everybody on that ship knew about their relationship. It's hard to keep stuff a secret on a small ship. The Captain knew without even bothering to know it, it just reached his ears. And you can be sure nobody would risk just taking this to him.

On to the girls, starting off with Maggie:
This romance is totally in character. Both of them are from UK, which makes her available geographically. He would have to move countries to stay with any other girl, and I can't see that happening with Kean or putting that into writing. Kean is too insecure to leave this question hanging.
Like this conversation -- maybe not spoken out, but Kean would certainly play it out in his head a lot:
Girl: "I like you, Kean, I really do."
Kean: "Do you love me?"
G: "I don't know."
K: "Will you stay with me after this expedition is finished?"
G: "Let's enjoy it now, and not think about the future"
K: To himself: "She's going to dump me."
Maggie is available and she's just as insecure as Kean is. The only reason she opened up to him is because he's a kindred spirit and because he didn't intimidate her as others did.
Kean will not abandon her simply because she's insecure, but she's available to Kean. She's just as intimidated by others as Kean is and would not open up to anyone else.
To Kean, this all means that he simply doesn't see any options to not pursue her. Nobody else would accommodate Kean and let him be comfortable about the relationship.
Oh, and the pubic hair? I loved it. Finally something realistic. Even though pubic hair shaving only took off in the nineties and even though not all women shave, I was perplexed to have seen comments under pictures of natural girls here and there that basically boil down to one or more of these three things:
• How did it grow? (Not commenting that it's unkempt, or that there's a lot, but seriously asking if it was something in the diet or if the girl used something to make it grow, or if she used some fake hair)
• It's gross! It's disgusting! Etc. (Again, not that it's unkempt or too much, but that it exists in the first place. Seriously, some guys think that pubic hair either doesn't grow at all, or that it grows in a neat patch if it has to. And if a girl shaves and gets ingrown pubes, it looks even worse and it hurts.)
• It's unhygenic! (Which is out of line. The only unhealthy phenomenon associated with pubic hair is pubic lice, but they're not a problem in any developed country, while shaving causes cuts and abrasions which can be dangerous on their own, there are ingrown hairs which are painful, irritating and prone to breaking, which can cause infection, and the hair itself protects against a wide range of bacteria, fungi and parasites.)

I speak that last bit from experience. I'm a nerd, but what I didn't realize is that when I was a teenager and early twenties, I was very popular with girls (I was a nerd, but I used to be fit. Oh, and I wore contact lenses ;-)). I got a girlfriend, I got engaged and married, and I wouldn't find out about my popularity if it wasn't for something I found out by accidentally eavesdropping on a conversation on a bus where two women who I knew as girls didn't see or recognize me and were reminiscing about me completely openly.
I was totally insecure about myself. If I knew about my popularity, two things might have happened:
• I'd just cling to another girl who fancied me (my wife or any other girl) and I'd stay with her because I would be afraid my luck would run out, so not much difference.
• I'd become an asshole playboy.

I'm happy that I didn't find this out back then.

On other girls:
In no particular order:
• Roos. She never took Kean seriously (nothing would change that) and seeing her with Noah would simply break Kean's heart.
• Kaori. No way, she wants Farik and will go to any lengths to be with him. Kean doesn't even figure as an option.
• Rita. Ok, no offense, but how the hell do you imagine that happening? Pursuing her would alienate you in front of all the girls, annoy everyone around you and in the end, Rita would either friendzone you or say that she can't work with you because you're unprofessional.
Right now, the relationship with Rita is expertly written and by the end, she behaves like an older sister that Kean can rely on.
The next part will still feature Kean a lot, since he's one of the few people that Rita has opened up to and can trust fully. What it could play out as, if Farik does something stupid to Kean, this can be an end to any chance he might have with Rita. If pursuing Rita, he could be a jerk toward pretty much everyone on the ship, but Kean and Maggie are off-limits.
On the importance of gathering points with Rita: Having enough points in Part I lets you find out about the accident from her. Knowing about the accident lets you continue on her path in Part II. Not having enough points/not knowing about the accident can't open the scene where you comfort her, and this is a game breaker because you can't progress when she's too distraught to continue.
• Laura. No, just no. She's a caring counselor for Kean, but she's not into a relationship with him, she wants an experienced guy. I don't see how that could change for her (although she looks distraught in the cabin scene).
• Cassandra. Another complete no go. Totally abrasive character, impatient and bossy. I don't see how Kean could be interested in her. Actually, in following her, it's one moment where Kean seems to go out of character since he normally wouldn't follow her (the game does give that option, but it's not hard to avoid it and actually go after Cassandra).
• Nikki. First, she's not interested in Kean. Plain and simple. She's teasing him more than once, but she's not the person to go for a fling just of idle curiosity. Second, she's his boss.

On the plot and on mythology:
I loved it. All references are nice. Couple of caveats:
• Ambrosia is the food of the Greek gods. They drank nectar, and yes, I realize that the name really lost its meaning.
• Gods wouldn't be driven around in an Audi. If they wanted to be inconspicuous in Paris, but still have comfort and privacy, any modern French marque would do.
What I would imagine they would ride in are classic cars with an underbody and a custom chassis built by a coachbuilder, or a painstakingly restored classic Bugatti Type 101 or Bugatti Royale. Those are obviously lavish, but there are other classic cars that would be luxurious, while still being inconspicuous in France, with Citroën DS being the obvious choice (I mean, seriously, the name of the car is pronounced "déesse" in French, which means "Goddess" in English).

One final thought about unwarranted criticism:
Why would you torture yourself with a game where you can't identify with the protagonist? It's beyond stupid. You played Pandora Part I and didn't like it, maybe you could take Part II out for a spin, but after a moment decide it's not for you. Fair enough. But play through it all and say you're disappointed because it didn't live up to your expectations?

I'll list a couple of fetishes that were not covered in the game and that would disappoint enthusiasts (in alphabetical order):
• Anal
• Furry
• Futanari
• Gay
• Incest
• Lesbian
• Rape
• Transsexual
• Underage
Sorry for the some extreme entries on that list, but I hope you understand I'm trying to show that you can't cater to all groups. I've seen discussions on Lesson of Passion blog where leonizer asked for feedback and got a relatively huge number of people asking for Futanari, Rape, Incest (including underage incest) and Gay relationships. It was a very vocal minority. As soon as LOP would cater to them, financial support for LOP would drop off a cliff.
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Re: Pandora

Postby carloimbonati » Tue, 17May16 13:14

As usual you guys did it.
Enjoyed every bit of it and will surely play it again.
Mortze the renders were awesome, and Tlaero I really liked the style, and I think you eased the transition perfectly, since I noticed hardly any difference from the first chapter in the way of writing.
Really liking where the story is going. Can we have the sequel, like, now?
I'm surprised to see that quite a lot of people didn't like Kean. What? It is one of the most authentic characters in the whole adult fiction genre, he is plausible. Same way with Maggie, except for the "vocality" in bed. I doubt a shy girl like her would say "lick my pussy" so openly on her first or second time ever, but oh well ;) can't complain too much.
The only character I found had a unrealistic behavior was the doctor, Laura, which I guess was a little too open on her and other's sexuality, but again, it's an adult novel, so it's relatively minor of a flaw and you can never say even in the real world if somebody like this actually exists.
tl, dr: great game. Keep going :)
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Re: Pandora

Postby yahoo » Tue, 17May16 13:20

Let me expand on the plot a bit more, because I forgot to include this above:
So, Athena meddles into affairs of people and helped the team find Atlantis. Neat-o.
Hera seems to want to prevent them from finding Atlantis for whatever reason.

Cassandra prayed to mother of all, which implies Gaia, to give her the strength. However, Gaia was one of the primordial gods and spawned titans, who in turn spawned the third generation of Greek gods, which are the ones which meddle in Pandora.
Now, the strange part is that none of the goddesses actually has any relationship to being a mother of all or everything. Hera is "only" titled a queen of heaven, and is a goddess of women and of marriage, so the plot thickens :-)
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Re: Pandora

Postby L1nk1980 » Tue, 17May16 13:25

I'm agree with Yahoo

Mortze and Tlaero makes games with story's they wanna tell. they having sex scenes in them, but overall are the story's that make there games great.

kean and Maggie are nit the hottest couple but they are a cute couple and to see how they come together and exploring there needs is great

and mortze alreaydy knows where to go in part 3 and further so let him tell his story let tlaero give mortze her vision and advice and I know part 3 will be as good as part 1 and 2.

I like the game for the story and the beautiful pictures that mortze make

and if I play a game I don't like I stop playing that game and move on

mortze pandora part 1 and part 2 are great games with an good story. I think you and tlaero make a great team to make these games

I have say it already in another comment but I hoping you keep making games together for a long time
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Re: Pandora

Postby jipp » Tue, 17May16 13:32

yahoo wrote:I'll list a couple of fetishes that were not covered in the game and that would disappoint enthusiasts (in alphabetical order):

• Underage
Sorry for the some extreme entries on that list, but I hope you understand I'm trying to show that you can't cater to all groups.

Considering Maggie looks like she's 15 years old at most..... eww.

People aren't upset because there aren't enough fetishes. Heck, the complete lack of "weirder" fetishes is why I usually like Tlaero/Mortze games. People aren't upset because they couldn't pursue multiple girls (personally I've always liked how Tlaero/Mortze protagonists are generally "decent" people, they don't rape, cheat etc), they're upset because the *only* path available to them was disappointing.

Again, I'm very grateful for the effort put into the game. My criticism doesn't mean I didn't find plenty of things to enjoy in it, but like for many other people, Maggie and Kean were underwhelming to me.
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Re: Pandora

Postby caric » Tue, 17May16 14:44

jipp wrote:
yahoo wrote:I'll list a couple of fetishes that were not covered in the game and that would disappoint enthusiasts (in alphabetical order):

• Underage
Sorry for the some extreme entries on that list, but I hope you understand I'm trying to show that you can't cater to all groups.

Considering Maggie looks like she's 15 years old at most..... eww.

I totally agree here, and that's why I didn't liked this game and i immediately stop playing it and quickly deleted it, as soon as i noticed where it was going, sex with a underage girl. It's something i find repulsive, yeah, i know we're talking about porn games here, but for me personally i find it disgusting, probably because i may be older than the usual player's age target of these games, i've a teen daughter.
Ironically, trying to convince other people that they're just 3d models, and the characters are like 20 or 25 years old, when they are not, it's a pretty common response from the creators of porn games that have underage girls, well, just show the pics to 100 people (not players of this kind of games) and see the responses you'll receive.
Anyway i get it, underage, incest, rape it's what gives money, not good stories (unfortunately) so i understand the authors threw in underage stuff this time hoping to earn a few more bucks,
at the end of the day it's all about the money, but it's a pity to see where they're headed, i liked the games they made a couple years ago, but for me personally they keep going downhill, one after another, i also didn't like FM, so i hardly doubt i'll be playing tlaero mortze games again. Just my 2 cents if anyone cares.
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Re: Pandora

Postby Mortze » Tue, 17May16 15:02

ltpika wrote:I really don't think there was anything in CH1 that promised a sexual relationship with Rita

Points...why were they there is that is true? What game has relationship points that go nowhere? Kind of odd that Kean bemoans George Lucas, saying there was never any intent for Rita is like George saying Han never shot first.

This is the story that Mortze wanted to tell (plus a few scenes I made him add to make it longer :-)

I'm not asking for a "gotta fuck'em all" game (I usually like games focused on one or two girls because out get more scenes with them.) But the point system of the last game gave every indication Rita was worth putting points into. There was even a specialized walkthrough for Rita done on aif sans mystery to max out her points. In the finished game, it does not matter how many points you have, you get the fantasy scene.

Okay, it didn't really happen, but then again, nothing in the game really happened. They're just pictures and words.

Well. Maybe you just assumed that collecting the points would lead to sex. It didn't. It led to maybe something more meaningful; a strong friendship with Rita. I've always been vocal that Pandora isn't the habitual date game.

xCooLer2 wrote:It also does not help that you rendered Rita very much better in CH2 ... I also see a touch of Miranda in her.

You're the second person telling me that. I honestly don't see any ressemblance. But I've noticed that facial recognition tends to be different from person to person, there's no exact Science to that.

yahoo wrote:They could call it Kim Jong-Un life simulator.

I died. :lol:
yahoo wrote:Girl: "I like you, Kean, I really do."
Kean: "Do you love me?"
G: "I don't know."
K: "Will you stay with me after this expedition is finished?"
G: "Let's enjoy it now, and not think about the future"
K: To himself: "She's going to dump me."

Resuscitated and died again.

yahoo wrote:Even though pubic hair shaving only took off in the nineties and even though not all women shave, I was perplexed to have seen comments under pictures of natural girls here and there that basically boil down to one or more of these three things:

Also the fact that Maggie was the type of girl that kept to herself and liked to go sailing with his father and brother instead of making herself pretty for boys. I simply didn't see any reason for her to trim her bush besides pleasing the players over character consistency.

yahoo wrote:Actually, in following her, it's one moment where Kean seems to go out of character since he normally wouldn't follow her (the game does give that option, but it's not hard to avoid it and actually go after Cassandra)

Actually, at first I wanted Kean to think (for the players) that it was odd that someone would go outside in the middle of the night, and with the crew's growing desperation for not finding anything, Kean would follow Cassandra to see if she'd not do anything stupid. But Tlaero talked me down on the suicide reasoning (not good in a sexy story) and I kept that out. But Kean goes after her because he cares. Not because she's hot.

yahoo wrote:• Ambrosia is the food of the Greek gods. They drank nectar, and yes, I realize that the name really lost its meaning.
• Gods wouldn't be driven around in an Audi. If they wanted to be inconspicuous in Paris, but still have comfort and privacy, any modern French marque would do.
What I would imagine they would ride in are classic cars with an underbody and a custom chassis built by a coachbuilder, or a painstakingly restored classic Bugatti Type 101 or Bugatti Royale. Those are obviously lavish, but there are other classic cars that would be luxurious, while still being inconspicuous in France, with Citroën DS being the obvious choice (I mean, seriously, the name of the car is pronounced "déesse" in French, which means "Goddess" in English).

Nectar. You got that right. Damn.
And secondly, what's important isn't the Audi car. It's the license plate. I don't see UN staff riding Citroen DS.

carloimbonati wrote:The only character I found had a unrealistic behavior was the doctor, Laura, which I guess was a little too open on her and other's sexuality,

She's totally in character :) More about Laura in future instalments.

caric wrote:I totally agree here, and that's why I didn't liked this game and i immediately stop playing it and quickly deleted it, as soon as i noticed where it was going, sex with a underage girl. It's something i find repulsive, yeah, i know we're talking about porn games here, but for me personally i find it disgusting, probably because i may be older than the usual player's age target of these games, i've a teen daughter.
Ironically, trying to convince other people that they're just 3d models, and the characters are like 20 or 25 years old, when they are not, it's a pretty common response from the creators of porn games that have underage girls, well, just show the pics to 100 people (not players of this kind of games) and see the responses you'll receive.
Anyway i get it, underage, incest, rape it's what gives money, not good stories (unfortunately) so i understand the authors threw in underage stuff this time hoping to earn a few more bucks,
at the end of the day it's all about the money, but it's a pity to see where they're headed, i liked the games they made a couple years ago, but for me personally they keep going downhill, one after another, i also didn't like FM, so i hardly doubt i'll be playing tlaero mortze games again. Just my 2 cents if anyone cares.

Thank you for your honesty. I respect and understand your opinion. I'd like to know why you didn't liked FM either though. Maybe you could speak your mind on the FM thread?
I respond to your comment because I also must be honest. I share a different opinion about teenagers depicted in this medium (I'v already developed this subject somewhere else on this forum) and initially Maggie's age (18) wasn't supposed to be disclosed, so that people could think she'd be under 18, which she was supposed to be at first. But I got counsel that it should be wise to put the line there saying she's 18. I didn't like doing it. I also think it is dumb to design teenage (or child) characters and just say they are adults. That's an hipocritic legal protection. I think it hurts more than it does good.
I had to come true on that subject after seeing your comment.
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