World of whorecraft

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World of whorecraft

Postby coder » Tue, 13Sep24 21:44

I just stumbled upon this game. Below is the link to the site of the maker.
You should expect a lot of interspecial sex in all kind of different sizes and forms. There are enough pictures on the site, to see if you'll like it or not. Just so you know what to expect.

I'm going to give it a try. It's free anyway. It's just a bit of hassle to download, but according to the blog it generates a bit of money for the maker. There are 3 episodes. You'll have to scroll over the page to find the latest version of each episode and each one is broken up into 8 parts, which you have to download from a file host.

Also the name of the file you download is called banktutor, at least for episode I. I presume that's to mislead the file host.
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Re: World of whorecraft

Postby Greebo » Tue, 13Sep24 23:39

What a lot of ridiculous *censoring* of sample images, together with rubbish poses! Certainly doesn't inspire me to look further!
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Re: World of whorecraft

Postby tlaero » Wed, 13Sep25 03:20

I jumped through some hoops to download part1 of episode 1 and my antimalware flagged it. I'll let someone else blaze this trail...

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Re: World of whorecraft

Postby Rikwar » Wed, 13Sep25 06:40

Looking at the preview images its a pass for me also !
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Re: World of whorecraft

Postby kessie8yl » Wed, 13Sep25 10:13

Thanks for sharing the new find but the pictures aren't exactly inspiring me to take the risk and download it either... "Watch a lot of ugly 'people' have sex" - I don't think so.

The most attractive image seems to be associated with a page that tells you the site's down for maintainance. Presumably you get to see a lot of that one? :)

No doubt there will be a niche market for this somewhere but it's not the kind of place I'd want to visit.
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Re: World of whorecraft

Postby coder » Sat, 13Sep28 12:04

So I've tested it for a bit. It's a 3d-rpg, made with the unreal development kit. It seems to be mainly story driven. It runs slow as hell on my linux box though, and I since windows stopped working when I replaced my motherboard last year, and I still need to reinstall, I haven't properly tested it yet. My first impression is that it's rather crude though.

I personally never have a virus scanner running, since I've never seen much use for it, not even on windows. In my opinion it's main use is to give people the illusion of safety. But I haven't seen any suspicious behaviour so far. Maybe it's flagged because the UDK has a phone home option, but it has been disabled in the options.

Like in most rpg's the other races (elves, dwarves, gnomes etc) are depicted as humanoids and made more icy to make them less human and so less beautiful. I haven't found out if the game is censored like the images on the blog. I'm still curious, though I'm growing less enthusiastic. If you want to play a rpg with adult content, a dance with rogues seems a better option, provided you don't mind the outdated graphics.
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Re: World of whorecraft

Postby Automagic » Thu, 13Oct31 23:20

I've played through all four episodes and really liked them.
I liked that it was in a 3d-engine since I don't see a lot of sex games like that.

As for the the malware problem; it's mainly the downloader they use. Just uncheck the box in the upper-right corner to download the .zip directly and you should be fine. I haven't found any viruses in those.

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Re: World of whorecraft

Postby ShadowPortalTeam » Thu, 16Sep22 14:25

There are some really nice episodes out there, but a few boring ones that I just wanted to pass as quickly as possible.
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