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Re: New sceanario

PostPosted: Wed, 07Jan24 21:11
by drongo
Okay firstly think about all the ideas for a school room. Young girl kept back for detention dressed like S. Trainians( Shark you'll have to look up gymslip etc, and tha's sexy in itself!)
Then of course you have the [img]smile/hapface01.gif[/img] [img]smile/hapface01.gif[/img] [color=#009b63]tall teachers desk to sit/lie on with lots of lovely toys - cane, board rubber. She could have a satchel (school bag) and if that falls open then even more goodies inside.

also sometimes it's cool to F*** with clothes on so that's a different ending

Admire your high quality graphics and that you cheerfully put this on for free unlike most other sites.

Re: New sceanario

PostPosted: Thu, 07Jan25 00:03
by shark
Here is another interesting idea....All this will be studied when I shall have a little of time to start a new game...