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Re: 3d Adult Chat

PostPosted: Tue, 09Dec01 15:35
by nepolemo
yes 60nowise, the time of guys turning girls and back again in a moment is over, so the dev team erases one the (imho) major problems (well there are others but one after the other).

And the guys starting as girls: Well thats fine with me, now they have to stick to their role and if they are not up to it, they will leave and if the are? Well fine with me...

Re: 3d Adult Chat

PostPosted: Fri, 09Dec04 02:39
by nepolemo
new, maybe interessting news, they do not change the id and sex to a fix value but have instead a new and (they say so) much better idee for more comunity live in the game, they want to implement it quite soon but did not tell details. I am really interessted what they will do.

Re: 3d Adult Chat

PostPosted: Sun, 09Dec06 19:54
by ju33lvr
That is a good news, thanks :)
Lets see what will be the solution...

Re: 3d Adult Chat

PostPosted: Wed, 09Dec09 18:49
by tacco07
Hi, great game, but you have to really do a lot to seduce a girl, sometimes they are really hard ;-))

But its worth it, I had great exp - with prem girls too.

If any girl likes to know my id in achat sent me a pm

Re: 3d Adult Chat

PostPosted: Wed, 09Dec09 21:23
by Grinsweeper
Some of the cutest girls speak French or Italian, and there are some pretty interesting German and Russian girls also. [img]images/icones/icon17.gif[/img]

I suppose if you are fluent in 5 languages you ought to be able to do very well in this game. [img]images/icones/icon13.gif[/img]

Re: 3d Adult Chat

PostPosted: Wed, 09Dec09 21:44
by tacco07
lol i am german und speak enough english and some french, the italiens are a problem [img]images/icones/icon15.gif[/img] . But dont find many good russian girls, most of them are rather rude. Well maybe because I dont speak russan.

Re: 3d Adult Chat

PostPosted: Wed, 09Dec09 23:13
by Grinsweeper
Thank you for your guidance. I can actually read some Italian, but I cannot speak it at all. And I need to work hard on my French, if I want to play this game well. The other languages, I can forget about.

Re: 3d Adult Chat

PostPosted: Wed, 09Dec09 23:46
by tacco07
most of the french girls speak english (but there are french guys, so the competition is hard) and I think most german girls too speak english)

Re: 3d Adult Chat

PostPosted: Sat, 09Dec12 01:27
by ju33lvr
very nice international team :)

Re: 3d Adult Chat

PostPosted: Wed, 09Dec16 20:52
by nepolemo
good news from achat, they really did implement a brand new and nice new system in the chat for more community work. You can become friend or lover now with certain other users.

Looks great, see how it works in daily use.

Re: 3d Adult Chat

PostPosted: Sun, 09Dec20 18:00
by gamesxx

Re: 3d Adult Chat

PostPosted: Wed, 09Dec30 02:49
by ju33lvr
I wish also very happy new year for all forum members :-)

Re: 3d Adult Chat

PostPosted: Sat, 10Jan02 14:09
by Laparka
hello and happy new year everyone

i just bought a prem account for AChat.
and let me tell you it is worth the +/- 11 euros!

it is really funny and gals can't wait to get turned on on this game.
ok sometimes you meet some psycho, but most of the time they want to play and ask you for specific things.
it is quite exciting to play this kind of chat and really works on your mind instead of simply displaying porn images if you know what i mean.
Here, the power of imagination is the key.
A chat can last very long (i had one of 2 hours)^and get really fun.
Of course, nothing is really serious and you might even talk to a liar pretending to "get naked and touch herself in front of the pc" (lol), but who cares? as long as you believe it and get turned on, this is the goal of the game!

i can tell you this, being a free user is fun but boring after a few days, being a premium is great and makes you an addict :-)!

Re: 3d Adult Chat

PostPosted: Sat, 10Jan09 20:11
by sex23eva
Happy New Year to all forum members!

Re: 3d Adult Chat

PostPosted: Wed, 10Jan13 22:57
by Dannyello
I am veteran of the game and I was pleasantly surprised by the improvements made weekly. It is becoming more and more passionate,more erotic. Try!