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Re: Finding Miranda (publicly released)

PostPosted: Fri, 16Dec16 01:15
by jackofhearts
Pirates LOVE hot, new content. Any chance of getting a lot of downloads, they'll be there. They are making money of it.

Tried the game and was absolutely blasted.
Awesome storytelling, fantastic art in text AND graphics and unexpected dialouges!

Only one negative critic: It was'nt obvious in which way I should respond, when the choices given, seem to be really equal... Save/Load helped with that!

Re: Finding Miranda (publicly released)

PostPosted: Fri, 16Dec16 01:20
by chuck21
Great game Mortze / Tlaero as usual.
Finding Miranda doesnt disappoint at all! Actually my favorite girl of the three!
i did everything but never managed to unlock the multisexual achievement...anyone can provide me with a hint? thanks

Re: Finding Miranda (publicly released)

PostPosted: Fri, 16Dec16 01:33
by JFR
chuck21 wrote:Great game Mortze / Tlaero as usual.
Finding Miranda doesnt disappoint at all! Actually my favorite girl of the three!
i did everything but never managed to unlock the multisexual achievement...anyone can provide me with a hint? thanks

You just have to follow through every "date combination." It requires multiple playthroughs - Karen cheated+aggressive dating, Karen cheated+no dating, Karen died+aggressive dating, Karen died+no dating, etc. Basically, you have to complete the game using every combination plus go on every date.

Re: Finding Miranda (publicly released)

PostPosted: Fri, 16Dec16 01:38
by tlaero
Chaotic_VDG wrote:A few people responding to to my comments on Miranda being 'too amazing', so I just want to clarify my stance a little.
Also, just so people don't focus too much on my two negative points, I just want to reiterate that I still enjoyed the game. :)

Thanks Chaotic. Don't worry. I appreciate your feedback and am not taking offense. That said, I think people are misunderstanding my intention with Miranda.

I didn't give Miranda all of those hobbies/skills for you to say, "Wow, she's amazing." I gave her them for you to say, "She's pretty strange. I wonder what's going on with her." It was supposed to be a hint toward the reveal about her condition at the end, not some sort of neo-feminist message.

Chaotic_VDG wrote:A few extra questions :

- Was the original intention to have more animations for the ending? I found it a little odd that there weren't any, but made the assumption that you many have changed them to still images as a compromise to get it released before Christmas. Am I right?

No. We would have taken until May if that's how long it took to get the game done. We weren't at all bound by the release date. The animations were a result of this thread.
That thread happened right between us doing the "Low Key" date and the "Ice Rink" one. I'm personally a fan of animations over pictures, but most people wanted the reverse. I was really happy when Mortze went back to doing animations for the Casino scene. (That was actually the last sex scene he rendered.)

Chaotic_VDG wrote:- I'm curious who's the butt person on the team. It seems to be a running joke now that the players all stare at other characters butt's whenever they can. :)

<Raises her hand> You'll never lose points for checking out a character's rear end in one of my games.

Chaotic_VDG wrote:- Is your other running joke about the burlap sack int his one too? I can't remember seeing it, but I may have missed it.
- Have you considered doing a evaluation on this? I did one for Betsy listing which parts of the game I feel worked and which ones didn't and found it helped me get a little perspective on my work.

I don't recognize the burlap sack joke. If I've put something about that in multiple games, it wasn't for any sort of meta reason.
And I'm not sure what you mean by an "evaluation." Can you tell me more?


Re: Finding Miranda (publicly released)

PostPosted: Fri, 16Dec16 01:51
by tlaero
GingkoBiloba wrote:I completed the game 2 times and in both of them i didn't saw any sex scene which was rather disappointing, scrubbing on player's face that he needs a certain amount of points to see the sex scenes and skipping forward sounded to me like a dirty trick to avoid creating more sub-branches to the story.

I'm sorry that you didn't enjoy the game, Gingko. The alternative to not showing the sex scenes when you don't have enough points would have been to end the game at the first one. That's what I did in previous games, and I was trying something different with this one. I'll be interested in hearing a discussion on which approach is better.


Re: Finding Miranda

PostPosted: Fri, 16Dec16 02:03
by JFR
Ralcen wrote:
Ministry wrote:Very good game. [img]images/icones/icon7.gif[/img]
My personal highlight in 2016.
Very good story (as always ;) ) and the pics are even better rendered with iray (although mortzes pics are always good).
My favourite is still DwE, but FM gets the second place.

Just one question:
Is ist really possible to get all points at the casino?
In all playthroughs i missed at least one casino-point.

I have the same problem - Although I played it several times there is always one point missing!

To Ministry
Did you take her hand bevor you got into the elevator?

You can get them all.
Did you guys thank the dealer in a very gallant manner before leaving the table?

Re: Finding Miranda (publicly released)

PostPosted: Fri, 16Dec16 02:08
by tlaero
xCooLer2 wrote:And finally:
When I read that the bonus scene was NOT going to contain sex my mind went to "Royal guard" and it's lack of sex.

I thought it was a sign of author being uncomfortable with sex in the story she wants to told.
I thought more and more she was going to told us a sort of sci-fi novel that more and more has nothing to do with eroting game world
I thought we will need to put our hopes in Mortze that will always find a way to insert sex scenes in the novel

This is interesting on multiple levels.

First, if that happened, Mortze wouldn't be able to save you. For the most part, I decide where and when the sex scenes happen, while he decides what happens in them. There are exceptions, of course. He requested the piano scene in RfJ, and I largely dictated what would happen in the "Motorcycle to the lake" scene in FM, etc. But if I decided to do a bunch of stories without sex, we'd be having sex-free stories...

The other level where your comments are interesting though, was the idea of my being uncomfortable with sex in the story. I certainly wasn't uncomfortable with showing sexual situations in the game, but I did get uncomfortable with some of the images Mortze did for the final scene. It got a little too hardcore for me, and I ended up not using a number of the images. On the plus side, we've got our patron perks worked out for the next few months. (-: (I'm going to release the unused hardcore pictures as perks in January and probably February too.)


Re: Finding Miranda (publicly released)

PostPosted: Fri, 16Dec16 02:12
by nvtsbamf
really liked it. its hard to keep track of what exactly miranda looks like with her constantly changing hairstyle

Re: Finding Miranda

PostPosted: Fri, 16Dec16 04:28
by ltpika
tlaero wrote:
ltpika wrote:Kinda sad there is no option to play a non-white person in these games. Ishmael was great looking, that model was good enough to be the main character.

Ismael almost WAS Lucas. (-: When we were just getting started, Mortze did 4 potential faces for Lucas. We quickly cut it down to 2 and then spent a while discussing which we should go with. The two were effectively Ismael and Lucas. There were pros and cons. I thought carefully about the negative reaction to Life with Keeley. Would the same feelings that made people not like playing a female make them not like playing a black man? (Major kudos to Super for making a game where you play a black female! viewtopic.php?f=3&t=3948)

In the end, though, I looked at the two of them and said, "Um, this is the one I'd like to spend my time staring at." I find Ismael to be very attractive, and could easily have played a game about him. But have you seen Lucas? OMFG.

(And, by the way, one of my favorite players told me that his girlfriend spent the game ogling Lucas. So, victory!)


I don't think people not wanting to play as a female is in anyway the same. Race and gender are apples and oranges. Having protagonists from different cultures and backgrounds would really help differentiate the protagonists. I liked how Ishmael had different dialect, makes him more memorable to me. You did a good job avoiding that with Lucas by giving a customizable backstory, giving each person ownership over them (like with Commander Shepard.)

That's why Pandora was such a breath of fresh air, Kean is very distinct in terms of character voice. I hope that get kept in part 2. Another key difference is you can be more naughty and pervy in Pandora, games where you can act in a way you wouldn't in real life are so much more fun (Grand Theft Auto wouldn't be any fun if you had to obey the rules of the road.) That's probably why it's my favorite game in your engine.

Re: Finding Miranda (publicly released)

PostPosted: Fri, 16Dec16 11:00
by Brontozaurio
Im probably missing the obvious but I've got all achievements but the back door, I have done all routes and all dates even
I have done twice the low-key date because there you try the back door specifically even she refuses
but can't get it
what I'm missing?

Is it because I can't find the way of getting to the spa without being two points sort, I can't find the way of scoring all points in the casino
Of course I Have checked Miranda's rear, the croupier "lack" of assets and selected all the right answers, still two points short

Ok found the two missing points reviewing the images, check again Miranda's ass when sitting and kissing Croupier's hand at the goodbye, still missing the anal sex

Edit 2
Ok, got the perfect score and in the spa she suggested to wait home to do anal but still can't pick that option , do i have to click in the cream at a specific point or what?

and FINALLY edit 3
at last, when doing 69 finger her anus :crazy:


Re: Finding Miranda (publicly released)

PostPosted: Fri, 16Dec16 12:28
by Loren123
tlaero wrote:
Chaotic_VDG wrote:A few extra questions :

- Was the original intention to have more animations for the ending? I found it a little odd that there weren't any, but made the assumption that you many have changed them to still images as a compromise to get it released before Christmas. Am I right?

No. We would have taken until May if that's how long it took to get the game done. We weren't at all bound by the release date. The animations were a result of this thread.
That thread happened right between us doing the "Low Key" date and the "Ice Rink" one. I'm personally a fan of animations over pictures, but most people wanted the reverse. I was really happy when Mortze went back to doing animations for the Casino scene. (That was actually the last sex scene he rendered.)

I loved the animations, hope to see more of it in future games.

Also, Miranda is extremely hot, kudos to Mortze. And the story line and script is really engaging, one of the best among all the other erotic games out there, thanks to tlaero for that.

Like that fact that Japanese characters were introduced since I am a huge fan of JAV (Ayumi Shinoda, Yumi Kazama, Reiko Nakamori, Ai Sayama and Kaori being among my favorite performers [img]images/icones/icon10.gif[/img] ). Hope we get to see more of them in later games.

Only critic, if you can call it that since it's more of a personal preference, is that I'm not a fan of fantasy / sci-fi so I just hope that future games don't go too much in that direction.

Re: Finding Miranda (publicly released)

PostPosted: Fri, 16Dec16 13:24
by crossy
First and fore-mostly awesome game. I could write a page long page gushing about how awesome your games are but I think from the posts already in this and each other game you two together (or individually) have released you already know this. That being said, I am sure you don't mind hearing it :P So again awesome game.

Your story lines are always amazing, the images in your game are amazing, the game play is at a standard far above most other games in this genre (or at least the ones I have played). That being said I know you both like feedback (and actually incorporate it as well - yet another reason why you are awesome). However, as always it is completely yours to summarily dismiss and keep doing the amazing things you do!

1) I think you could do more with the Timid vs Aggressive paths. I know this is more work but it would (in my opinion) far increase the re-playability. I felt you started down this path with Elsa but seem to have gone away from it in Miranda with the only real difference being in the texts and some side scenes. My suggestion would be that:
- the Timid path the character works hard on the relationship and eventually finds there way to sexier scenes (a flash, a grope, a some oral) and eventually on a later date sex. If the player does not "break" their timidness Miranda (or the next character) gets bored and the game ends.
- Conversely if you take the aggressive path, the character will get the ability to have sex much earlier in the game (even on the first date), but opposite to above if they spend too much time on pushing for sex and do not develop the relationship, Miranda again looses interest. (This mechanic is similar to one Chaotic used in on of the Rachael Games)
Note: this also helps you avoid strangeness like a Timid Widower inserting (or at least attempting to insert) a digit on a first date :) come one thats aggressive even for the aggressive path :)

2) Use the click on the image feature with a purpose. For me clicking the screen should only be used when you are doing an action in which the player is interacting with the screen, touching something, kissing, etc. If the player has something to say it should be in the bottom buttons. Where it gets tricky is the narration and "voice in head" ones.
- Turn off the alarm and get up, hold her hand, kiss, etc. (Action == screen click)
- Get ready for work // Continue, Nod??, (Narration == ??)
- You know what could happen (Voice in head == I think these should be buttons down bottom but italicise them or something like Wolf does in BEW)
- "Yeah, but there are two executives in it. I want to make a good impression." (Character talking == buttons)

Whilst I'm not recommending using a big play sign in the corner to progress scenes for me there is nothing I like more than when a scene has a yellow border and speech options because I know - I have a choice to make! As it stands I don't get that same (warm and fuzzy feeling) when there is just a yellow border because I don't know if its just a scene with one option or a scene with a choice.
I hate to just point something out without providing a possible solution but in this case I don't really have many good ones. Buttons at the top for narration? A different colour when there is only one option and its just a click to progress. Sorry not sure, may need to brainstorm this one a bit more.

3) (This one is more of a personal preference one) The games I like the most are ones where you get rewarded for being a "point" hunter (mainly because thats how I play - i need Perfect scores :D), however, I don't mean make it so you need to have perfect scores to complete them game. I like the mechanics used in several games (I think even yours) whereby if you do enough, the game keeps going. If you do well some doors open (like the back one *wink wink*), if you are perfect even more (even if they are small) options/scenes arise. I think my favourite example of this was in Ariane's Something in the Air and the photoshoot with Rachael only when you do things perfectly do you get a couple of extra sexy photos.

4) (Another personal preference one) I preferred the system of multiple dates over choose 1 of 4 it builds the story better and makes the game feel longer. Christine is still one of my favourite games for this reason (the build up and character development). But I think others have a different opinion on this one. You can't please everyone :)
That being said, if you were super clever (which I know you guys are) you could use the mechanism in 1) to do multiple sequential dates that the player can choose the order of making it not feel super linear but without generating a crap load of extra work.
Work with me on this:
- each of the 4 dates has the possibility of sex but each also has points where the date will end without sex
- if you are aggressive you can (and probably will) get sex on the first date but as above if you blindly seek sex in your second/third/etc Miranda will loose interest. This forces you to take different paths in those latter dates.
- when playing timid you get the earlier endings in your first few dates and build up to sex in the last one
Because in both paths you need combinations of sexy/relationship based dates you get usage out of the same scenes in both play throughs (just in different orders) rather than it being two different linear paths.

Ok I admit that last one is complicated but who doesn't like a challenge :P

Holy crap that got long fast! sorry (I may or may not have a tendency to do that). If you actually take all the time to read that then you have once again proven your awesomeness :) Thank you, and please for all of our sakes keep doing what you are doing because you have a gift!

Re: Finding Miranda (publicly released)

PostPosted: Fri, 16Dec16 14:03
by jessica
nvtsbamf wrote:really liked it. its hard to keep track of what exactly miranda looks like with her constantly changing hairstyle


It was even mentioned at one point in the game, which was kinda weird.

Re: Finding Miranda (publicly released)

PostPosted: Fri, 16Dec16 14:22
by Dasati
jessica wrote:
nvtsbamf wrote:really liked it. its hard to keep track of what exactly miranda looks like with her constantly changing hairstyle


It was even mentioned at one point in the game, which was kinda weird.

I think that's the point, Miranda IS kinda weird.

Re: Finding Miranda (publicly released)

PostPosted: Fri, 16Dec16 14:40
by JFR
nvtsbamf wrote:really liked it. its hard to keep track of what exactly miranda looks like with her constantly changing hairstyle

IMHO that is one of the strengths of the character. She never wears the same clothes twice. You never know which personality will show up at any time and she changes her hair almost as often as her clothes. I like that about her.