Saving Chloe (En, Sp, Fr)

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Re: Saving Chloe (en, es)

Postby L1nk1980 » Thu, 18Feb01 15:14

tlaero wrote:Another challenge is how to make the minigames matter. Do you make the player fail if he fails the minigame? Do you make it so he can't fail, but also can't proceed until he figures it out? Do you make the story progress but he doesn't get something he would have gotten if he had succeeded? If the latter, how small a thing? (If it's a big thing, it's the same as a failure.) Etc.

There's lot's of room for experimentation here.


maybe a 3 way end to have the game if you do something with the girl, like basketball, pool ore something else

1. you are terrible and she lost all interest in you
2. you are not good but try and was nice compagny. you get another date but this date is over
3. you are good and nice compgany and she wants more after the date (if it's the first date a nice walk or something like that)
4. if you are good but are terrible she ends it during the date

yes these are 4 possible ways a date can end and not 3 but this happens also in real life
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Re: Saving Chloe (en, es)

Postby cpt_hook » Fri, 18Feb02 04:23

Well, I'll cast my vote for dialog/choices over minigames/puzzles (a.k.a. my personal "yeah, I'll pass on this one" sign).
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Re: Saving Chloe (en, es)

Postby ShadyGroves » Fri, 18Feb02 18:38

I vote for dialogue choices as well.

How many times in real life have we been in situations such as Marc and Jessica at the bar or Miranda and Lucas at the tavern/grill.

You know when you have just met someone and must navigate the conversation to a good impression or a desired out come (ie being invited to their place for example) by being very careful of what you say to them.
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Re: Saving Chloe (en, es)

Postby L1nk1980 » Fri, 18Feb02 19:53

ShadyGroves wrote:I vote for dialogue choices as well.

How many times in real life have we been in situations such as Marc and Jessica at the bar or Miranda and Lucas at the tavern/grill.

You know when you have just met someone and must navigate the conversation to a good impression or a desired out come (ie being invited to their place for example) by being very careful of what you say to them.

The best is both of them. I dom't know how diffiuclt it will be to program this. but I enjou the minigame in SG. like in other games you have the dialogue choices and the minigames

Like Tlaero did in Coffee with Keisha only less frustrated (sorry Tlaero I liked that game only I hated the mini games)
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Re: Saving Chloe (en, es)

Postby Crane » Fri, 18Feb02 19:58

Maybe i got it all wrong, but I didn`t actually see a poll. To me it sounded more like a creator challenging herself, willing to explore, experiment new things, new options and see how they can turn out. So probably, just probably, we will see most of those options being applicated in the future games.
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Re: Saving Chloe (en, es)

Postby L1nk1980 » Fri, 18Feb02 20:47

Crane wrote:Maybe i got it all wrong, but I didn`t actually see a poll. To me it sounded more like a creator challenging herself, willing to explore, experiment new things, new options and see how they can turn out. So probably, just probably, we will see most of those options being applicated in the future games.

I agree with you and sorry about that.
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Re: Saving Chloe (en, es)

Postby Crane » Sat, 18Feb03 00:13

L1nk1980 wrote:I agree with you and sorry about that.

It was not for any moment, my intention for anyone to feel bad or sorry about their posts. I have my opinions too about those ideas. Some I think are great, some not so great, but I like when a creator always tries to go further and push the boundaries.
I only said that because if you make it look like it's a poll than someone could think "this idea got more votes, so this is going to be in the next game". And that might be a wrong impression.
That's all.
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Re: Saving Chloe (en, es)

Postby L1nk1980 » Sat, 18Feb03 08:14

Crane wrote:
L1nk1980 wrote:I agree with you and sorry about that.

It was not for any moment, my intention for anyone to feel bad or sorry about their posts. I have my opinions too about those ideas. Some I think are great, some not so great, but I like when a creator always tries to go further and push the boundaries.
I only said that because if you make it look like it's a poll than someone could think "this idea got more votes, so this is going to be in the next game". And that might be a wrong impression.
That's all.

that's true and after the else verse game, I think they try each game to be a little different then the others.
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Re: Saving Chloe (en, es)

Postby EscapeEvade » Sun, 18Feb04 04:37

Playing the game right now, and it is excellent, as usual from you both.

One random comment: As a lawyer myself, I find the background choice for Paul fun and interesting. But one thing that caught me off-guard was the reference to the concept of lawyers as "ambulance chasers." I could be wrong, but from how the Elsa-verse games strike me as being set in the Netherlands, I've long suspected one or both of you is from Europe. This may be a question you don't want to answer, but, (as I said, very random question...) does the term "ambulance chaser" actually translate to European countries? I've long thought that was a very, very American concept.
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Re: Saving Chloe (en, es)

Postby Marco6661 » Sun, 18Feb04 05:15

EscapeEvade wrote:... I've long suspected one or both of you is from Europe. This may be a question you don't want to answer, but, (as I said, very random question...) does the term "ambulance chaser" actually translate to European countries? I've long thought that was a very, very American concept.

When I made the French translation of this game, Mortze (who speaks Fr very well) gave me some enlighting about the "ambulance chaser". I felt the obligation to includ a note for Fr players about this US concept. I don't know how this kind of thing works in NL but you'd never see something like that in France.
I don't think that's a secret. One of the artists is from US, not the second one... ;)
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Re: Saving Chloe (en, es)

Postby tlaero » Sun, 18Feb04 06:05

The Elsaverse isn't in this world. The city is called "Sangrive" (you have no reason to know that yet) and is neither European nor American.

It IS a place with Ambulance Chasers though. (-:

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Re: Saving Chloe (en, es)

Postby moskys » Sun, 18Feb04 12:06

tlaero wrote:The Elsaverse isn't in this world. The city is called "Sangrive" (you have no reason to know that yet) and is neither European nor American.

It IS a place with Ambulance Chasers though. (-:


But in that world there's a place called Massachusetts (DwE), a place called Tokyo (RfJ), a place called Scandinavia (RfJ), a place called Europe (Dream Master), a place called Brighton (SC)... :??: ;)
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Re: Saving Chloe (en, es)

Postby Crane » Sun, 18Feb04 15:36

moskys wrote:
But in that world there's a place called Massachusetts (DwE), a place called Tokyo (RfJ), a place called Scandinavia (RfJ), a place called Europe (Dream Master), a place called Brighton (SC)... :??: ;)

Parallel universe, i suppose?
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Re: Saving Chloe (en, es)

Postby Mortze » Sun, 18Feb04 15:58

moskys wrote:But in that world there's a place called Massachusetts (DwE), a place called Tokyo (RfJ), a place called Scandinavia (RfJ), a place called Europe (Dream Master), a place called Brighton (SC)...

Let me put it like this:

The Elsaverse is a fantasy world (powers, extra dimensions, hot chicks on every corner) that is heavily influenced by our real world's geography. In the Elsaverse Earth there is a Tokyo, Scandinavia, Europe, etc... but there's also this made-up city, Sangrive, where the stories take place. Where is it? Well, Tlaero puts North-American influence in it, I put Western European influence in it. It doesn't matter, it's in Elsaverse, not our reality.

About the ambulance chasers, that's something very American indeed, but it doesn't mean that such lawyers don't exist in Europe either. In my country it's illegal for a lawyer to do that but there are many countries in Europe, in the world. In Sangrive maybe Ambulance Chasers are allowed by the Lawyer's regional Bar. Or maybe it doesn't. If I recall, it's a non-lawyer character that mentioned that term "Ambulance Chaser" to Paul, Chloe if I'm not mistaken. She's not a lawyer and nothing indicates that she knows about the ethics of that profession. Maybe she has just seen many American tv shows and movies and made a wrong portray of what's a lawyer in Sangrive.
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Re: Saving Chloe (en, es)

Postby BloodyMares » Sun, 18Feb04 20:23

moskys wrote:
tlaero wrote:The Elsaverse isn't in this world. The city is called "Sangrive" (you have no reason to know that yet) and is neither European nor American.

It IS a place with Ambulance Chasers though. (-:


But in that world there's a place called Massachusetts (DwE), a place called Tokyo (RfJ), a place called Scandinavia (RfJ), a place called Europe (Dream Master), a place called Brighton (SC)... :??: ;)

Are you not familiar with Comic books? DC and Marvel have fictional locations in addition to real-world places. Gotham, Metropolis, Central City, Star City, Genosha, Wakanda, Latveria etc.
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