Who is who (the lagoon team)

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Re: Who is who (the lagoon team)

Postby Skelaturi » Tue, 16Feb09 22:28

might i ask why Squeeky left the team? Everything alright with him?
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Re: Who is who (the lagoon team)

Postby shark » Tue, 16Feb09 23:31

Squeeky will answer if he wants.
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Re: Who is who (the lagoon team)

Postby Squeeky » Wed, 16Feb17 08:33

To those who have shown their concern for me, or may also be wondering, about my resignation as moderator, I need firstly to state that it had nothing to do with health (at my age, certain issues are bound to occur, and they have, but are in check). Thank you for those thoughts.

No-one, and I mean no-one, wants to have to be bound by masses of regulations, or be constantly reminded about them. That is much at the heart of Shark’s philosophy here. That said, issues contrary to Shark’s thoughts and those to which I subscribed, were recurring much to my discomfit. I proposed a set of formalised protocols which Shark would not accept; it is his right as the owner. As I could not remain within the status quo I am now a mere member.

Many thanks for kind words during my time as moderator, and trust that my contributions have been valued.
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Re: Who is who (the lagoon team)

Postby Graen » Fri, 16Feb19 04:12

Squeek on sir!

Good Luck and Have Fun with your future ventures.
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Re: Who is who (the lagoon team)

Postby Squeeky » Wed, 16Mar16 10:35

Two things:
Firstly Graen,
In some ways I feel a small loss by having taken my decision but .... I think that as I am no longer able to see behind the scenes, as I once did, Shark has taken some credence from our discussions.

Secondly, I did note that Bonhomie put up his hand to assist Shark with English translations for his games.
May I congratulate you Bonhomie upon your appointment as Games Master.
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Re: Who is who (the lagoon team)

Postby Skelaturi » Wed, 16Mar16 14:53

Congratulations Bonhomie

edit: So after i made this post to congratulate Bonhomie, i got a promotion myself.

I am a Dutch guy in my late twenties, quite active on the forum and here to support the moderation team. I am honored to have that chance. If someone needs help; don't be afraid to ask.
Doggy style (noun)
A sexual position which allows both participants to watch TV.
My weakness a deviant Redhead: http://the-new-lagoon.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=8&start=4425#p97335

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Re: Who is who (the lagoon team)

Postby LRM » Wed, 16Mar16 19:21

First we must also welcome Skelaturi to the Games Masters ranks. I anticipate a long, happy, fruitful collaboration.

Second I've spent some time working with Bonhomie and am pleased to say we work well together.

May the mermaids lavish their charms on you and the bull sharks only take little nips.

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Re: Who is who (the lagoon team)

Postby Squeeky » Thu, 16Mar17 01:08

Skelaturi I offer you my congratulations as well.
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Re: Who is who (the lagoon team)

Postby john milton » Fri, 16Mar18 09:58

Congratulations Skelaturi!
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