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Re: Sexy girls from the lagoon great artists

PostPosted: Sat, 14May17 00:27
by LRM
Salem, Mass is famous for witch trials (long ago).
If something unexplained happened it must be magic. If magic, it must have been a witch. Most of the time if the person survived the trial (test), they were guilty. You almost had to die to prove you were innocent.

Re: Sexy girls from the lagoon great artists

PostPosted: Sat, 14May17 02:10
by Grey8Wolf
For what I know, iin those days everyone that was suspected to be a witch would die anyway, guilty or not...

Re: Sexy girls from the lagoon great artists

PostPosted: Sat, 14May17 08:23
by Rastifan

Dark haired wench - What! You want the maid?
Blonde haired wench - Yes I want her.
Dark haired wench - Why if I might ask. She got no coin of note.
Blonde haired wench - She is sworn to a life in celibacy.
Dark haired wench - So?
Blonde haired wench - I like a woman with principles. Makes it more fun watching her betray them.
Dark haired wench - And we are doing that tonight?
Blonde haired wench - Yes. We give her some wine and seduce her. I want to please her beyond her wildest dreams.
Dark haired wench - Um I guess we can manage that.
Blonde haired wench - Come the morning, I want to look at her.
Dark haired wench - Why?
Blonde haired wench - So I can enjoy the look of satisfaction and fulfillment in her eyes. But the best part!
Dark haired wench - Yes?
Blonde haired wench - Will be to see it mixed with shame and self betrayal.
Dark haired wench - You are evil you know that.
Blonde haired wench - Only a little baby. Only a little.

It isn't easy to pose in Skyrim. And I like the challenge [img]images/icones/icon10.gif[/img] Also took some editing in Gimp and PS to improve it.

Re: Sexy girls from the lagoon great artists

PostPosted: Sat, 14May17 12:33
by Greebo
Hey Rasti, have you put that one up before, or am I just suffering from déjà vu? I checked back a few pages but didn't find it -- maybe I should get out of this hot sun and lay in the shade of a coconut tree for a while!

Re: Sexy girls from the lagoon great artists

PostPosted: Sat, 14May17 13:01
by Rastifan
Greebo wrote:Hey Rasti, have you put that one up before, or am I just suffering from déjà vu? I checked back a few pages but didn't find it -- maybe I should get out of this hot sun and lay in the shade of a coconut tree for a while!

No need to get out of the hot sun Greebo. You are not a mad man. I did put it up before, but removed it for a better version.

Re: Sexy girls from the lagoon great artists

PostPosted: Sat, 14May17 13:11
by Greebo
Phew! I thought I was going even madder for a while, even wandered over to DeviantArt for a moment or two and established that you upped it there on the 8th May. I see you actually posed it under the constraints of the Skyrim platform -- kudos for a brilliant job within the constraints! Nice bit of dialogue too! ;) [img]images/icones/icon7.gif[/img]

Re: Sexy girls from the lagoon great artists

PostPosted: Sat, 14May17 13:17
by Mimailia
Greebo wrote:Phew! I thought I was going even madder for a while,

My first thought was, "Shit, summer re-runs." :crazy:


Re: Sexy girls from the lagoon great artists

PostPosted: Sat, 14May17 13:31
by Rastifan
Greebo wrote:Phew! I thought I was going even madder for a while, even wandered over to DeviantArt for a moment or two and established that you upped it there on the 8th May. I see you actually posed it under the constraints of the Skyrim platform -- kudos for a brilliant job within the constraints! Nice bit of dialogue too! ;) [img]images/icones/icon7.gif[/img]

Yea I updated the DA version to. Also a friend of mine said she had trouble thinking of the Draugr as undead. She kept confusing them with fashion models.
"But Stein they are so slim". I spilled my coffee.

Re: Sexy girls from the lagoon great artists

PostPosted: Sat, 14May17 16:56
by Rastifan

As LRM liked Lilith. Here she is capturing pure pleasure in the orb of lust.

Re: Sexy girls from the lagoon great artists

PostPosted: Sun, 14May18 00:40
by Squeeky
like you I thought the same so I search back a few pages and, finding nothing, I put "Dark haired wench" into the search box at the top of the page. It came up with only the one posting. Then I read the last sentence of the post and assumed Rasti had taken an earlier one down (then I found in moderator logs that Rasti had taken something down).

Yes, I was beginning to doubt my senses too! :lol:

Re: Sexy girls from the lagoon great artists

PostPosted: Sun, 14May18 05:47
by Rastifan

More Lilith. And those pesky and stupid demons.

Re: Sexy girls from the lagoon great artists

PostPosted: Sun, 14May18 05:50
by Squeeky
Jeez! You and Lilith are just damn cruel :lol: :lol:

Re: Sexy girls from the lagoon great artists

PostPosted: Sun, 14May18 06:19
by Rastifan
Squeeky wrote:Jeez! You and Lilith are just damn cruel :lol: :lol:

Well the demon wanted to eat her. He was kind of asking for it [img]images/icones/icon15.gif[/img]
And she did give him a chance to re consider his actions.

Re: Sexy girls from the lagoon great artists

PostPosted: Sun, 14May18 06:48
by LRM
I want to eat her too; although our methods probably vary.
I don't know why but she really stokes my fire.
Thanks again

Re: Sexy girls from the lagoon great artists

PostPosted: Sun, 14May18 09:40
by Greebo
Know what you mean, LRM ...she's so beautiful ...looks so innocent ...she's so intelligent powerful ...a really dangerous lesbian!

......Oh bugger!

(Do you think she might know a good sex change spell?)