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Re: Illustrated Love Stories

PostPosted: Tue, 11Apr19 01:47
by ILSWriter
As I write the stories of my life, every once in a while one of my friends reaches an orgasm. As you can imagine the resulting sounds (scream or whatever) is rather hard to articulate. Most of the time for a female I use, "Oh... Oh.. Oh. Ah... Ah.. Ah. Ohhhh!!!" For the males, I don't really have anything. When I have had a chance to hear the male utterances I have been rather busy and can't remember what was said.
So I am asking my friends here in the Lagoon, what do you think I could write for both male and female screams when reaching an orgasm?

Re: Illustrated Love Stories

PostPosted: Thu, 11Apr21 21:27
by iksanabot
Hi ILSwriter,
I really enjoy your work - thanks.
I've never heard any other guys orgasm, but when I do I think the sound is more of an explosive groan than a scream. Something throatier and more low pitched than what the woman I've known typically do, like maybe "r" sounds, "f" sounds and "n" sounds. And I often swear a lot ;)

so here are some variations for males:
"Oh shit, Oh shit I'm going to cum so hard, oh fucking-YES"
"rnnnnn here I cuuuUUMMM errRRGGGNNG!"

Stuff like that. I find women often swear a bit too, mostly just shouting stuff like "keep fucking me", "fuck me hard" and "I'm cumming, push push puuuush!"

Hope this helps.

Re: Illustrated Love Stories

PostPosted: Fri, 11Apr22 03:42
by Squeeky
1. Have you decided to change the theme of your story? This is beginning to look like a Modern Day version of the Kamasutra ( [img]images/icones/icon17.gif[/img] ).

2. Do you really think that a man could be so patient and still not consummated a relationship long before that chapter ended? He's too damned honourable!
Notwithstanding that, the sequence of his explorations was not in the order which I expected, seemed odd to get down quite lower on her body and then returning to higher zones (neck and ears). And by the time he removed his shorts he wasn't visibly aroused; the guy "ain't human"!

Looking forward to how the interludes transpire before the "Main event".

Re: Illustrated Love Stories

PostPosted: Fri, 11Apr22 04:12
by ILSWriter
Do you really think that a man could be so patient and still not consummated a relationship long before that chapter ended? He's too damned honourable!

He wasn't making love. He was instructing her.

Notwithstanding that, the sequence of his explorations was not in the order which I expected, seemed odd to get down quite lower on her body and then returning to higher zones (neck and ears).

Again he wasn't making love. He was instructing her. He went from the least to most sensitive erogenous zones.

And by the time he removed his shorts he wasn't visibly aroused; the guy "ain't human"!

True, he's a 3D charactor of my imagination. [img]images/icones/icon10.gif[/img]

Looking forward to how the interludes transpire before the "Main event".

That wasn't just the end of the chapter, that was the end of the story. They lived happily ever after. [img]images/icones/icon17.gif[/img]

Re: Illustrated Love Stories

PostPosted: Fri, 11Apr22 04:18
by Greebo

Re: Illustrated Love Stories

PostPosted: Fri, 11Apr22 05:32
by Squeeky
ILSWriter wrote :

Looking forward to how the interludes transpire before the "Main event".

That wasn't just the end of the chapter, that was the end of the story. They lived happily ever after. [img]images/icones/icon17.gif[/img]

As Greebo said "Heh!"

Shark does not have incomplete stories as a 'banning offence' but but maybe if cry to Shark enough [img]kator/smiley57.gif[/img] [img]kator/lool.gif[/img] [img]kator/smiley19.gif[/img]

I'm reminded of lyrics, maybe a song title from way way back, "Please Don't Tease".

Re: Illustrated Love Stories

PostPosted: Sat, 11Apr23 10:25
by LRM
John Holmes after 10 hours on camera and many ejaculations would be erect after tutoring her!
I also think you ended it a little prematurely, but an enjoyable adventure. Thanks.

Re: Illustrated Love Stories

PostPosted: Wed, 11Apr27 15:24
by Greebo
"Tennis Anyone?" - there's nothing like instilling a bit of discipline into a wayward youngster, is there? *Pant!* *Pant!* *Drool!* [img]images/icones/icon17.gif[/img] [img]images/icones/icon15.gif[/img]

Re: Illustrated Love Stories

PostPosted: Wed, 11Apr27 16:02
by Squeeky
What's the fuss?
Some kind of "racket"?

Unsure of American spelling here -> racquet/racket? I don't actually have in mind playing equipment.

Re: Illustrated Love Stories

PostPosted: Fri, 11Apr29 20:25
by Greebo
Have you seen the next "exciting" episode? [img]images/icones/icon17.gif[/img]

Your animations get better and better, ILSWriter!

Re: Illustrated Love Stories

PostPosted: Sat, 11Apr30 07:56
by Xyzzy987
Squeeky -- you're spelling is correct [img]images/icones/icon13.gif[/img]

Re: Illustrated Love Stories

PostPosted: Mon, 11May02 17:38
by spitzertyp
Yeah, ILSWriter, i have to agree: the last story is one of the best of all, absolute fantastic!! Great graphics, good storyline....
Especially cause me personally ... i LOVE nuns in sexscenes, and the episode in the basement is great because all of them like what is going on and no-one is forced into something...
Great great great!!!
Thank u!

Re: Illustrated Love Stories

PostPosted: Mon, 11May02 18:38
by iksanabot
Hi ILSwriter,
Great work! I love how you are updating your stories so often, and I love that you are addressing the desires of your fans. Thanks for the cumshot scene - totally hot in concept, and the implementation was pretty good too. And the whole story line is very sexy as well.
I hope you keep it up, best wishes and thanks again.

Re: Illustrated Love Stories

PostPosted: Mon, 11May02 20:30
by abx68
Great Tennis story : congratulations ! [img]images/icones/icon7.gif[/img]

Re: Illustrated Love Stories

PostPosted: Fri, 11May06 20:05
by ILSWriter

Coming up for air! [img]smile/eek.gif[/img]