Rastifan wrote:Jane is checking out a sexy Asari.
I like the lighting on this picture. I don't know who Jane is (I assume she's from a game).
Rastifan wrote:Jane is checking out a sexy Asari.
fleet wrote:I like the lighting on this picture. I don't know who Jane is (I assume she's from a game).
Rastifan wrote:Purgatory Advertisement Poster!
The Purgatory owners (a bar in Mass Effect) in their bewilderment hired a human who called himself an Advertising Professional.
He just strolled into Purgatory one day and before they knew it, he was on their payroll. The way he talked and behaved just made
them go along with everything he suggested.
An equally bewildered Asari dancer was on her day off hijacked by this advertising professional and dragged off for a photo shoot.
Later these posters started appearing all over the Citadel. Two Turian C-SEC officers manage to apprehend the vandal. But before
they could say arrested, they had each bought their personal poster signed by the Asari in it, while promising to visit Purgatory as
soon as they had time.
The Purgatory owners wasn't sure what had happen. But what ever this clearly insane human did worked. They had never been this busy.
Rastifan wrote:Raya so horny.
The first 3D physics breasts I experimented with. There is so much to learn
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