Superspy Steve: Oct 8th Final Beta Testing

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Re: Superspy Steve: Beta Testing - August 22nd

Postby M » Tue, 16Aug23 06:38

It immediately crashes any time I hit Start Game. The error starts with

While loading <'Image' 'images/funeralopen01new.png'>:
File "game/script.rpy", line 1143, in script
"Superspy Steve: The Origin Story. "
IOError: Couldn't find file 'images/funeralopen01new.png'.

EDIT: I did check the images folder and there is a file by that name.
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Re: Superspy Steve: Beta Testing - August 22nd

Postby jilliangates77 » Wed, 16Aug24 05:03

There's a line I heard a while back about there being two "hard," computer science problems. Cache invalidation and naming things.

Not sure if that's true, but, I manually did remove some cache files (to save on file size) and nope; didn't check that the release still worked. Blam! :( Very, very sorry about that.

The mega link is updated in the post and I have tested this release on my macbook pro as well as Windows 10.

For convenience, the Mega link is also here. My blog is updated with the patch version and the complete version.!uUtwQRba!4_0SFfeUs6cmawZ1mL9vXVaLpxYj65A1sri7-hETZOM
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Re: Superspy Steve: Beta Testing - August 22nd

Postby jilliangates77 » Mon, 16Aug29 15:45

Today I've updated the patch version on my site, here:
[url] ... ue-events/

If you previously downloaded the full version from August 23rd (last week) you can copy & paste the images directory into this version and play. That way it's only 100 mb to download instead of 1.8+ gigabytes.

What's new?
22 days of unique events (last week had unique events through day 14)
Tons of bug fixes and polish, improvements across the board
...and, I made sure to test this before posting :)

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Re: Superspy Steve: Beta Testing - Updated August 29th

Postby jilliangates77 » Fri, 16Sep02 04:05

This was a weird week. Or two.

So I've had some issues with my server (my thought was, "OMG! Everybody is downloading!").

Sigh. Turns out, there was a lot of automated requests flooding the server.

A few security (ah, I hope) implementations later, it's all fine. If you can't download the files for some reason, please drop me a PM or reply here. I believe I've only banned "bad robots," but, it's always possible I got a human.

Bottom line: if you tried to download before and it didn't work, I'm sorry. It should work now.
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Re: Superspy Steve: Beta Testing - Updated August 29th

Postby Regardie » Tue, 16Sep06 01:16

It's been awhile since I played a beta of this and I like where it is headed.

I think I saw every sex scene except threesome with Jennifer and Chiyo. I got every girl up to over 200 affection, hardest was Victoria since I could only raise at the movies, the bathroom does nothing. It's odd that Vanessa calls Steve into the station a couple of times yet if Steve visits, it like those events (and the event at the garage) never happened.

I feel like some of the choices that you get shot down for initially should work after affection gets higher, like tell me about my uncle's death
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Re: Superspy Steve: Beta Testing - Updated Sept 6th

Postby jilliangates77 » Tue, 16Sep06 15:43

Ya, there's a few areas in the story that if you don't get certain scenes, the game had some issues (eg, character would assume you know something, or they know you, when in fact you don't know them, etc).

I've fixed few of those and am cleaning up stuff like that as I play through and catch bugs. The latest release I just made available has 4 weeks of unique events, as well as a bunch of bug fixes, etc. The story is about done; most of what's missing is the ending / climax, as well as the epilogue for the endings.

Thank you for checking it out again, I appreciate it. I'll have to make a guide or list at some point to ensure that people know what the total number of scenes are with animation / sex.

To use the latest download, copy the images directory from the August version into the Sept 6th patch version and you should be good to go.
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Re: Superspy Steve: Beta Testing - Updated Sept 11th

Postby jilliangates77 » Mon, 16Sep12 05:59

It's not a gold release yet, but, it's 99.9% of the way there.

What's new in the release today?

Awesomeness, in a zip file. Seriously.

SuperSpy Steve: Origin Story is now 99.9% complete, with five unique endings and unique animation with multiple characters that is only part of the see everything, it would probably take 3-5 play thrus of the existing build.

To get all the great content:
1. Use the full version from my site from August 23rd
2. Download the latest patch release from today, Sept 11th
3. Copy & paste the images directory from the August 23rd release into the images directory for the Sept 11th release

Play, enjoy and (hopefully) send me some kind of feedback.
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Re: Superspy Steve: Beta Testing - Updated Sept 11th

Postby wllwf » Wed, 16Sep14 13:24

So you are a lady? No wonder Steve is super hot. I love your models. I wish Steve could be my man. lol Such a huge game.
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Re: Superspy Steve: Beta Testing - Updated Sept 11th

Postby jilliangates77 » Fri, 16Sep16 20:47

I appreciate the compliment, wllwf - and yes, I agree, Steve is pretty hot. But, I'm a bigger fan of the newer genesis 3 models personally and am working on my next game with those. Steve = Genesis 1, Gwen / Vanessa = Genesis 2, and Victoria, Jennifer, Chiyo = Genesis 3. The bad guys are all Genesis 1; banker bill is Gen 3 male.

If after this weekend's play through I don't find any unsolvable bugs, I'm going to call the game done and add the last few maps to make things open / easier to access a few of the sexy scenes.

Question for people who've played it so far with the following image in mind:
What would you say to having a garden scene with the clone series of images I have? There are about ~20 ish images in the set; not all of them are online (some are on DeviantArt, but, not all). This series would be unlocked with dialogue, etc, if the score for Chiyo & Jennifer was high enough. Also it would fit in with the foreshadowing of the threesome series later in the game in the ending. ;)

Feedback & thoughts appreciated.

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Re: Superspy Steve: Beta Testing - Updated Sept 11th

Postby lagoonfish » Sun, 16Sep18 00:13

Hi Jill,

congratulations on finishing the game!
I really like your idea with the garden scene, please go ahead and add this bonus images (I hope to see some more from Chiyo ;-) )

But I wonder if you could specify more details about the 5 endings as I have difficulties to get particular scene. Looking at the files in the patch does not reveal new images, so I really wonder about any new content, endings...

I still missing the 3some with Chiyo and Jennifer!
I had Jennifer saying she enjoys 3somes and after that I went to movies with Chiyo, but no choice to introduce Jenny to Chiyo, the only 3some possible is with Chiyo and Victoria (which is not bad as Vicky is hot and the Chiyo+Vicky 3some is my favorite fanatasy, but sharing Chiyo with Jenny would spice up things more ;-) )
Also I wonder how to get the scene with Gwen and Vanessa?
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Re: Superspy Steve: Beta Testing - Updated Sept 11th

Postby jilliangates77 » Sun, 16Sep18 01:52

For the 3some with Chiyo & Jennifer:

Make sure that Chiyo and Jennifer have higher love scores than Victoria especially, as well as Vanessa / Gwen. This will result in the 3some ending with both, unless you end in the Jennifer only ending. Those are the two branches that have the "ending only," animation scenes. The other endings are static renders only.

About Vanessa and Gwen:
During one of the interrogations if your love score with Gwen is high enough, you'll have the opportunity to visit Gwen after Vanessa and Ben are done with you in the police station. If you choose visit Gwen, you'll see that you hear a familiar voice. If you try to peer through the window, you'll be able to watch Vanessa ravish Gwen.

Thank you very much for playing! There are five endings; I've learned a ton from making such a long project and have a few things in mind to finish, but, it's pretty close to, "There." Any feedback you have before I call it good and move on to 100% my next project is appreciated.
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Re: Superspy Steve: Beta Testing - Updated Sept 11th

Postby lagoonfish » Sun, 16Sep18 20:26

Thanks for the hints.

So, the Chiyo-Jennifer-3some is nothing that shows up during the game but is just an ending that is triggered if love score of certain girls is high enough?
I'd rather prefer to see an option to suggest to Chiyo during the cinema scene to have the 3 some with Jennifer, if Jennifer has told you before she is into 3somes AND both girls have met at the beach for the Volleyball match.
Also I think after the cinema blowjob scene with Victoria there should be an option to take Victoria home and have a another 'session' with her.
Otherwise it's to sudden that she joins the 3some with Chiyo the other day if Steve and Victoria haven't fucked already.

I still wonder if the garden location has any use during the game...
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Re: Superspy Steve: Beta Testing - Updated Sept 11th

Postby lagoonfish » Sun, 16Sep18 20:40

I just figured out, some of the images that shows Gwen actually are named Megan (e.g. meganstripping.png).
I think that should be corrected to the correct girl's name.
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Re: Superspy Steve: Beta Testing - Updated Sept 11th

Postby jilliangates77 » Wed, 16Sep21 05:24

Image names; I'll see if I can fix those, but, it's probably not on the priority list until I fix some bugs.

Regarding the garden:
No, not yet - it will have a use in the 1.0 version, but as yet it doesn't.

Regarding the other questions:
I wanted to "hold back," one set of animation for both the Jennifer & Chiyo, as well as a Jennifer solo, for the two "good," endings. The others, while they have plot, have no further animation. In this, I was copying Seducing the Throne (awesome, Awesome LOP Gold game).
For Victoria and the theater, that's a good point if it's early enough in the day. There should be a sex scene with her aside from Theater / Coffee shop BJ & 3some with Chiyo. If it's not there, that's a bug / issue I need to add to the backlog.

There's a few other things to fix, add / edit as well. I'm out of town this weekend for a special Bday with my SO, and will probably have another release sometime next week.
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Re: Superspy Steve: Beta Testing - Updated Sept 11th

Postby PinkVendeta » Thu, 16Oct06 22:31


Just wanted to say great game so far, when will be your next update for any remaining fixes and so on?.

I have no issues downloading a full big game 1 to 2 GBs very fast, so am waiting for the next/last update and a new download to re download the big one again.

Great work on the renders, the girls and guys look great and the general scene artwork is very good also, animation is very smooth also, very good story, never played an 80s type game of this genre before solder returns and faces bad guys, but I loved it all beginning to end or ends ;)

What Work Flow do You use for your renderings?

Will a final finished release be as I put it the big download with any if needed patches included in it?, as said I have no issues downloading a BIG file if need be.

Again, great work on your game.

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