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Life Sim - Chat system

PostPosted: Wed, 16Apr27 12:44
by Draga

I hope this is the right forum section to talk about things like this. I'm currently gathering tons of Ideas for a Life Simulation that I might create in the future.
And I wanted to ask you guys what, in your opinion, is the best option the realize a chat system.

For example:
You run around the city, some random person pops up, you approach the person and you want to build a relationship with this person.

Idea 1:
A simple 'chat' button that automatically increases your releationship with this person.
-You click the chat button, one of many random sentences shows up (example: You both talked about the weather and you found out that he likes the sunshine) and you gain some 'relationship points' with this person.
Conclusion: It's very simple and easy to do but might be too repetitive and you can't really get a negative relationship.

Idea 2:
You get a little list with different topics you can talk with him about, depending on the topic you gain or lose relationship points.
Conclusion: This way you can get a good as well as a bad relationship with this person, but it might be a bit harder to figure out what topics he likes/dislikes at first. And this could be a bit more complicated to do if you get 20 different persons you can talk to, with everyone having his own personality and topics.

Depending on the relationship points with this person new options show up: Make him a gift, ask him for a date, exchange phone numbers or whatever.

What's your opinion about this stuff? What idea do you prefer or maybe you got a better idea? What would be the best option to realize something like this without it getting too repetitive/boring or too complicated?

Re: Life Sim - Chat system

PostPosted: Wed, 16Apr27 13:42
by GDS
Idea 1 : looks like a classic RPG/Date system kind of game
Idea 2 : Is the one most games and people here uses

But what engine Are you going to use?
Adventure creator? Flash? RPG maker?
Because each have its own limitations

Re: Life Sim - Chat system

PostPosted: Wed, 16Apr27 19:30
by Draga
I'm probably going to use Game Maker, so no real limitations and I can do whatever I like.

Re: Life Sim - Chat system

PostPosted: Wed, 16Apr27 22:59
by PassonStorys
Same thing am working on lol

My chat system


Done using game maker :)

Re: Life Sim - Chat system

PostPosted: Thu, 16Apr28 13:04
by Natali
Do you do graphic yourself or just using photos?

Re: Life Sim - Chat system

PostPosted: Thu, 16Apr28 19:03
by Draga
I'm going to do the graphics myself (3D renders)
But I'm currently just gathering ideas and I won't start working on it anytime soon I just opened this thread to talk about the chat system and what might be better.
I want to finish some smaller games first before I start working on something as big as a Life simulation.