Looking for French and Italian beta testers for RfJ

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Looking for French and Italian beta testers for RfJ

Postby tlaero » Sun, 16Mar06 19:31

Hi folks,

Marco and John have done a ton of work to translate Redemption for Jessika into French and Italian. Are there any native speakers of those languages who would be willing to beta test for us?

http://www.mediafire.com/download/l18vi ... RfJLoc.zip

Download the game and click the Start.htm like normal. On the first page, if you click the image it'll start in English, but if you click one of the links below the image it'll start in that language. Please report any issues, from, "I think it should be this word" to "This link doesn't work" to "The logic is broken and it's impossible to win now," here.

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Re: Looking for French and Italian beta testers for RfJ

Postby caravaggio » Sun, 16Mar06 20:17

Ok, I'm up for the italian version testing.. not sure how thoroughly I can test it though, since I don't have too much time. [img]images/icones/icon17.gif[/img]
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Re: Looking for French and Italian beta testers for RfJ

Postby Kane » Mon, 16Mar07 13:57

I'll try to help in italian.
If I see any issue i have to send a pm or write in this topic?
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Re: Looking for French and Italian beta testers for RfJ

Postby tlaero » Mon, 16Mar07 16:48

This topic please. It's best if the translators and you agree on any changes before I make them.

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Re: Looking for French and Italian beta testers for RfJ

Postby Rexxx » Mon, 16Mar07 20:30

I have looked swiftly at the translated game, but I don't know how much time I can have now, besides some expressions depends on someone taste.
For example in elevator1.html I could traduce:
Jessica, da ubriaca, dice:"Non dobbiamo salire molti piani, ma ci si può divertire molto in ascensore, che ne pensi ?"
And this isn't necessary better or it's possible to join the sentence:
"Jessica, palesemente ubriaca, dice:"Non dobbiamo salire molti piani, ma ci si può divertire molto in ascensore, non trovi ?"
And for me maybe this the translatio I prefer, but maybe it's only my taste.
The only things that I would change surely in the original translation are
Jessica, palesemente ubriaca, dice. "Non dobbiamo andare molto in alto, ma puoi divertirti un bel po' in ascensore, non trovi?"
I think you need a comma after ubriaca and if you don't add an "in" before "alto" the sentence is strange.
If I will find a bit of time before others finish the beta testing I will try to help.
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Re: Looking for French and Italian beta testers for RfJ

Postby caravaggio » Mon, 16Mar07 20:57

Ok, so, first typos I found:

"si" instead of "sì" in : intro1-intro23-sapart5b-bar4c-bar4a-bar16-bar19a-bar19d-japart9a-japart21ab
"da" instead of "dà" in: japart21ab-bar5
"perchè" --> "perché" -bar5
"stato" --> "Stato" -intro13-intro28
"eslama" --> "esclama" -intro23
"un ora" --> "un'ora" -intro24
"aiutati"-->"aiutate" -sapart26
"un'ingresso"--> "un ingresso" -japart1
"eccintante" --> "eccitante" -bar22
"un altra" -->"un'altra" -japart9a
"perfavore" --> "per favore" and "Ti" was supposed to be "ti" in -japart13

some thoughts:
-nell'intro viene tradotto "scriba digitale" io non ne ho mai sentito parlare, ma può essere una mia mancanza
-ho visto che anche tlaero scrive: Marc says,"..." non so per quella inglese, ma la grammatica italiana prevedrebbe i due punti davanti alle virgolette, ma lo dico giusto per rompere le scatole.
-Defense tradotto con difensore, ma credo stia bene "Difesa" pure in italiano
-in "sapart11g" forse "turgido" starebbe meglio di "indurito"
-subito dopo visto che in italiano si perde il giochetto "cool" "fire" forse è meglio "ma" invece del punto nella risposta di Marc, sennò la frase mi sembra un po' insensata
-in "intro18" è tradotto letteralmente "sopra e oltre" forse suona meglio in italiano "va al di là".
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Re: Looking for French and Italian beta testers for RfJ

Postby john milton » Tue, 16Mar08 16:25

Thank you guys for helping with the beta testing.

Rexxx wrote:elevator1.html
Jessica, palesemente ubriaca, dice. "Non dobbiamo andare molto in alto, ma puoi divertirti un bel po' in ascensore, non trovi?"

Thanks Rexxx, I missed both that comma and "in", and I agree that this translation sounds more natural.

caravaggio wrote:Ok, so, first typos I found:

"si" instead of "sì" in : intro1-intro23-sapart5b-bar4c-bar4a-bar16-bar19a-bar19d-japart9a-japart21ab
"da" instead of "dà" in: japart21ab-bar5
"perchè" --> "perché" -bar5
"stato" --> "Stato" -intro13-intro28
"eslama" --> "esclama" -intro23
"un ora" --> "un'ora" -intro24
"aiutati"-->"aiutate" -sapart26
"un'ingresso"--> "un ingresso" -japart1
"eccintante" --> "eccitante" -bar22
"un altra" -->"un'altra" -japart9a
"perfavore" --> "per favore" and "Ti" was supposed to be "ti" in -japart13

some thoughts:
-nell'intro viene tradotto "scriba digitale" io non ne ho mai sentito parlare, ma può essere una mia mancanza
-ho visto che anche tlaero scrive: Marc says,"..." non so per quella inglese, ma la grammatica italiana prevedrebbe i due punti davanti alle virgolette, ma lo dico giusto per rompere le scatole.
-Defense tradotto con difensore, ma credo stia bene "Difesa" pure in italiano
- forse "turgido" starebbe meglio di "indurito"
-subito dopo visto che in italiano si perde il giochetto "cool" "fire" forse è meglio "ma" invece del punto nella risposta di Marc, sennò la frase mi sembra un po' insensata
-in "intro18" è tradotto letteralmente "sopra e oltre" forse suona meglio in italiano "va al di là".

Thanks for your help caravaggio, the typos list will be definitely useful.
-I didn't know that either, so I made a little research and it does exist. (To my great surprise)
-I know, but it has not a great impact on the game, and looking for every occurrence would mean a ton of work for the slightest change. I hope it won't be a problem for anyone but I think it's not a big deal leaving it like that.
-In "sapart11g" i agree that "turgido" would be a better translation.
-Which page are you referring to when you say "cool" "fire"?
- Yes, definitely better to translate it with "Va al di là".

I'm writing in english to let Tlaero understand what we said.
Thanks again guys for your help, please keep them coming if you spot something strange.

To Tlaero, I'd rather wait a few more days and collect a few more reports (if they come) before changing anything.
I read that you were going to make those changes by yourself, there's no need to, I'll deal with it as soon as I can. It's my duty after all ;).
I'll download RfJ from the link up there and I'll upload it again when those corrections are finished.

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Re: Looking for French and Italian beta testers for RfJ

Postby caravaggio » Tue, 16Mar08 19:37

No problem, that was the halfway report, once I finish the playthrough I'll post the rest.

Unfortunately it seems i forgot to write down the page, it was during the sylvia/sarah scene, marc answers "don't know if cool is the right word. You definitely are setting it on fire" or something like that, now since in italian "cool" has a different translation i thought that simply using "ma" instead of the full stop will give it more sense.
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Re: Looking for French and Italian beta testers for RfJ

Postby Marco6661 » Fri, 16Mar11 07:32


Pas de Français motivés pour tester la version Française (à part Serge qui m'a été d'une grande aide)...?
J'aurais aimé avoir un retour de la part de testeurs à propos principalement des dialogues et surtout des commentaires lors des scènes plus "chaudes", les plus difficiles pour moi, peur d'être répétitif ou déplacé... [img]images/icones/icon18.gif[/img]

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Re: Looking for French and Italian beta testers for RfJ

Postby Depeche » Fri, 16Mar11 08:39

Ce n'est pas par manque d'envie, mais de temps.
Dès que j'ai un peu plus de temps, je m'y mets.
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Re: Looking for French and Italian beta testers for RfJ

Postby luke » Fri, 16Mar11 13:02

Pareil pour moi
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Re: Looking for French and Italian beta testers for RfJ

Postby Depeche » Fri, 16Mar11 14:51

J'ai commencé. Intro faite ( sous réserve d'autres regards plus perspicaces que le mien )

Localisation French :

Intro1 : Gary lève le nez da sa tablette => de
Intro 3 : Votre conversation s'interrompt à l'arrivé de deux autres => arrivée
Intro 5 : Elle a fait un gros effort pour câcher son identité. Ses longs cheveux sont noués en chignon. D'énormes lunettes de soleil lui mange le visage. Sa tenue mal fagoté dissimule sa silhouette. => cacher – mangent – fagotée
Intro6 : Loin d'afficher son extravagance coutumière, elle marche voûté => voûtée

J’aime bien la remarque sur le « Votre Honneur « )

Intro 11 : Je comprends votre honneur => Je comprends, votre honneur
Intro13 : L'Etat intente d'inculper /cinq semaines et demi." / complétement par surprise. => l’Etat entend inculper – demie – complètement
Intro 14 : compositeur => compositrice
Intro 18 accessions => accusations
Intro 24 : pareil / mènerons => pareille – mèneront
Intro25 : votre => vôtre
Intro28 : la partie civile => le procureur ( pour rester dans la logique du droit US )

La suite au prochain épisode.
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Re: Looking for French and Italian beta testers for RfJ

Postby Marco6661 » Fri, 16Mar11 16:14

Merci Depeche.

L'ensemble du jeu a été relu une bonne dizaine de fois par ma pomme et au moins deux ou trois fois par Serge.
Comme quoi il est utile que d'autres personnes si attardent, ne serait-ce que pour les corrections. :( [img]images/icones/icon7.gif[/img]

Il risque d'y avoir quelques discutions (polémiques?) autour de certains choix de mots comme par exemple:
"Intente d'inculper" qui moi me semble juste puisqu'il s'agit d'une audition avant un procès éventuel, donc...
"Compositrice", le mot est juste de la part de Depeche mais j'ai du mal avec ces mots féminins du Français moderne, sans aucun sexisme de ma part, bien entendu. [img]images/icones/icon13.gif[/img]
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Re: Looking for French and Italian beta testers for RfJ

Postby tlaero » Wed, 16Mar16 04:09

John and Marco, do you two feel that you have had enough beta testing to be happy with the results, or should we push for more?

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Re: Looking for French and Italian beta testers for RfJ

Postby Marco6661 » Wed, 16Mar16 06:36

Bonjour Tlaero,

They are not à lot of people who have take à look on the French version, but may be it is enough... :(
I send you today an ultimate file with the last corrections.

Have a nice day.

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