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Re: heyoo anyone feel like testing?

PostPosted: Sat, 14Jul05 03:57
by lamont Sanford
I hate to keep your balls waiting lol. Working on it, still a ways to go but it is coming along pretty well.

Re: heyoo anyone feel like testing?

PostPosted: Sun, 14Jul06 15:13
by Michuncik
So as you write you want to release two games in one time??
I wish you easy work and huge progress in short time :)

Re: heyoo anyone feel like testing?

PostPosted: Sun, 14Jul06 16:15
by lamont Sanford
The first game is hardly that, it is just a short little thing. It is mostly done but to be honest I am not entirely pleased with it so I will tack it onto the other game if there is room as a bonus. The 2nd game is roughly halfway done.

Re: heyoo anyone feel like testing?

PostPosted: Sat, 14Jul12 15:24
by Michuncik
Lamont can you give us some news from your work?? what kind of game you're working at??

Re: heyoo anyone feel like testing?

PostPosted: Sun, 14Aug31 13:34
by Michuncik
any fresh news?? :)

Re: heyoo anyone feel like testing?

PostPosted: Thu, 14Sep25 17:05
by bobbob1
Hi, any news?

Re: heyoo anyone feel like testing?

PostPosted: Mon, 14Nov17 08:24
by pyepye
any news?

Re: heyoo anyone feel like testing?

PostPosted: Mon, 14Nov17 17:59
by lamont Sanford
Hey, sorry for the lack of updates. Things have been pretty crazy of late and the game took a back seat. I will get back at it soon. When there is something worth posting about progress it will be posted in this thread.

Re: heyoo anyone feel like testing?

PostPosted: Fri, 14Nov21 18:07
by Broken Knight
Well, it must be flattering at least to know that people are beating down your door to get a shot at your games!

Re: heyoo anyone feel like testing?

PostPosted: Sat, 15Feb14 19:40
by Michuncik
any fresh news?? :)

Re: heyoo anyone feel like testing?

PostPosted: Sat, 15Feb14 21:10
by lamont Sanford
Latest news is I am closer to the end than the beginning now so thats progress. This game turned out to be way more of a pain in the ass than expected but the bulk of it is done , I just need to put an ending on it and test the shit out of it before asking for others to test. Dont fret I am still working on it although for the length of it (not that long) it is a royal pain in the butt to do.

Re: heyoo anyone feel like testing?

PostPosted: Sat, 15Feb21 13:54
by Rexxx
Good news, who knows if even this time your games will have a strange twist at the end (not necessary but in the two pleasantville i wouldn't have imagined the end).
But I have to say a thing for return in Pleasantville, after several running the impossibility to saving made me hate you a bit (even if i understand your choice), I think to have completed the game with all possibilities the same, but if a day you will release a version of that game without those limitations i think you will do many your fans happy.
In any case I have appreciate your past games and I'm waiting your new work, good luck !

Re: heyoo anyone feel like testing?

PostPosted: Sat, 15Feb21 18:44
by lamont Sanford
This new game is pretty close to finished now. I decided to change one thing but that will not take too long to get done. Just starting up the solo testing phase. Also just so people are aware re: this game it is nothing like the pleasantville games at all.

Re: heyoo anyone feel like testing?

PostPosted: Sat, 15Feb21 20:46
by wildcat68
Can't wait. That sounds interesting that it is nothing like Pleasantville. Got my curiosity up.

Re: heyoo anyone feel like testing?

PostPosted: Sat, 15Feb21 20:50
by Rexxx
I don't know if I had been clear before, but I had already imagined that this game wouldn't have been like pleasantville (I have nominated those only because they were other works done by you, but I had appreciate Pleasantville's games because were good games not for their styles specifically).
The most important thing that I wanted to say is that you are an author that could do things unexpected, so each time I'm curious what you will publish (it's not sure that each time you will do something "strange", but until I have ended the game I think that in any moment I could find a monster behind a door ^_^).
Without having played it I cannot say if the new game is good, but I will be very surprised if I won't appreciate your new work.
Good luck and I hope that you won't find many bugs, principally for you, we can wait until you are satisfied.