Good source of game images?

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Good source of game images?

Postby ZaphodB » Tue, 13Sep17 21:40

Well I have had a go at DAZ 3D and also TADS in an effort to make the game I want. It is a complex game so I'm putting it on hold for now and am currently writing a script for a story type game ... like the ones by shark ... but I have decided to try RAGS as it's simpler to develop (pretty sure my TADS game would be way beyond RAGS) just as a first effort to complete something.

What I would like to know is where I can get a good source of images (i.e. women in various states of undress in various locations, offices, bedrooms etc.) which I can use in a game? Many RAGS games seem to use the same set of models (Alison Angel seems extraordinarily popular in AIF games but TBH I've never heard of her outside these games).

I actually have collected many fake celebrity images over the years and whilst I have seen them used in many games I'm not sure of the copyright rules. The reason I mention celebrities in particular is that my game idea was set in Hollywood and involved corruption of actresses but it's not actually necessary for the game for the actresses to be famous so I could use models just as easily. I'm not saying the game will be any good just looking to get my feet wet as a games writer.

Thanks in advance for any help.
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Re: Good source of game images?

Postby ZaphodB » Wed, 13Sep18 20:50

Seriously nobody has any advice :(
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Re: Good source of game images?

Postby Super » Wed, 13Sep18 21:19

My advice would be to use tlaero's engine but that's just cause I prefer those games

You could just use google? I dunno, if you won't be making your images yourself, I'd think you could just try and use google. That or some hentai site if you want to try that.
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Re: Good source of game images?

Postby ZaphodB » Wed, 13Sep18 21:41

Thanks for replying super, but since this is forum for people who have created games I thought someone might know. I know on the hypnopics board they use a lot of models to create their RAGS games but they're often big breasted, tattooed or extensively pierced which isn't really the type of girls I like so I wondered if there is a standard resource site, for stock and model images, or if it was OK to use my own fake collection which may well contain copyrighted images even though any game I make would certainly be free.

Now people may say create the game and fit the images last but I'd kind of like to know where I could go with the images.
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Re: Good source of game images?

Postby Super » Wed, 13Sep18 21:52

Well most people on here make their own images in daz... So I don't think there's a place to get them all
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Re: Good source of game images?

Postby fleet » Thu, 13Sep19 00:19

I am not a lawyer.
I'd recommend against using images from the internet, unless the pictures are marked as royalty free, or you get specific permission for the copyright owner to use them.

There are a lot of free-to-use painted and hand-drawn backgrounds and characters in the 'creative commons' sub-forum at the lemmasoft forums. Some of them may contain a restriction against being used in adult games.

Here is the link
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Re: Good source of game images?

Postby ZaphodB » Thu, 13Sep19 02:29

Thanks fleet that's a help. Establishing whether images are under copyright is quite difficult but I think if the copyright holder enforces their rights then they are more like to ask you to do everything you can to remove said material. I shall certainly look at the link. I've recently been playing an MC RAGS game which has images of Avril Lavigne, Alexis Biedel and Mandy ?Moore and even uses their first names and that game has been around for a few years. There's even a celebrity in a game by a regular on this board which admitted is a cartoon image but nevertheless - not going to mention the game as I don't want to spoil the surprise.

If I can't make my Hollywood game work then maybe a Charles II game, I am sure he and his mistresses are out of copyright although the costume pictures I would have to use may not be.
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Re: Good source of game images?

Postby tlaero » Thu, 13Sep19 04:26

Images are, by default, copyrighted. Unless it explicitly says otherwise, you probably shouldn't use your images. This is one of the many reasons we use Daz.

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Re: Good source of game images?

Postby ExLibris » Thu, 13Sep19 07:41

I'd also add that while it's unlikely that the copyright holder will become aware of the illegal use of their images in a game with a limited circulation (which is presumably why so many RAGS authors feel comfortable breaking the law), it's not impossible and there's at least one example of it happening with an AIF game (fortunately in that case the copyright holder just asked for the game to be taken down).

A more practical reason to avoid using images from other sources is that it can be difficult to find images that represent exactly what you want. I've certainly played games where it seemed like the images were driving the story, rather than the other way around.

If you're looking for some plain language explanation of copyright, I'd recommend
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Re: Good source of game images?

Postby ZaphodB » Thu, 13Sep19 20:59

ExLibris wrote:A more practical reason to avoid using images from other sources is that it can be difficult to find images that represent exactly what you want. I've certainly played games where it seemed like the images were driving the story, rather than the other way around.

Thanks Tlaero and ExLibris. Now I understand. I assumed that the RAGS images weren't under copyright. You're absolutely right ExLibris but I've tried using DAZ precisely because it gives you control and also determines what is possible, but I'm afraid I really struggle with it (I wish I was an artist) Also with DAZ3D aren't you using the same basic model so everybody's got the same face? I'd be fine with other people doing artwork but then you face the issue of whether they will match what you want. I know Stan Lee had issues with other people saying they created characters because they first drew them ... but expanded from his ideas. Programming's not a problem for me, nor is game design, writing well others can judge, but artwork is a non-starter for me sadly.
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Re: Good source of game images?

Postby fleet » Thu, 13Sep19 23:08

ZaphodB wrote:
. . . Also with DAZ3D aren't you using the same basic model so everybody's got the same face? . . .

It takes time to learn DAZ 3D. I can't draw, but I've learned how to use DAZ. Regarding your comment about everybody having the same face, there are LOTS of free face morphs available at sharecg and renderosity to give the models different faces.

Here's a link to show you what I mean about faces.

sharecg also has poses so you can pose the characters (some even where they are being intimate)

Free registration is required to download from sharecg.
There are lots of free morphs and poses at renderosty (They also sell stuff).
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Re: Good source of game images?

Postby ExLibris » Fri, 13Sep20 09:36

Have you considered ADRIFT 5? It supports images, but it's not as completely image-focused as RAGS is, so you wouldn't be forced to create/find as many images. It also has the advantage of being free (unlike RAGS).
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Re: Good source of game images?

Postby ZaphodB » Sun, 13Sep22 21:03

Thanks for everybody's help. I think especially for the kind of games here, images are very important because to a large extent the payoffs are sex scenes or seeing a character naked. I'll watch the videos and see if I can get anywhere with DAZ but I do lack artistic skill and wouldn't want to spend the majority of my time creating images.
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