Project - Virtual catch girl

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Re: Project - Virtual catch girl

Postby boonzar » Thu, 10Aug19 11:30


I'am new here and I want to present a project based on virtual date girls.

I use the adventureCreator tool wich help me a lot. Thanks to the creator ....

I think i can name it virtual cath girls, because we can meet different girls in it and it is not based on a single date.

My game introduce some random events, but an important thing, i want a management of time.

Example :

it is 7:00 PM, I go to the bar, no one is interesting
but, if i come at 8:00 PM in the bar, there is a girl alone. I can speak with her, try to charming her ....
But, if I dont speak with her, and I stay in the bar, at 8:30 PM, she go out make an other thing ....

It's difficult to make the entire code, and i want to introduce 7 girls, on a complete week, but work dont afraid me.

Do you think it can be interesting ?

My problem in that game is for pîctures, because, for instance, i take pictures from virtual date girls, with some operation in paint shop pro, but it is a hard work, and i cant change original pictures.
I search models with different poses, or tutorial for dazstudio ( I download trial version to see ) or advices for design.

excuse my very bad english, it is not my language

Thanks you

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Re: Project - Virtual catch girl

Postby Graen » Thu, 10Aug19 12:38

Go for it!

In my opinion, you should start off a little smaller. Make a small game taking place in just one day, or part of a day, to test out your time-management system to see if it's playable, and if it can accommodate most everything you want it to do.

You could always ask, nicely, the artists in the "Sexy Girls" section of the Lagoon if they would be willing to help you with the graphics for your game after you have a working system. It might be best to PM them, if they haven't already seen this thread and contacted you.
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Re: Project - Virtual catch girl

Postby TheBrain » Thu, 10Aug19 15:00

I agree with graen that you should start off smaller. I have seen many projects and ideas fail because of overambition. I think it's always best to start off with a small prototype, by working on it you might uncover unanticipated problems or even get new ideas. Also once you have the prototype you can have a few people test it (although, opposite to what is common in the RAGS community, I wouldn't suggest a public release). From there you can refine the prototype. The basic idea in this is that nobody can create a perfect design from scratch, it requires a lot of work and testing.

Although I can't really help you with the pictures, I would suggest that you ask permission before just "taking" pictures from VDG. Chaotic started out his work on this forum and I think it would be wrong to just idly stand by as his work is copied.

In the worst case, if you can't find any artist or do it yourself, you could always use pictures from the "free erotic galleries" that are very common on the internet (of course in the most cases using those is probably a violation of copyright, though I doubt it would bring any trouble).
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Re: Project - Virtual catch girl

Postby boonzar » Thu, 10Aug19 15:42

thanks Graen and theBrain.
For instance, I use pictures from virtual date girls.
I send e-mail to chaotic for use pictures, but no reply.
You are right to say : "start small".
I begin small ( first scene not finish ) and i will see where I can go.
I have a lot of idea, that i cant cant because i havent pictures.
For pictures, i see in some threads that links go to tutorial or free download, i will try it.
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Re: Project - Virtual catch girl

Postby tlaero » Sun, 10Aug22 11:20

Hey boonzar,

I'm glad AdventureCreator is working for you. I'm looking forward to your games.

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