Valkyrie Chronicle by edenSin

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Valkyrie Chronicle by edenSin

Postby Icebaer3 » Tue, 16Jul05 14:56

Hello Sharks,

here is my new project and I wanna know your feedback. Is it a game that makes fun to play and should I go further with the development?!
English is not my native language . Therefore, it may seem a bit bumpy in the translation, but the meaning should be clear.


Your father the Duke of Mistral is dead. Now it is your turn, to build up your village and the castle. Decades of war have shattered the country. Many different factions fighting for the power of the kingdom. The prophecy speaks of a sprout that brings even the gods to fall. Maybe it is you?!

Click Management with some turn-based Battles. Many Picture Grafics from hot villagers. The game in one sentence: Like "Game of Thrones" but with more sex and violence!



Current Status:
Game Version 0.67

- Base game is implemented and works
- some chars implementet, but actual with no story
- Battle System integrated and works
- Sex Scene System implemented and works
- 2 Battle (Tutorial and after the Bridge)
- Lady Courtney in Istral has a short Story and a sex scene
- After the Alchemist has build, there a short Tutorial abour potions
- a short Story round about the bridge

Comming next:
Content, Content, Content...

Gameplay Tip:
First of all, you should build up your village and all the stores and shops.
It does not matter how long that takes, there is no time limit and actual no Bad Events
After that you should rise you Fighting Stats in the castle (Training).
You can not die, but the battle is not to easy.
The only Story scenes are the Duke of Istral, the Alchemist and the elf by the bridge.
Last edited by Icebaer3 on Wed, 16Jul06 07:52, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Valkyrie Chronicle by edenSin

Postby M » Tue, 16Jul05 17:16

You're missing colons in both of your download links.
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Re: Valkyrie Chronicle by edenSin

Postby lydia02 » Wed, 16Jul06 01:17

Enjoy your games so glad to see you have a new offering. Still disappointed that there won't be more updates to your john smith game. You did mention opening access to the game coding so someone could continue it. Any update on providing coding access? I would be interested in receiving coding access for john smith and any future images that you had planned. Also tried your m game but didn't get very far as I don't know german. Could you provide assistance in how to play the game? I tried the map with africa on it and couldn't do anything with it. Couldn't do anything with the people in the marketing room. Couldn't interact with trump. Couldn't do anything in the chem lab. Could buy the girl items but quickly run out of money. Assistance would be appreciated. Thanks.
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Re: Valkyrie Chronicle by edenSin

Postby Icebaer3 » Wed, 16Jul06 07:52

M wrote:You're missing colons in both of your download links.

Jup, thank you. Fixed!

lydia02 wrote:Enjoy your games so glad to see you have a new offering. Still disappointed that there won't be more updates to your john smith game. You did mention opening access to the game coding so someone could continue it. Any update on providing coding access? I would be interested in receiving coding access for john smith and any future images that you had planned.

I had already thought to release the source code, but I would also like to continue to work. That´s round about 25 GB data material including all the planed pictures. And the skriptcode I use with John Smith is similar and although something different from the new project.

Regarding the M-Game... we work on a translation, but with no priority. A Walkthrough in englisch for me is like learn Chinese... it would go but make little fun. Sorry!
But I am open for support. Who understands English and German, is welcome to sign up for translation work. Currently I translate everything with my school English and Google.
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Re: Valkyrie Chronicle by edenSin

Postby lydia02 » Wed, 16Jul06 23:35

Good to hear that you are still interested in working on john smith. Your post on your blog sounded like you weren't going to continue the game. As to the m-game, looking for general how to play information like what is already included in the game help. Just unable to read german so I couldn't use the help info. General info such as: how to interact with trump, how to hire the people in the marketing room, how to use the map that shows africa, how to use the chemical engineer, etc. Thanks for your games and assistance with the m-game.
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Re: Valkyrie Chronicle by edenSin

Postby Dole » Thu, 16Jul07 13:59

Sieht ganz nett aus.

Gekauft alles was ich konnte. Aufgewertet die Lager bis Max. habe ich nicht ein Lager auf 10. Brückenkämpferin besiegt mit 20 Stärke und 44 Lebenspunkten.

Schwachpunkte sind im Moment (vielleicht bewust):

- Waren können nicht alle auf einmal verkauft werden
- ein automatisches produzieren der Luxusgüter wünschenswert z.B. durch Aufwertung
- Zufallsereignisse Wünschenswert wie Rekordergebnisse in Produktion,Missernten usw. (Richtung Fugger falls es ein Begriff ist)
- ein täglicher Verbrauch der Bevölkerung an Gütern würde es realistischer machen
- der Heiltrank bringt später nichts da er zu wenig heilt, hier wäre es Wünschenswert wenn er sich nach dem Maxlevel der vorhandenen LP richtet
- Kampf ist sehr zufällig, Beispiel mit meiner 20 Kraft richte ich 2 Schadenspunkte bei der Gegnerin (Brücke) an
- der Marktplatz ist zur Zeit überflüssig hier wären auch Schwankungen der Preise wünschenswert, so daß auch nur der An- und Verkauf Gewinn bringen sollte
- weiß ja nicht ob Du den Tod wirklich einführen willst ansonsten wäre eine schnellere Heilung begrüßungswert z.B. in der Kirche
- automatisches sammeln der Heilkräuter begrüßungswert wenn durch Aufwertung oder Einstellung von Sammlern oder wie auch immer (es nervt irgendwann)

Bin gespannt wie es weiter geht.
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Re: Valkyrie Chronicle by edenSin

Postby Icebaer3 » Thu, 16Jul07 15:55

lydia02 wrote:General info such as: how to interact with trump, how to hire the people in the marketing room, how to use the map that shows africa, how to use the chemical engineer, etc. Thanks for your games and assistance with the m-game.

Ok, I try...
As the name of the game say: Ultimate Meat Tycoon Dating Sim Manager [img]images/icones/icon12.gif[/img]

About the Story:
You looking for a new job, and in the company where you introduce yourself, there is the lovely Lady. You lost your heart. The problem: her daddy is Mr. Trump. So you get the job and you should try to bring the ailing comapny back on track again. Regularly Trump borrows money from you. And when you threw him all the money in the throat, you're blame for, that he can starts his election race for President.

Afrika (Button with Tree):
The more indian villages you are burning down, the more cattle you have, the more meat you can produce.

Trump (the ugly face on the left):
First number is his respect for you. Rise it and you can build more farms, and thus more meat (second and third button wit 50 oder 70 respect).

How many burger pellets they produce from the meat. With the 5 button, you can control if the cattle get hormones injected in order to increase the yield.

Marketing (Monitor Display):
If your corruption is to high, you lost the game. Here are some specialists that can lower the value with "unconventional methods" (maybe if you want to use traces of semen with your burgers in order to promote sale).

Distribution (the little burger shop):
An overview of the distribution channel with costs and production.

Branch Network (map on the wall):
Expand your empire with the building of new branches and rise the number of potential customers.

Research (test tubes on sideboard):
Thus you increase the addictive among customers for your products. Not always by legal means.

Just Statistic´s

Ivanka (The white door on the right):
Buy presents for your girlfriend and hope the get the good end.

I hope that helps you a bit.

Danke für deine Rückmeldung zum Spiel. Einen großen Teil deiner Anmerkungen sind schon geplant. Es waren aber auch ein paar Dinge dabei, die ich mir noch überlege einzubauen. Danke dafür!
[Thanks for your feedback on the game. A large part of your annotations are already planned. But there were also a few things here that I still think about to integrate. Thanks for that!]
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Re: Valkyrie Chronicle by edenSin

Postby lydia02 » Fri, 16Jul08 23:15

Thanks for the info. Is there a way to play the game in a window? This way I can translate various bits to better follow what is going on. Didn't see the option for a window but maybe I missed it.
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Re: Valkyrie Chronicle by edenSin

Postby BeanBean » Sat, 16Jul09 02:15

I played though up until the bridge battle. I didn't have the patience to level up enough to be able to win that battle.

I'm very impressed. The character and background images blend well together, and the sound fits in nicely as well.

Here are my suggestions for improving the game.

At the moment it is a resource management game, but there is no pressure on the player to play efficiently or think about their decisions. The number of days it takes the player to reach a goal has no impact they can just keep mindlessly clicking until they win. For it to be an engaging and fun game, the player will have to make meaningful decisions that impact on his success.

In the town hall, it would be good to be able bring up a screen that shows a summary of all the resources you have on hand and your daily rate of acquiring resources. The same goes for any location you are required to build things.

The potions and flowers are not well explained. Which flower is fairy dust? What does each potion do? This might be explained somewhere in the game but there is nothing to teach/remind me when I'm actually crafting.

It the battle is says "Your opponent is fighting for his life", when the opponent is female.
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Re: Valkyrie Chronicle by edenSin

Postby saylor » Sat, 16Jul09 04:56

Another suggestion: In the market, you have to click each item to sell quantity of one. If you have 70+ of a dozen items to sell, that's a bunch of tedium to generate the cash to train. I'd suggest a "sell all" option for each category, and maybe even a "sell everything" to empty all market items.
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Re: Valkyrie Chronicle by edenSin

Postby master110 » Sun, 16Jul10 16:00

Yes it is a fun game but one question I have how do you save?
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Re: Valkyrie Chronicle by edenSin

Postby master110 » Sun, 16Jul10 16:03

lydia02 wrote:Thanks for the info. Is there a way to play the game in a window? This way I can translate various bits to better follow what is going on. Didn't see the option for a window but maybe I missed it.

Yeah double click on the settings.
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Re: Valkyrie Chronicle by edenSin

Postby Icebaer3 » Sun, 16Jul10 21:11

Thank you for all the suggestions. It's just a demo, I will definitely expand the game.

The "Settings.exe" ist for the Settings :crazy: where you can choose the Fullscreen or Window Mode.

And if you want to save a game, just push ´ESC´ for Ingame Menu.
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Re: Valkyrie Chronicle by edenSin

Postby lydia02 » Mon, 16Jul11 02:07

Thanks for the info about how to go into a window. Every game I've ever played has the option to choose a window inside of the game. Not in the game files. Managed the Ivanka ending in the m game. Is that the only ending or is there more?

As to the val game, what you have is nice. Currently strikes me as relying a bit heavy on selling market surplus in order to accomplish the various game objectives. Also, the amount one can sell a product for isn't very much higher than what it cost to create a product. So not much incentive for creating & selling products. It also seems odd that you can create armor but don't use it. Nor do you take say the shield after winning your first battle. `As previously mentioned, the flowers are referred to by name but are only named in the library. Are the totals that are tracked in the library going to be used in some way going forward? There didn't appear to be a use for them at this point. The various areas such as the castle that you click on can take awhile to open. Also, the game often freezes on exit.
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Re: Valkyrie Chronicle by edenSin

Postby Icebaer3 » Mon, 16Jul11 19:19

yeap, window mode is no option ingame, because the editor has no option for it.

And in the M-Game are one ending with Ivanka and one if you lost the money. Ok and a bad end if you have no money.

Valkyrie is a Alpha release, so there are many things to do. And the statistik in the library is primarily for me. But I have some suggestions for a use of it.
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