AIF Minicomp 2012

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AIF Minicomp 2012

Postby ExLibris » Sat, 12Mar17 06:46

In case anyone is interested, the rules and deadline for the AIF Minicomp 2012 were announced last week:

(originally posted by Purple Dragon on aifarchive and

2012 Mini-comp submission rules are as follows:

• Your game must have five or fewer rooms. Closets do not count as rooms so long as they're just places to store things. If your player is required to spend more than a couple of turns in a closet, it counts as a room.
• Your game may have no more than four characters, including the player-character(s). No more than two of those characters may participate interactively in sex scenes. This is an expansion on previous years' rules and allows the PC to be a non-participant or voyeur while the two non-player characters have sex, and also allows the game to switch the PC from one character to another.
• As an exception to the above rule, cutscenes will be allowed under certain circumstances. In this case, I am defining a cutscene as a single block of text of any length triggered by a single command (or event, randomly, whatever). For instance, you might "look through telescope" to spy on your neighbors having sex, or "watch dvd" to see some porn. The participants in these scenes can be either one or more of the four characters that you are allowed or merely background characters. In either case, each character can only be involved in a single sexually explicit cutscene (unless of course they are one of your two sexually active characters).
• Another use for cutscenes might be to sketch in background information or develop the story or characterization. A character can appear in any number of these types of cutscenes, provided there is no sexual content involved. Although I am putting no limit on either of the above types of cutscenes I urge you to use discretion in adding them. A few can add some very nice flavor to a game, but too many will not only increase the scope of the game beyond the spirit (if not the letter) of the rules, but can also become cumbersome for the player to weed through.
• Multimedia (images and sounds) are permitted, but may not add more than 150KB to the native (unzipped) size of the game file.
• No part of your game can have been released to the public before the deadline.
• Your game must be winnable (or at least it must have an ending that the player can reach).

Mini-comp submission procedures are as follows:

• The submission deadline is 9:00 a.m. CST Monday, May 21, 2012.
• I [Purple Dragon] will be available to help beta-test your game. Beta-testing is strongly encouraged but not required. If you are looking for a beta tester please consult the following link for a list of people who have agreed to test games. ... =beta.html
• I [Purple Dragon] will collect the entries by e-mail and post them at the normal places after the deadline. Send your entry to aifsubmissions AT gmail DOT com (obscured to prevent spam).
• Authors should send a walkthrough with their entry. The walkthrough will be used by comp organizers to verify the game can be won and to provide hints for players.

Voting procedures are as follows:

• Everyone, including entrants, will be allowed to vote.
• Voters will have approximately two weeks to play all the games and vote. The voting deadline will be announced when the games are released.
• Voting will be conducted by online ballot. It will be set up to rank each game in order of preference in each category. Rather than rank the entire list of games, only the top three or five will be ranked in each category. If the total number of games submitted is 3-6, then the top three will be ranked. If we receive more than 6 games, then the top 5 will be ranked.
• Discussion of the games during the voting period will be allowed.
• Authors will not be permitted to post updates of their games during the voting period.

Voters will be asked to judge all the games in the following categories:

• Concept. Is it a good idea for a mini-comp game? Does it work well with the set limits? Does it feel complete or more like a game fragment?
• Writing. How well-written is it? Do the settings have the atmosphere that the author seems to be after?
• Characters. Do the characters 'come to life'? How sexy are they?
• Sex. How hot are the sex scenes?
• Technical. How many bugs are there? What neat tricks did the author invent?
• Enjoyment. How much did you like the game?
legend of the South Seas
Posts: 745
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Re: AIF Minicomp 2012

Postby ledino » Mon, 12Mar19 15:26

at the speed, I write my first game, I think that I'll be ready for the 2022 minicomp.

I hope, that some people will be faster than me. :)
great white shark
Posts: 38
Joined: Tue, 07Aug28 23:00

Re: AIF Minicomp 2012

Postby fensome7 » Wed, 12Jun27 17:12

Has there been any further news about the minicomp for this year? i.e. when the games will be released to play etc.
im sorry if there is already a post somewhere else on the forum asking this question. Just curious as i haven't seen/heard much about it.
great white shark
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Re: AIF Minicomp 2012

Postby ExLibris » Wed, 12Jun27 21:01

fensome7 wrote:Has there been any further news about the minicomp for this year? i.e. when the games will be released to play etc.
im sorry if there is already a post somewhere else on the forum asking this question. Just curious as i haven't seen/heard much about it.

The first deadline came and went with only one entry, so there was some doubt if the minicomp would happen this year. But the deadline has been extended one more time, and the minicomp will go ahead if there are at least three entries.

Repost from aifarchive

The mini-comp deadline has been extended one last time. If you want to participate then get your entries in to aifsubmissions AT gmail DOT com (obscured to prevent spam).

Below I have reposted the rules in detail:

2012 Mini-comp submission rules are as follows:

• Your game must have five or fewer rooms. Closets do not count as rooms so long as they're just places to store things. If your player is required to spend more than a couple of turns in a closet, it counts as a room.
• Your game may have no more than four characters, including the player-character(s). No more than two of those characters may participate interactively in sex scenes. This is an expansion on previous years' rules and allows the PC to be a non-participant or voyeur while the two non-player characters have sex, and also allows the game to switch the PC from one character to another.
• As an exception to the above rule, cutscenes will be allowed under certain circumstances. In this case, I am defining a cutscene as a single block of text of any length triggered by a single command (or event, randomly, whatever). For instance, you might "look through telescope" to spy on your neighbors having sex, or "watch dvd" to see some porn. The participants in these scenes can be either one or more of the four characters that you are allowed or merely background characters. In either case, each character can only be involved in a single sexually explicit cutscene (unless of course they are one of your two sexually active characters).
• Another use for cutscenes might be to sketch in background information or develop the story or characterization. A character can appear in any number of these types of cutscenes, provided there is no sexual content involved. Although I am putting no limit on either of the above types of cutscenes I urge you to use discretion in adding them. A few can add some very nice flavor to a game, but too many will not only increase the scope of the game beyond the spirit (if not the letter) of the rules, but can also become cumbersome for the player to weed through.
• Multimedia (images and sounds) are permitted, but may not add more than 150KB to the native (unzipped) size of the game file.
• No part of your game can have been released to the public before the deadline.
• Your game must be winnable (or at least it must have an ending that the player can reach).

Mini-comp submission procedures are as follows:

• The submission deadline is 9:00 a.m. CST Monday, May 21, 2012.
• I will be available to help beta-test your game. Beta-testing is strongly encouraged but not required. If you are looking for a beta tester please consult the following link for a list of people who have agreed to test games. ... =beta.html
• I will collect the entries by e-mail and post them at the normal places after the deadline. Send your entry to aifsubmissions AT gmail DOT com (obscured to prevent spam).
• Authors should send a walkthrough with their entry. The walkthrough will be used by comp organizers to verify the game can be won and to provide hints for players.

Voting procedures are as follows:

• Everyone, including entrants, will be allowed to vote.
• Voters will have approximately two weeks to play all the games and vote. The voting deadline will be announced when the games are released.
• Voting will be conducted by online ballot. It will be set up to rank each game in order of preference in each category. Rather than rank the entire list of games, only the top three or five will be ranked in each category. If the total number of games submitted is 3-6, then the top three will be ranked. If we receive more than 6 games, then the top 5 will be ranked.
• Discussion of the games during the voting period will be allowed.
• Authors will not be permitted to post updates of their games during the voting period.

Voters will be asked to judge all the games in the following categories:

• Concept. Is it a good idea for a mini-comp game? Does it work well with the set limits? Does it feel complete or more like a game fragment?
• Writing. How well-written is it? Do the settings have the atmosphere that the author seems to be after?
• Characters. Do the characters 'come to life'? How sexy are they?
• Sex. How hot are the sex scenes?
• Technical. How many bugs are there? What neat tricks did the author invent?
• Enjoyment. How much did you like the game?
legend of the South Seas
Posts: 745
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Re: AIF Minicomp 2012

Postby ExLibris » Tue, 12Jul17 20:53

Reposted from aifarchive:

The 2012 AIF Mini-comp has now been released. The games are packaged into a single zip file and can be downloaded here:
2012 AIF Mini-comp Games

The file is also available in the files sections of the AIFArchive and

As in the past voting will be conducted by online ballot. Voting will run for two weeks. The last day to vote is July 30th, 2012. Please click the link below to vote. It will only take a minute and is an easy way to support the authors' hard work on the games you're enjoying.


Due to a very last minute entry that finally made its way to me there are five entries in this year's comp.

The After School Special by Armsteadhammerschlag
Behavioral Psychology by Rip_CPU
A Dog's Life by Gary Plume
The Drunken Harlot by kkennon
Gifts of Phallius: The Final Sacrifice by GoblinBoy

As with the last couple of years discussion of the games is allowed during the voting period. Feel free to ask questions and discusses the games openly. I highly encourage you to give some feedback to the authors of the games. It is reallythe only payment they get for their work and goes a long way toward ensuring future games. If you would like to remain anonymous you can send your feedback to me and I will pass it on to the author.

[NB. Post any feedback on aifarchive!]
legend of the South Seas
Posts: 745
Joined: Sat, 09May30 23:00
sex: Female

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