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Re: foreign university

PostPosted: Tue, 11Apr05 22:29
well i love this game because it is like date-sim but...
i never played anything i didn't understand :)
I'll give it a try another time if someone actually translate it so lazy people like me(those who are too lazy to translate)could understand it :)

Re: foreign university

PostPosted: Wed, 11Apr06 01:31
by mgunter
I'll translate it. Can someone get his permision?
already sent PM)

Re: foreign university

PostPosted: Fri, 11Apr08 14:37
by Jefke
Nice game, especially as it is your first attempt.
Haven't finished the game yet but liked it untill now.
I found it only difficult to know how a girl would react on certain actions and how you could see the progress. It would be easier to have a different way of seeing how you progress for winning a girl for you. Now it is random when you ask the guy in the disco and it can take a lot of attempts before you get the info about the girl you are interested in.
Got some parfum from the guy in the disco but it does not appair in my inventory, and no idea what to do with some other things I get from him.

Re: foreign university

PostPosted: Thu, 11Apr14 01:21
by borrowitch

Re: foreign university

PostPosted: Fri, 11Apr15 01:20
by mgunter
borrowitch wrote : here is the game without password

I've started with some tranlation, do you happen to have a scrïpt for the game on MS Word?
J'ai commencé avec de tranlation, arrivez-vous avoir un manuscrit pour le jeu sur MS Word ?

Re: foreign university

PostPosted: Sun, 11Apr17 10:40
by Henrik
i'm making good progress (i think) on an english translation.

-room descrïptions
-character descrïptions
-40% of early game dialogue and action descrïptions and consequences.

Re: foreign university

PostPosted: Mon, 11Apr18 02:26
i hope to see it finished soon ;)
but take your time :)

Re: foreign university

PostPosted: Mon, 11Apr18 02:29
by Graen

Good luck with your translation, and don't feel rushed. I'd rather see a good and understandable translation then something that just got fed through the google translator.

Re: foreign university

PostPosted: Sat, 11Apr30 05:58
by Son-of-Odin
Sorry, if I ask, but are there any news about the translation?

Re: foreign university

PostPosted: Fri, 11May13 04:54
by nathsatan
Henrik wrote:i'm making good progress (i think) on an english translation.

-room descrïptions
-character descrïptions
-40% of early game dialogue and action descrïptions and consequences.

If you want i can help you ro read your work, i'm french, but i think i have a good english

Re: foreign university

PostPosted: Sat, 11May21 18:44
by Henrik
sorry for so long with no update.

got a new job and had some immediate deadlines to hit that interfered with this project, as well as causing myself all sorts of problems when i accidentally changed the names on a couple of variables that affected variable calls in the game later on.

those are fixed, and i'm back at translating. i am done touching variables in the game, though, at least for a first translation. most of the translation here will be dialogue, descriptions, and any expositions will be translated. in short, unless you're hopelessly dense you should be able to figure out what's what.

room and people descriptions: translated
dialogue: alyson is done, probably. working on sandy next. once i have three or four major characters translated, i'll put up a beta for folks to play and you can let me know about stuff i've missed or mis-translated.

finally, where i feel like decorating up the descriptions/dialogue i'm doing it, without changing the intent or altering the story.

Re: foreign university

PostPosted: Thu, 11May26 04:14
by Hey Chief
Well sir I for one would like to thak you for sticking with it (the translation) as I tried and failed miserably, probably because I speak very poor French.

Re: foreign university

PostPosted: Thu, 11May26 17:03
by Frenchi
I can't translate it for you as I didn't have the RAGS member designer tool otherwise I would have done it few weeks ago.

So wait for Henrik version I think he's doing good job.

By the way, in the French version, some picture can be shown as the path to get them is not wroten (Alison for example).


Re: foreign university

PostPosted: Fri, 11May27 00:18
by Henrik
my francais is solid enough, i'm just now discovering how big a game borrowitch originally wrote. thing is huge. slogging through it.

Re: foreign university

PostPosted: Fri, 11May27 03:13
by Henrik
Henrik wrote:my francais is solid enough, i'm just now discovering how big a game borrowitch originally wrote. thing is huge. slogging through it.

btw, just wanted to make sure my intention is clear here, not sure that translates well--i'm actually rather in awe of what borrowitch did with this game. if you've played it you know that he's written a ton of different branching paths here for the game. i honestly had no idea so much writing/programming went into the making of a rags game. he did a masterful job, and i'm just trying to do his work justice.